Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 4231: Lost only once

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Shut up, I will never give out Chen Jiu Xian!" The Emperor Bingyun was angry at all the ministers and was very angry.

"Your Majesty is angry, my personal life and death are small, and the safety of the immortal kingdom is great. For everyone, I am willing to sacrifice myself to complete the immortal kingdom!" Chen Jiuman said with a generous face.

"Chen Jiu, you have no need to sacrifice!" Bingyun Emperor frowned at Liu Mei and said nothing.

"Your Majesty, since they have slandered me as a fairy, and scourge Bingyun, if you do not hand me over, you will also give them truth and give them reasons to send troops, so if you want to do it, do it absolutely and donate me. Your determination! "Chen Jiu solemnly analyzed.

"But this, after all, you are innocent!" The Bingyun Empress is still difficult to accept.

"What about innocent? As long as Xianguo can be kept and Her Majesty can be happy, I can donate my life to the country at any time!" Chen Jiudai Ling Ran.

"Kind to please Your Majesty ..." The generals really admired Chen Jiu at this time, but this did not hinder their selfishness at all.

"Are you sure?" Bingyun Empress sighed sadly, she really didn't want to choose if possible.

"Master, we have to fight with them. You can't sacrifice Chen Jiu under pressure!" Bing Ying was anxious, tearful.

"Hey, let's all step back and let my uncle accompany Chen Jiu for a while!" Bingyun Emperor waved her hand, retired the generals, and glanced at Chen Jiu. "Are you mad at me?"

"Don't dare, I just don't want to be Your Majesty because I'm in trouble!" Chen Jiu shook his head and explained.

"But if you do this, wouldn't it make me lose you?" Bingyun the Empress questioned repeatedly.

"It's better to lose me than to lose the whole world, Your Majesty, don't you say it?" Chen Jiu asked, it seemed to have seen through.

"You ... sometimes too clever and bad!" Bingyun Emperor Yu Yun no doubt considered Chen Jiu's meaning, she sighed silently: "I can promise you, but I must also tell you that in this life I only Negative you this time, if you can survive, then I will never lose you even if I lose the world! "

"Your Majesty, thank you. With your words, I have no regrets!" Chen Jiu smiled happily.

"Stay with me today, I don't want to owe anything!" The Empress Bingyun suddenly said something amazing, and she wanted to make up for Chen Jiu as much as possible.

"Uh ..." Chen Jiuyi was gone, wouldn't it be that she was planning to give herself up?

"Come with me!" The Empress Bingyun didn't say it explicitly, but turned and left.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Chen Jiu stammered, how dare to take a step!

Although the palace of the emperor is no stranger to this place, Chen Jiu is here for the first time, especially in the face of a noble and divine woman like the emperor Bingyun. He is somewhat restrained.

"Relax, you can take a bath first!" During the consolation of Emperor Bingyun, Chen Jiu twisted it, really a little embarrassed.

Damn, I really treat myself as a man's pet, but even if it's a man's pet, then this time he's settled. Chen Jiu faced a woman like Bingyun Empress who wanted to kneel and lie. How could he give up her chance?

Like a big girl, Chen Jiu carefully took a bath, and looking at him seemed a bit nervous, the Emperor Bingyun smiled playfully, but this guy is nothing like what he did when he battled on Bing Ying. !!

Finally, waiting for Chen Jiuzi to come up, the Emperor Bingyun jumped in and washed herself, and then came to him in such a frank and candid manner, making him look foolish in the past.

The contrast between the screen and the front is roughly the same, but it is still very different when you look at it closely. Chen Jiuben thought that the ice emperor is 360 degrees perfect without dead ends. Now it seems that she is just 720. Ten degrees without dead ends!

"Lie down!" Bingyun didn't let Chen Jiuduo watch, and gently pushed him, so that he lay on his own dragon shop.

"Hey!" Then, Chen Jiu was speechless. Although he wasn't the first time a woman was riding, he came to ride him so actively, that was the first time!

As a man, he really did not expect this day when a woman would ride on his head. However, facing a woman like Bingyun, Chen Jiu felt that even if she rode on her head and shit, she was willing!

It's a bit rude to think carefully, but who makes the face of a domineering, honorable, and divine woman like the Empress Bingyun, all men will look weak in front of her.

Chen Jiu, lying there motionless, was at the mercy of people, as if at this moment, he was the big girl, playing and playing.

Of course, passive is a bit more passive, but all in all, watching Jiuyun such a woman riding on her body, that look like swinging, Chen Jiu is not happy!

The indescribable happiness of body and mind, Chen Jiu quickly hid several times, but just when he had to come back a few times, the Emperor Bingyun suddenly stood up and left.

"Your Majesty, you are ..." Chen Jiu was totally incomprehensible, eagerly looking!

"I'm out of energy today, that's it!" Bingyun emperor explained gently, her face was hardly red and she put on her clothes again.

"This ..." Chen Jiu was embarrassed, but after thinking about his status as a male pet now, he was relieved. Forget it, don't care about her first, wait for her to slowly subdue her, and see if she dares So proud of myself!

Yes, although Empress Bingyun devoted herself to Chen Jiu, she kept her dignity as much as possible, and never showed the unrestrained lethargy.

"Chen Jiu, I'm sorry!" Bingyun Empress apologized again.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid all the men in the world are envious of me now. They want this opportunity to be loyal to His Majesty, but they haven't got it yet!" Chen Jiu smiled easily, as if I did not lose.

"Sleep!" The Bingyun Empress reluctantly smiled, lying on the side of Chen Jiu, hugging him tightly, and the two slept slowly.

The next day, the Emperor Bingyun announced the decision to send Chen Jiu, which immediately drew a shout from the whole dynasty. Bing Ying was almost fainted, and forced to ask her to **** Chen Jiu herself.

"Just!" Bingyun, the emperor, knew what was going on between the two and naturally was willing to give them this last time of separation.

The Iron Armor Divine Army, enthusiastically escorted Chen Jiu, the first genius of the immortal kingdom, and was detained to the side as a fairy. This has to be said as a great irony to the Bingyun immortal country!

"Shoot the head bird, Chen Jiu, you are too aggressive!" The leader of the march was actually the town general Li Yongchang. How could he give up such an opportunity to scold Chen Jiu?

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