Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 524: Shockingly found

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Although Aoi is a witch-like figure, her stunning appearance will undoubtedly make people yearn for her hard to resist.

This yearning, if it was not the suppression of Chen Jiu, Qin and them would feel that they could not bear it and would fall.

In addition to fear, although Qin and them could not really taste Aoi, they really wanted to know what kind of taste it was!

"Want to know? Please beg us ..." Kuanglei Sansheng couldn't help but get up, staying in the middle of the old men, like a prince.

"Boom ..." A loud bang made everyone's attention suddenly again. It turned out that in the hands of Chen Jiu, the body of the Emperor Qiankun was finally overwhelmed and burst apart.

‘咚咚…’ A heart, Yan Hong is unwilling to struggle in the hands of Chen Jiu, but unfortunately cannot escape!

"Ah ... no, forgiveness ..." Finally, Aoi screamed, she is also a character of Qiankun. This heart is a mixture of her origins. Now the heart can no longer absorb blood, and its own Blood gas also began to be damaged. Naturally, it also affected Aoi.

'Zi ...' Pretty, full, water, tender, white and tender. The body quickly dries down. The peerless beauty just turned into an old lady-like figure with muscles, gray wrinkles, and no luster. !!

"Adult is really cruel, let's talk to you, how wonderful the real taste of Aoi is!" After being slightly shocked, Kuanglei Sansheng started talking intoxicatedly. Fragrant. Soft, tender, tight ... as if ... "

"Gee ... don't say it anymore, we don't listen anymore, please don't tell me anymore!" Vomiting again and again, Qin and them looked at Aoi's aging face, and it didn't make any sense of beauty. Then, listening to the extreme words of silver, they were even more upset.

"Ah ... no, I'm not willing, I'm not willing, I can't fail, I can't be ashamed of my ancestors!" Aoi fell miserably into the void, mourning infinitely. "Our family has gone through all generations and finally the heart of the emperor I have cultivated the power of dominion, and seeing that the glory of a generation is about to reappear, but now you are annihilated to death ... "

"Huh, this life is destined to be the splendor of my dragon blood fighters. If you are in the same vein, stand still aside!" Chen Jiuleng said, unmoved.

The king defeated, and he should not have any compassion for the opponent. Today, it is Chen Jiu who has the upper hand. If the dragon has not yet emerged, he may be tortured to death by Aoi and sucked into flesh. !!

There is no need to be merciful, the absorption rate has not been reduced, and Aoi is screaming unwillingly. After all, he is a flesh and disappears. The whole person turns into a dry wooden stick and falls to the ground, no one can recognize it.

‘咚…’ At the same time, the heart of the Emperor ’s heart, which has accumulated thousands of generations of blood, suddenly collapsed and disappeared, and it also stopped beating!

'boom! ’A small, metallic weapon that resembled a real heart shape fell into the hands of Chen Jiu, the heart of the emperor that the emperor dreamed of.

Holding this small heart, Chen Jiu carefully looked at the whole world. It was very peaceful. There was only the flow of nature's origins. No noise was heard, and no one dared to disturb Chen Jiu.

"Er, where is the picture? Why can't you see it?" Chen Jiu looked around for a while, and couldn't help but wonder again.

"Do you still need to recognize the Lord?" Chen Jiu murmured: "I'm not Qiankun's bloodline, I don't know if it's okay? Anyway, now that Shenlong will come up, I'm not afraid of it, but I can try!

'drop! Talking, Chen Jiuyi dripped a drop of blood on this heart-shaped instrument, and the divine blood was instantly eroded in, so that the heart of the emperor could not be rejected at all.

‘Hou ...’ At the same time, a supreme imperial power rushed out, dominated the eight wastelands, overwhelmed the might, and wanted to annihilate Chen Jiu's will!

"Look for death!" It is a pity that the will of this **** will be dumbfounded. The mind of Chen Jiu is now like the Lord of the Gods in the world, and suddenly it will be crushed. After the formation, this great emperor His will was only surrendered to Chen Jiuchen.

The heart of the emperor is only a device in the final analysis, and the device must have rules. After Chen Jiu's will overwhelmed him, he must surrender Chen Jiu and not resist.

With the extension of the essence and blood and the presence of the will, Chen Jiu breathed full control of the heart of the emperor, and at this time, he finally saw the desperate desire on the inner wall of the heart. Map of Qiankun Treasure!

"My gosh, isn't Chen Jiu a dragon-blooded warrior? How can he recognize the heart of the emperor as a deterrent to the emperor? This seems to be the exclusive thing of Emperor Qiankun?" .

"Treat our young master, do n’t look at it with common sense. The things he does are often weird!" Qin and Qin couldn't help but suggest: "How? Are you interested in following?" We young masters fight the world together, this life is bound to be the gorgeous rise of Dragon Blood Warriors! "

"This ... Will your young master dislike us?" Kuanglei Sansheng couldn't help but feel a little moved, because Chen Jiu's ability against the sky is something that they must also look up to. Such a hero, in the continent of Qiankun, 100,000 years ago Never heard of it.

"As long as you are sincere in your sincerity, the young master will reward you well. Seeing that there is no top-level artifact, the young master gave it to us ..." Qin and their enviable display of the top-ranking sixth-class artifact, especially Let Kuanglei Sansheng immediately make up his mind to follow Chen Jiu.

The sixth-grade holy artifact, in terms of the years of the mad thunder three holy, has only been heard occasionally, and has not even seen it. The preciousness of this kind of thing is enough to drive them crazy!

When is the top holy weapon so worthless? Crazy Thunder Three Saints stared at each other and looked at so many top-level artifacts. I really wanted to cry with some envy. You should know that each of these six artifacts can be called a legend, and you can get one. , Is simply the blessing cultivated in the last life.

"Can we really get such a baby?" Just as the three sages of Madness Thunder, Chen Jiu was overwhelmed by the mood, and his body almost fell from the air!

"This is ..." Chen Jiu stabilised his figure, locked in his heart a treasure chest inside the emperor's heart, his lips trembled, moved, and he couldn't help but scream, Xing. Excited.

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