Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 4236: Late wedding

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

After some battle, the emptiness in the mind and the loneliness of her body completely disappeared, but she still refused to rely on Chen Jiu, and looked at him with curiosity. "What you said today, yes Not really? Do you really have that kind of doomsday bomb? "

"That's natural. Otherwise, how did the people in the empty tree army die?" Chen Jiu said proudly.

"I didn't expect that you actually controlled this weapon of extinction. You knew that you would be fine, didn't you?" Bingyun, the queen, once again regretted that there was a question.

"Yeah, of course I will be fine!" Chen Jiu admitted frankly.

"You ... you deliberately asked me to dedicate you, did you calculate it before?" The Bingyun Empress suddenly felt that Chen Jiu was a little scary.

"That's not true. I just want to know where I am in your heart. Sure enough, I'm not as good as your empire!" Chen Jiu inevitably felt a little sad.

"Then why did you come back to save me?" Bingyun, the Empress, was a little puzzled.

"After all, you are already my woman. I think I should give you another chance, do you mean it?" Chen Jiu laughed suddenly again.

For Emperor Bingyun, Chen Jiu hasn't known her for a long time, and he can't get an absolutely important position in her at once, but after this, he believes that he is irreplaceable, even if it is Bingyun Immortal country is not OK!

"Thank you, thank you!" The Empress Bingyun was grateful, and now she was grateful to have given herself to Chen Jiu, the little man who touched his heart, he really made himself more and more inseparable from him.

"Master, if you really want to thank me, let me ride for a while!" Chen Jiu could not help but asked for a comeback.

"This ... then you can't be too fierce, and when I asked you to stop, you must stop!" Bingyun, the emperor wanted to refuse, but really could not bear to let Chen Jiu disappointed, and made it difficult. Promised.

"It's good to say!" Chen Jiu promised on the surface, but his heart blossomed.

In this way, the dignified Bingyun Emperor knelt in front of Chen Jiu in a relatively shameful posture, and he controlled it.

"Stop ... you stop, don't come again!" The Bingyun Emperor frowned, and stopped loudly.

"Master, aren't you beautiful? Why stop? What's your name, what do you want to do when you're there?" Chen Jiu actually saw it through, and the Emperor Bingyun didn't dare to let go completely. I am always suppressing my instinct.

"How can I? You don't talk nonsense, I'm not the kind of casual woman!" Bingyun Concubine is a concubine. As a generation of concubines, she must maintain her image at all times, even at this time. .

"Really? Then do you dare to make a bet with me, I can let you release your nature, believe it or not?" Chen Jiu was seriously questioning.

"No, I don't want to make a bet with you, Chen Jiu, hurry up, otherwise I will be angry!" Bingyun Emperor really seems to be angry.

"That's not okay. Today I saved the Bingyun Fairyland. Whatever you do, you have to let me do it all for once!" Chen Jiu invited me to work, and started myself.

"Hmm ..." The Emperor Bingyun strained her body instantly and couldn't refute Chen Jiu, yeah, he made such a great contribution today, so he condone him once, and hold on for a while!

However, after a while, the Emperor Bingyun felt that Chen Jiu hadn't finished, and she really couldn't hold on.

An unstoppable happy bomb exploded in my body and mind, causing myself to have an instinct to shout and release this pressure.

No, I ca n’t shout. I ’m the emperor. In this struggle, Bingyun's thoughts gradually blurred. She faintly saw Chen Jiuli in front of the two armies. The heroine was handsome and faced millions of male divisions , The faces do not change their color, and finally domineering figure of them.

Tall and heroic, a kind of surrender to him, the desire to snuggle around him to be a little woman gradually grew out, and the Emperor Bingyun slowly let go of herself!

Yelling, desperately welcoming him. How could the Empress Bingyun never imagine that she would become such a woman one day? The sister Bing Ying, who once made her despise, even had a day like them!

"Hey, Lord Empress, that's right, so it's like a woman!" Chen Jiu finally climbed proudly on the Emperor Bingyun, it was really beautiful.

Such a respectable, luxurious, and overbearing generation of empresses, completely conquered by themselves as a little woman, not to mention how beautiful!

"Chen Jiu, please don't do this in the future? I really can't accept myself like this!" After the awakening of the Emperor Bingyun, she still couldn't let go.

"Why? Is it because you are the empress?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but feel a little unwilling.

"Yes, as the empress, I have a responsibility on my body. I cannot sink into the affairs of men and women. I hope you understand me and leave me this share of self-esteem!" Bingyun empress demanded solemnly.

"Madam, in fact, this is not in conflict. You can be the supreme lady to the outside, and you are also my little woman to you!" Chen Jiu urged.

"No, you are my little man!" Bingyun Empress corrected.

"Okay, okay, but one day I will be the big man in your heart!" Chen Jiu lamented that she was not forced too tightly.

"Chen Jiu, call my name in the future!" The Bingyun Emperor then said voluntarily: "My name is Bing Jinxiu, you can call me Splendid!"

"Ice Fairy? Nice, pretty name!" Chen Jiu smiled in praise, it seemed that she didn't do anything wrong this time, I believe that with her development, she will eventually become the little woman who belongs to herself. !!

"Chen Jiu, let's get married as soon as possible, okay?" Bingyun Empress is full of requests, it seems to be afraid of losing Chen Jiu again.

"Yes, you can arrange it!" Chen Jiu naturally had no opinion on this, and a grand wedding began to be organized immediately.

The great marriage of the emperor dilutes the sorrow caused by the aggression of the six kingdoms. Seeing that the Bingyunxian kingdom will soon recover its vitality, the other six major kingdoms are as uncomfortable as eating shit.

"No, this kid can't be so cheap. This person must be removed at all costs, otherwise we will not only share the hope of Bingyun, but also live in fear in the future day and night!" A series of conspiracy plans against Chen Jiu , Once again unfolded.

The sun was shining and the purple gas came to the east. On this day, Rui Qi shrouded the fairy palace, Bingyun and Chen Jiu finally ushered in this late wedding!

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