Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 423: Care about you

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Your Majesty, it's too early today. Why don't we go play?" Chen Jiu immediately suggested.

"Go play? Let's go to another day. I still have something to do today, so I'll go back first ..." After a moment of hesitation, Shenmi decided to hang on to Chen Jiu's appetite, so she left without a break.

Now this image is really no face to see people, God power anxious to go back and wash

Although a little disappointed, Chen Jiu was not discouraged. If he took advantage of this time to hide into the space and steal the power of God, take it off in the bath, and put on the sticker. The body of the **** butterfly gold silk clothes, but he obviously Not willing to do so again.

If this just stole clothes, wouldn't such a big beauty be cheaper for others? Chen Jiu could not tolerate it. He thought that such a superb woman should belong to herself, at least those three competitors are not worthy of possession.

Before you steal the clothes, you have to steal her heart, huh, that's it.

Half a day later, only half a day passed. When the sky was just getting dark, Chen Jiu went directly to see Shenmi, but Shenmi obviously did not refuse, and summoned him again.

"Long Jiu, are you going to come to me?" Shen Mi preached slightly displeasedly, "I still have to read the choir here."

"Your Majesty, I'm here to invite you to enjoy the moon ..." Chen Jiu said confidently.

"Oh? Moon appreciation, what is the reward today on a non-full moon night?" Shenmi hesitated.

"Your Majesty, today is the night of the full moon," Chen Jiu affirmed.

"Nonsense, only on the 29th today, where's the full moon?" Shen Mi was angry.

"Your Majesty, if today is the full moon, what are you doing?" Chen Jiu asked eagerly.

"If it weren't the full moon today? What about you?" Shenmi asked.

"If not, what do you want, then what," Chen Jiuyi said proudly.

"If so, whatever you want, that's what it is." Shenmi was unwilling to give in, and immediately agreed.

"Your Majesty, let's not wait any longer, and hurry up to the roof ..." Chen Jiu was suddenly surprised.

The full moon is only a little more than a day, and most people don't care at all.After all, by the end of the month, the moon is already very round. Only those who are interested can find the difference. As the Emperor, the Emperor is so powerful, it is really nothing. Kong Tiantian pays attention to the moonlight in fact.In fact, there are also plays in her plays, saying that it is a sign of heaven and earth, but she has not had time to take a closer look. This is Chen Jiu, just one step away, she does not need to lose to Chen Jiu.

"Okay, let's go to the roof and wait ..." Shenmi, unbelieving, was eager to try, and accompanied Chen Jiu to the top of the mythological hall to watch the moon and enjoy the scenery.

"What a beautiful woman, I will make a poem, how about it?" Chen Jiu immediately showed off.

"Oh? Listen, what culture do you have?" Shen Mi sat on the spine of the room with interest and looked at Chen Jiu.

"The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground, looking up at the moon, looking down at the lady," said Chen Jiuman's poetic expression.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I have come, I will take advantage of it.

"Okay, I didn't do it this time. I'll make another one ..." Chen Jiu immediately said again: "Toast to invite Mingyue, and the three will become the three."

"How can there be three of them? Obviously the two of us?" Shenmi was puzzled again.

"You still have one in your stomach ..." Chen Jiu said softly.

"What? You ... you big badass, I hit you and let you talk ..." Shen Mi was so embarrassed that he immediately waved a pair of small powder punches and ignored Chen Jiu regardless of his image. .

"Oh, don't fight, the child in your stomach is not mine ..." Chen Jiu ran away in pain.

"You also said, let you say ..., let you talk nonsense ..." Shame was flushed. Red, Shenmi chased Chen Jiu and continued to fight.

"Okay, don't fight, I confess, I confess that he is my child ..." Suddenly, Chen Jiuyi yelled solemnly.

"You ..., you big hooligan, if you do this again, I will leave ..." Shen Mi was angry, and it seemed that the consequences were serious.

"Your Majesty, I'm just kidding, don't you get angry, I just watch your boss have a face and want to make you happy," Chen Jiu quickly persuaded.

"Then you are not allowed to say these things again, understand?" Shenmi warned severely.

"Well, it's okay not to say it" Chen Jiu nodded and agreed.

"It's almost the same. If you make another nice song, I will forgive you," Shenmi continued to demand.

"This ..., okay." Chen Jiu hesitated for a moment, feeling that this plagiarism was a bit shameless, but he was very human, and naturally he would not care about these fiercenesses, and immediately said: "People have sadness and joyful separation, and moons have dark eyes. It's an ancient task. "

"Oh? Long Jiu, do you admit that you lost?" Shen Mi said proudly: "But for your so talented, I won't care about you today"

"Don't, I'm going to care about you," Chen Jiu quickly advised.

"What? Take care of me, are you a fool?" God Power rebuked.

"Is it a fool, look at the sky, ah, the moon has come out ..." Chen Jiuzhi pointed to the sky, accompanied by a moonlight, and Shenmi was dumbfounded.

"This ..., what the **** is going on? How is that possible?" Shenmi was shocked, rubbing his eyes in disbelief, and exclaimed: "No, this is not true, I must be dreaming, Qiankun In the history of the continent, the ancient cycle of celestial phenomena has never changed. Today is the 29th, and there is no real full moon. "

"Isn't it full moon, are we the masters still unclear?" Chen Jiu said with a slight smile: "Your Majesty, you are the king of a country, and you are willing to gamble and lose."

"Here, bite me and see if I'm dreaming?" Shenmi was a little worried. Was he guilty of flower idiots and dreaming of spring at night? Will the dream meet him?

"This is what you asked me to bite." Chen Jiu was not polite. He grabbed the power of the jade arm of Shenmi, muscle. Skin. Tender. It was not painful when he opened it. When he opened his mouth, he bit it. When this girl hit We have to take care of our hatred.

"Oh, you really bite, lightly, dog-like, let go soon ..." Shen Mi was suffering, and finally realized that this was not a dream, and suddenly felt dumbfounded. "What the **** is this? You How did you know it was full moon today? "

"You don't care how I know, I just want to know, what you said is still not counted?" Chen Jiu looked at Shenmi with a miserable look, waiting for her answer.

"Of course, but what do you want to do?" Shen Mi stared at Chen Jiu with some vigilance, apparently warning him not to mess around.

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