Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 512: To the island

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Is this really the case? Isn't it your initiative to waste silver? What do you think of your palace, all of them are palace ladies, not even a eunuch?" Chen Jiu wondered, unwilling to believe Tang Cheng's words.

"Hey, Chen Jiu, you don't know, like my Datang, who is willing to cut off the younger brother now, to this degree of richness, and come in as eunuch?" Tang Cheng immediately explained.

"Then you are really sure that you will not waste your achievements?" Chen Jiu asked again.

"Of course, I dare to promise," said Tang Cheng solemnly.

"I can't see it, Tangcheng. Although you are quite honest, but it's okay, okay, I promise you." Looking at Tangcheng, it seems that I really look forward to it, Chen Jiu agreed. Who can have no personal hobby?

As a generation of emperors, you must maintain an image of integrity and integrity all day long, but it is also a tiring thing.

"You must keep this secret for me, you know?" Tang Cheng preached again worriedly.

"Relax" Chen Jiu nodded his head and said, "I'm very doubtful, how do you plan to manage the country's drug disorder in the future? Do I just kill them?"

"This is simple. As long as there are no new poisons coming into the country, I secretly order people to collect those things before. Within a year, 90% can be removed. Besides, over time, always look at a taste of things, who can not get tired What about it? "Tang Cheng talked complacently.

"This is also true," Chen Jiu nodded, expressing his approval.

"Chen Jiu, I have one more thing to tell you" Tang Cheng suddenly became ashamed again.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to give you a treat?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but guess that it would make the king of a country so shameless, I'm afraid it's the only thing?

"Chen Jiu, although Tangcheng has a special hobby, it is not so shameless." Tangcheng preached suddenly.

"What the **** is that?" Chen Jiu wondered.

"It's like this. We sent ten elders to remove the demon girl, but they can't go back anymore. According to the news that they returned, they were not life-threatening. They just stayed there for a while. This Do you understand? "Tang Cheng blushed. Red preached:" Go to the island country before this trip, I hope you will bring them back "

"This ... you mean they are fascinated by the demon girl. Confused, they don't think about it, right?" Chen Jiu immediately guessed the key point.

"That's it. If they have a conflict with you, I hope you will show mercy. This is what they look like. Look at it," Tang Cheng said, giving out ten pictures to Chen Jiu.

"What? You mean they might fight against me for those good ones?" Chen Jiu frowned, glaring at Tang Cheng, seeming to really understand his difficulties.

It is not unwilling to send people to remove the demon girl, but it is afraid to send again. Those who sent the past will become excellent assistants, or they will conflict with their own people and kill each other. The result is simply impossible. Accepted

"This, please be considerate and don't hurt their lives." Tang Cheng was embarrassed, apparently acquiescing to such a thing.

"Okay, I'll keep them okay." Chen Jiu nodded. He knew the task of the trip was a bit more difficult.

"Thank you, we have great officials in the Tang Dynasty, waiting for your triumph here." Tang Cheng suddenly raised his glass, went to Chen Jiujing, and drank it.

"Well, do you guys remove the demon before us?" Chen Jiu was surprised and raised his glass.

"I have something to wait for ..." Many officials were hiding again.

"No more, elders, let's go ..." Toasted and drank, Chen Jiu fell to the glass, determined that he had settled, did not finish the task, and swore to die, he strode forward, and Qi Yuxuanang stepped on the dragon road and walked outside the hall.

"Baiguan follows me ..." Tangcheng brought Baiguan and respectfully sent Chen Jiu to them with endless expectations and reverence.

Outside the main hall, Chen Jiu led the fourteenth to say goodbye to Tangcheng. Under their repeated orders, they were like the fairy goddess. They flew into the sky, into the sky, and disappeared.

"Your Majesty, do you say that their trip will be successful?" Tang Cai's old face was in doubt.

"Everything is done to listen to the fate of the gods. If you succeed, you will be prosperous. If you lose, you will lose your country. We Datang can wait for the appearance of the dragon blood fighters, and it is no shame." Sighed softly.

"I hope that our old Xiao, don't be really confused," Tang Lu slightly worried.

"Let's go, drink and wait for the hero to triumph." Tang Cheng now just wants to anesthetize himself with alcohol.

"Report, Your Majesty, the memorials of the cities have been transported again ..." Just then, some iron armored guards, driving the demon horses and beasts, dragged ten large cars over.

"I'm fainted" Tang Cheng stunned immediately after closing his eyes.

"Your Majesty ..." Baiguan stepped forward, all very concerned. Now in the Tang Dynasty, peace is not there, and the chaos continues throughout the day. Just the report from the newspaper can kill a few people alive, supporting Today, Tangcheng is indeed not easy.

The southwest of Datang is on the verge of a sea, boundless, and the waves are magnificent. Its existence also isolates Datang from the world and is not well known. Otherwise, by virtue of their national strength, it is bound to attract the attention of many parties.

‘咻咻…’ On the calm sea level, several people suddenly appeared. It was Chen Jiu and they looked at the vastness of the sea. They immediately took out the map and looked at the island country marked there.

"Let's go and see what's strange about the island country." Checking the location and finding the direction, Chen Jiu immediately broke through and walked towards the island country.

‘Booming…’ Under the turbulent waters, a huge island bulges. Now, the sea is dotted, giving the world a glory.

Flying through the air without any obstruction, at dusk and sunset, a village on the edge of the island country looks like a fairyland in the picture, making people nostalgic.

Thatched hut is patchwork, the country's dirt road is winding ... Although it is very backward, it is very poetic and picturesque

When everyone praised the beauty of the island country, a strange voice made them stunned, and the good mood was swept away.

‘Wow Java…’ Although they do n’t understand their language, Chen Jiu and they are very human. According to the mental fluctuations, they can accurately detect the content of their conversation.

Beside a big tree near the mouth of the tree, I saw a strong man and a woman, dressed very plainly, and they were talking vigorously, and there were several quarrels from time to time.

"Rixiangjun, my husband is back, why dare you ask me, do you not die?" The woman reprimanded.

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