Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 510: Datang Empire

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Ka Ka…’ The ice crystals continued and regrouped. A tall, picky, snowy, white, and lingering peerless woman came back.

"Hey, Chen Jiu, give me back my chest." Chen Hanxue stared at it with great dissatisfaction.

"Ah, I ..." Chen Jiu took a surprised look at his hands, but he didn't expect it to be the one he was in. When he opened his hands, the ice crystals flew and attached to Chen Hanxue's chest, making her even more amazing. Full.

"Huh, what kind of person is holding something? At first glance, you know it's not a good thing," Chen Hanxue blame.

"Sister Han Xue, you are promoted to the Grand Master Five Realms, immortal realm, eh, isn't this clothes just broken, how did you make it up again?" Chen Jiu was not embarrassed. clothes.

It ’s okay to scream. If it ’s pulled, the already shattered clothes fall down again.

Peerless, physical, Chen Hanxue is like a goddess of the ice age, body, Yingying flashing treasure light, ice, muscle and bone, so that on the spot, Chen Jiu was dumbfounded, unable to control herself.

"Hey, you can't mess with my idea." Chen Hanxue proudly warned, and quickly put on her clothes again.

In the state of immortality, the whole body can be split and reorganized, and the body can be regenerated. At the same time that the clothes have just turned into ice crystals, the clothes naturally shattered. After the reorganization, they just absorbed them with Yuanli. Chen Jiuyi pulled, Chen Hanxue was obvious. It is also intended to make him fully satisfied, otherwise, why would he lose all of a sudden?

"Well, sister Han Xue, you can take care of me here, I really have to go." Although Chen Jiu was a little bit reluctant, this time, he really had to go.

"Okay, you go quickly, blue should wake up soon" Chen Han waved his hand, but drove Chen Jiu out of nostalgia.

Returning to the house, Chen Hanxue was gasping, flushed, and moist, really nervous. She was terrible, but after Chen Jiu's trouble, her mood was much better

Dead boy, this time for the sake of Yuangongxueyuangong, I will not care about you, so thinking, Chen Hanxue is naturally ashamed to admit that he is served by Chen Jiu. When I am cool, I am not willing to stay with him Angry thing.

"Er, Sister Han Xue, has the master gone?" Just then, Chen Lanyou woke up.

"Just left, do you have anything else?" Chen Hanxue immediately corrected his expression and cared.

"It's no big deal, sister Han Xue, I'm not dressed yet, can you help me? I don't have any energy yet," Chen Lan said with a look of embarrassment.

"Okay, I help you." Chen Hanxue didn't care much, but when she lifted the sheets, it was a bit dumbfounded.

Chen Lan is cute and childish. Tender and full of charm, she is like a fairy born of Zhong Tiandi's spirit, pure and holy. She should not have become worldly, she should have been transcended from the world, but now she Childish, tender posture, but weak paralysis. Soft, the pair of shapely snow. White jade. Legs, wide open. Open, exposing the infinite Shenhua, Jiao. Didi, even as Women are also intoxicated for a while.

"Sister Han Xue ..." It seemed a bit uncomfortable to be watched by a woman like this, and Chen Lan couldn't help screaming.

"Ah, blue, I have never seen such an aura girl like you, then Chen Jiu is really, even you are willing to get started, and it is so **** you, it is really not a thing" Chen Hanxue was shocked Screaming, quickly counting Chen Jiu's not.

"Sister Han Xue, don't blame Master. In fact, he also has his own difficulties. As women, if we don't bear a little bit, shouldn't we let him go out and fooling around?" Chen Lan persuasively advised.

"Blue, you will spoil the kid like this, this man will have to be beaten properly to be honest." Chen Hanxue has different opinions.

"Oh, did Sister Han Xue just hit the young master?" Chen Lan didn't argue, but asked suddenly.

"I ... of course I beat him, otherwise why did he leave obediently?" Chen Han was suspicious, and he couldn't help pinching his legs tightly.

"It turned out to be this way. I said that I seemed to hear some noise just now. It turned out that it was Sister Han Xue who was teaching the young master," Chen Lan said pretentiously.

"Yeah, yeah, blue, let me dress you." Nodding awkwardly, Chen Hanxue's face could not help but burst into flames. She didn't dare to imagine that if Chen Lan knew the truth, then herself Isn't it selfless?

Playing with Chen Lan's tenderness, tender jade, body, looking at the piece of red. Halo and Chen Lanmi. Li Tao. Drunk expression, Chen Hanxue scolded Chen Jiu hatefully, this dead boy, really So good

‘A snee ...’ On the other side, after leaving his father, Chen Jiu was on the same road with Zhu Lao.

In the mountains that don't fall, Chen Jiu rubbed his nose and landed. This was a scary place for him in the past. Now there is no difficulty.

St. Majesty's mighty sky, sweeping eight thousand miles, powerful demons semi-holy, saints, and cruel beasts, all scared the soul and trembled.

‘Porphyrin…’ At first glance, some unfortunate people lost their lives and no bones were left. When Chen Jiu stepped out of it half a day later, it was contented and confident.

The blood and performance of the dragon have been restored again. This time, he went to Datang, and fell to the island country. He is determined to get it.

"Tang Lu, lead the way, we can go directly to your Tang." Chen Jiuyi ordered that Tang Lu break the space tunnel. Several people crossed in and appeared again, already in another country.

‘Wow ...’ This is a magical country, an extremely prosperous empire, and it can definitely be ranked at the top of the continent.

Gold is shining, silver is shining, and the colors are colorful. The whole country shows a wonderful light under the sun.

As if this is not human, but it has come to heaven, Tiecheng, Shicheng, Jincheng ... everything seems to be luxurious and rich

At a glance, it seemed as if heaven had fallen to earth, vast and sacred.

"How? We did n’t blow it up in the Tang Dynasty, right?" Tang Lu immediately got proud. "Look at the road, which is paved by the rubies that ordinary people dream of. This thing is nothing to us. Scarce "

"Okay, knowing that you have money, like the rich man, what are you proud of?" Long Gui immediately dissatisfied: "Rich money is not spent like this, you should pay attention to taste, you know? Do you know what art is? Only art is priceless. Look at my clothes ... "

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