Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 461: Final battle

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Old man, you're forcing me to fight against you to death." Listening to the inhuman words, Chen Jiu's face was somber and he stood suddenly opposite Mu Ji class.

"Haha, it's just a joke. Depending on your master's practice, you also want to fight against me? Do you know? I can pinch you to death with one finger ..." Mu Ji laughed endlessly.

"Is that so? If you have the skills, you can try one?" Chen Jiu sneered, right.

"The polar world, Optimus, you don't want to run away again ..." Mu Ji naturally knew that Chen Jiu was extraordinary, and immediately released the powerful Saint Tianzhu, supporting a chaotic world of yin and yang, and bound Chen Jiu in. Later, he felt relieved. "Boy, you are stupid, you are so stupid ..."

"Five Dragon Changes ... Dragon, Ghost, and Snake God" Chen Jiu drank violently, and the whole man fought with all his strength, and the human-shaped tyrannosaurus appeared again.

The dragon's mouth growls, the dragon's claws stab the sky, the dragon's wings cover the sky, the dragon's tail is empty, the dragon's horns are glorious, and the transformed Chen Jiu is combined with the powerful dragon ghost and snake god, turning into a **** Monster, **** bite.

"Good boy, your attack can indeed kill all the strong men below the holy level ..." Slightly surprised, Mu Ji said with a smile: "But these are not enough to see in front of me.

'Boom ...' A palm, under the cover of the sky, unavoidable, in the middle of the dragon ghost snake god, screaming, the powerful dragon ghost snake god, the body bursts, can't bear the Muji class one The power of the palm.

With a bang, the dragon, ghost, and zombie smashed, and Chen Jiu was also blown out and could not be hostile.

The whole body was shining with lens-like light. Chen Jiu had no problem. He then took out the dragon blood sword, opened the sky, and slashed away.

"It's useless, you don't have to dying any more, and you can suffer. I can still give you a good time ..." Mu Ji-level silk shot without fear, under the chaotic beam of yin and yang, Chen Jiuzhi felt his own In the trick, the energy was chaotic and exploded. He was helpless and was blown out again.

"Abominable, is it really impossible?" Chen Jiu frowned, very unwilling.

"How? Did you realize that you are insufficient? Immediately kneel down and apologize to me. I will keep you alive ..." I was just scolded, but now Ji Ji is going to be ashamed. Shame Chen Jiu, only Be able to resolve this hate.

"That being the case, it's just desperate, Tianlong God Crown, come out ..." Chen Jiu's determination has been made, and he opened his hands, so he asked for a broken crown.

"This is ..., a holy holy artifact, do you want to use it to make a comeback, it is really a big joke ..." Looking at the crown that Chen Jiu took out, Mu Ji level laughed aloud.

"There is no blood of Shenlong, but only one fight with his own blood ..." Chen Jiu's voice was low and people did not understand it, but from his determined expression, it can be seen that this time, he really I was going to die.

The blood of Shenlong has all contributed to the elites of the Longgu family. Chen Jiu's achievements are now cleared and he can no longer redeem the corresponding blood. He wants to start the Dragon Dragon Crown and only uses his own blood.

Although not as pure and powerful as Shenlong's blood, it undoubtedly also possesses a certain deity, which can inspire the god-level strength of the Dragon Crown and kill all enemies in seconds.

"Hey, wouldn't you lose your mind and go crazy? Knelt down immediately, otherwise, I will let your clan die with you all ..." Mu Ji threatened again.

"Enough, old things, today you die or I die" Chen Jiu looked up suddenly, staring fiercely at Mu Ji, the noble and supreme look, even he despised him.

"You ..." I was stunned by this kind of gaze. There was no tremor in the Mu Ji class. He couldn't tolerate it. He immediately shot and said, "Let's take it, stinky boy."

‘Boom ...’ The yin and yang are chaotic and the order is upside down. In this world of extreme change, Mu Ji is heaven and god, and this palm he hit is enough to destroy ordinary saints.

"Tianlong Divine Crown, indulge in my blood, reproduce the power of God" Chen Jiu reprimanded the blood, and the blood flowed to the bead above the crown.

‘Boom ...’ A sacred, transcendent, and overwhelming breath suddenly emerged, sweeping time and space, annihilating yin and yang, and it was extremely powerful.

‘Zi La La…’ makes Mu Ji level dumbfounded, that is enough to annihilate the attack of the Holy One, before reaching this breath, it is basically a quicksand, and it has scattered all the power,

"This is impossible. What crown is this? How can I feel that a supreme Lord is awakened in general, so terrible ..." Mu Ji levelled, staring at the crown in the hands of Chen Jiu, shocked.

"It's not the Lord, but the Lord, Mu Ji, your birthday is here ..." After Chen Jiu delivered a lot of blood, the entire crown was crowned with five towers, and a dignified breath shot out. , Dominate everything, and he also took the crown homeopathically, and gained this kind of breath.

For a time, Chen Jiuwan was like a god's master who appeared in the world.

"You ..., you have to make a mystery, if you are so powerful, you just chopped me off, you won't wait until now, you will be transformed into the Holy Light, shoot me ..." After a short shock, Mu Ji Immediately came to realize, with a more powerful light, to blast Chen Jiu.

"It's no use, you low-level means, still don't take it out to shame it ..." Chen Jiu smiled scornfully, Shen Weijia, he feels that he is really a god, Mu Ji class in front of him, no more Not so powerful. His reliance and his method are completely transparent in his eyes, without any mystery at all.

‘Bang’ waved his hand gently, and Chen Jiu broke up the extreme change of the holy light that made the saints smell the wind. The power is inestimable.

"You ..., this must not be true. The wooden **** is on top. Please give your believers the sacred power ..." Seeing Chen Jiuziqiang, Mu Ji could not help but summon the power of the gods again.

With the power of the gods, this is a magician-specific method. Once used, the power of the gods is added, and the combat power is more than doubled.

"Broken" Chen Jiu didn't say nonsense, he punched directly and struck Mu Ji level, wherever he went, all the origins of the world were shattered into ashes and it was difficult to exist.

‘Boom ...’ makes Mu Ji class even more dumbfounded. Even with the power of the gods, but a punch with Chen Jiu hard, he was blown out, his hand fist burst, and it was unbearable.

"How is this possible? How can the power of the gods not be able to defeat you ..." Mu Ji's punch was shocked, but it was Mu Na, unbelievable.

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