Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 454: Artifacts

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Holy, that was a feeling of detachment and overriding. For a moment, Chen Jiu felt that the entire world was being suppressed by himself, bowing his head and being extremely powerful.

With a real intuitive understanding of the saint, Chen Jiu couldn't help but think that the time and space mystery learned by the masters of the Three Realms and the Four Realms was basically childish.

That's just the most superficial and mediocre kind of introductory understanding. The power of time and space is far more than that.

"Congratulations to the Master for further advancement, and the rise of my Dragon Blood family is just around the corner ..." Many old men are also rejoicing and looking forward to it.

"Well, you must assemble the elites as soon as possible. I will pass on your dragon dragon mentality to help you increase your combat power ..." Chen Jiu did not make nonsense, and received benefits. Naturally, he must also give up his talent

"Xie Shaozhu ..." Having learned about the magical differences of Chen Jiu, Long Kong did not hesitate, but instead went to convene the people.

A day later, a total of 40,000 outstanding Longgu family elites were selected.

Before bloodletting and passing power, Chen Jiu couldn't help coming to Jiulong Jiulong again, and saw a huge and infinite dragon in this magical space.

Even though there is a trace of majesty of the saint, but Chen Jiu looks at the dragon, it is still a sense of powerlessness

"Master, what's the order?" The dragon roared, asking in a regular way.

"Uh, I want flesh, but before that, let's replace the excess merit value with a holy weapon. I am a dragon blood overlord. I don't even have a baby who can get it. This is not too cold. Is it? "Chen Jiu immediately demanded.

"Yes, but each holy weapon has a merit value of 100 million," the dragon nodded, and then shouted.

"What? You slaughter people, why is it so expensive, the last two that I gave me were only 100,000 ..." Chen Jiu immediately complained.

"Master, of course you are cheap, of course ..." Dragon said helplessly: "The rules are like this, you can choose not to change"

"You ..., do you fix me? I tell you, one day you will regret it," Chen Jiuqi threatened angrily.

"Master, this has no effect on me." The dragon was not afraid at all.

"Okay, I changed ..." Chen Jiuyi was ruthless and decided to change it, because once the dragon blood was redeemed, all the merit values ​​would be cleared, and this only required 50 million.

At present, the merit value is still 1.42 billion, which is enough to redeem a lot of holy weapons.

"Master, in view of your generosity, I can give you a total of fourteen sacred vessels this time, and five drops of blood, please collect them." The dragon did not hesitate. Between opening his mouth, five drops of fine blood were injected into Chen Jiu's. In the body, the snow was hidden into the baby, and the fourteen holy artifacts also fell to his side.

Shengwei is full of time and space. Chen Jiu is in it. If it has not been just elevated, he will be pressed up and unable to lift his head. Looking at these different holy artifacts, he thinks his threat has played a role. When he thought the dragon was not so unfriendly, he suddenly saw a holy weapon, and Shengwei was obviously much weaker.

"Fuck, pretend to be generous, but actually gave me a artifact, you ..." Chen Jiu immediately picked up the artifact, and the spotted dragon was extremely dissatisfied.

"Oh, master, don't insult me. I humiliate my character," the dragon explained a bit embarrassedly: "Although this piece of equipment is a little bit broken, its effectiveness is definitely not worse than the others."

"Then you give me another one ..." Chen Jiu demanded severely.

"Sorry, master, your merit value is only 70 million, and you cannot redeem a complete sacred weapon, and I give you this one, and it is an exception for you. Don't ignore it ..." Preaching.

"What? Just this exception, and still use exceptions?" Chen Jiu rolled his eyes silently. "The bully said clearly, why do you argue so?"

"Master, you misunderstood me," the dragon explained immediately: "I have my rules. Some things cannot be changed, but they can be changed. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand" Chen Jiu crossed her face, very displeased.

"Master, although this artifact is a little bit broken, but I will tell you the essence of it, you will be surprised ..." The dragon continued to explain: "In fact, the artifact is the artifact, but it is only It's just broken. Although it can only reach the first grade of the Holy Class, it has a certain deity in it. Once it is excited, it is enough to kill all the holy artifacts. "

"What? This is an artifact ..." Sure enough, Chen Jiu's eyes suddenly became extremely eager.

You know, even though the four emperors who ruled the Qiankun continent, they finally refined them, but they were only the best holy artifacts, and this artifact was completely beyond the holy artifacts.

Although it is a little bit broken, it is indeed a blessing to think of its original appearance and to have it. Suddenly, Chen Jiumo. Holding this utensil, I am extremely happy and no longer disgusted.

"Yes, master, your other holy artifacts, I have redeemed them for you according to the highest standards. I could not have given this artifact to you, but I read it because we have known each other for so long, so I will give it to you. You made a discount and gave it to you ... "The dragon told his intentions.

"The top sacred weapon, the sixth grade? Yes, old dragon, for your interest, I will be better for you when I become stronger in the future ..." Chen Jiu wrote a blank check, that was Full of excitement.

At the same time, he knew that in the eyes of the dragon, the sacred artifact did not have such important grades, less than six grades, and they were all defective products, and this did not require a full amount of merit.

In the underworld, there is a rule that binds the dragon so that it cannot be violated. Chen Jiu knows that this time the dragon took the initiative to give him such a artifact. It was also showing him goodwill, and he received benefits, naturally. You have to say something to reassure the other person. In this case, maybe there will be special care in the future.

"Master, as long as you're not overcast ..." the dragon hesitated.

"What? Yin you, what do you mean? Am I not a righteous gentleman in your eyes, but a villain who specializes in poisoning others with conspiracy and deceit?" Chen Jiu immediately became dissatisfied and exclaimed.

"No, master, you think more, I just worry, nothing else, your image is naturally magnanimous, king of the world," the dragon quickly explained and complimented.

"Huh, it's almost the same, I'll confess the Lord before I say ..." Chen Jiu didn't care about it any more, but instead looked straight at the artifact in his hand.

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