Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 532: Envy

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Chen Jiu, our ten elders have the highest seniority in the family, and they have returned safely, but they have the supreme power in the family!" Said Tang Cheng with helpless expression.

"Do they still hate me for driving them out of the island?" Chen Jiu asked with comprehension.

"This, there may be some, Chen Jiu, please give me some time, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!" Tang Cheng immediately pleaded.

"Well, then I'll give you three days. If I'm not sure, then these thousand out-of-print Aoi collections, I will destroy them immediately!" Chen Jiu was very dissatisfied.

Originally, it was good. After returning, Tang Cheng will put on his ancestors, but this time it changed again. Chen Jiu was naturally unhappy. He was outside. Is it easy to kill him?

"Ah, a thousand pieces, Chen Jiu, no, Master, I can recognize you as the master now, you must not destroy it!" Tang Cheng immediately knelt down on the spot to Chen Jiu.

"Hurry up, Your Majesty, what is going on like this?" Chen Jiuli reprimanded education.

"Xie Shaozhu, it's me!" Tang Cheng couldn't help but betray his face. Red, very embarrassed.

After drinking a thousand glasses of wine and eating a hundred dishes of meat, everyone was very happy to talk to each other, but in the end, the night was dark, they still spread back and rested!

The next day, in the deep palace, Tang Cheng brought many princes to meet ten elders, but he was turned away.

"Elder, Chen Jiu is back. I promised to give him the ancestor. Please do it well, and return it to me, right?" Tang Cheng begged, facing the old ancestor at home, but also very helpless.

"Well, Tangcheng, although you are the emperor of Datang, how can you decide the future of the family casually, Chen Jiu's character is unknown, how can he give it to his ancestor so easily?" Familiar voice , Quite resentful sounded.

When they came back, they were enthusiastically entertained by Tangcheng when they returned, but the man was used to having a woman. After waiting, it was gone, especially the elderly, they always felt very lonely and uncomfortable. .

No way, this resentment eventually spread on Chen Jiu, so they were not willing to accept the whole family's loyalty to Chen Jiu!

"Elder, we Datang, for so many years, haven't we just waited for the appearance of the Dragon Blood Warrior? Now that he has appeared, what are you still hesitating? I dare to guarantee that there is absolutely no problem with Chen Jiu's character!" Tang City after road guarantee.

"Elder, Your Majesty is right, this Chen Jiu is reliable!" Many princes also obviously greatly appreciated Chen Jiu, and it was enough for them to awe them just by destroying the island nation.

"What do you know, the human heart is sinister, you are still too tender!" Ten elders, hiding in the palace, did not let up, but they couldn't help but ask: "How did he handle the affairs of the island country?" ? "

"Elder, the island nation is dead!" Tang Cheng was so proud that he sang a lot of achievements for Chen Jiu!

"What? The island nation is dead, all are dead, then Chen Jiu's heart is so cruel, so many young ladies, why are they guilty of it, and he even got to work ... this man is definitely a demon "The ten elders remembered the voices and smiles of many Miss You. For example, in front of them, they thought they would never enjoy them again.

It is conceivable that this time the persuasion operation ended in failure, and Tangcheng failed again the next day. On the last day, Tangcheng simply kneeled in front of the ten-old palace. He vowed: "No ancestors, no vows, no matter what emperor, I don't want to be any more!"

"You don't want to be taken, we have a lot of outstanding talents in Datang!" Shi Lao was not slack at all and did not accept any threats.

The sun was gradually falling, and Tang Cheng's face became worse and worse. Just when he didn't hope for the complete works of Aoi, the three mad Thunders suddenly came down.

"Oh, ten elder brothers, when did you become so showy, when you were in the Royal Palace of the Island, you were not like this, our old friend has been here for so many days, why didn't I see you come out and talk to us, I do n’t see you these days, but we want you to think hard! ”Kuanglei Sansheng and Datang Ten are both masters who have stayed together in the island country. The relationship between them is also very good. The woman I ’ve run out of today , You enjoy tomorrow, this relationship is not much worse!

"Crazy Thunder Three Saints, why are you here?" Shi Lao warned in shock, "This is in our palace of the Tang Dynasty. Don't believe it!"

"Think of your uncle, come and see, why are you faceless? Come on out!" Kuang Lei Sansheng immediately reprimanded: "We have made great progress in our practice recently, and ask you to come and learn!"

"How to learn?" The ten old men stepped out of the palace immediately. The three men's faces always had to be cautious. Otherwise, they really worried that the other party would expose their bosses.

"Let's go together, the three of us will hit you ten!"

"Oh? You are sure, although we are older, it looks like you are not too young ..." Datang was ten and smiled proudly immediately.

"Let's talk nonsense, take the hammer!" The Three Thunders of Kuanglei did not hesitate, and each of them sacrificed the Sacred Hammer of Heavenly Punishment. After a smash, Tianlei rolled and destroyed the sanctuary. A sullen face, depressed!

"Stop ... Stop, this can't be beaten, we confessed to losing!" Eventually, the top ten of the Tang Dynasty had to recognize the reality, and asked indignantly: "Where are your holy soldiers, and the level seems to be high? ? "

"How's it? Six soldiers, have heard of it, but have you seen it?" Kuanglei Sansheng immediately proudly displayed. "Our young master gave it to us, envy?"

"Why, Liupin!" Datang Shilao almost swallowed, and between the stutters, it was a foggy waterway full of brains: "Young Master, when did you have Young Master?"

"Chen Jiu, he is now our young master. You do n’t know, his style is simply unparalleled. We now find out how wise he is to recognize him as a young master!" Kuanglei Sansheng immediately explained Road.

"What? Chen Jiu, did you come here as a lobbyist for him? Crazy Thunder San Sheng, I didn't expect you to be so cold-blooded, knowing that he had killed everyone on the island, and he was willing to recognize him as the master, we are really ashamed of you Yes! "Datang Shilao looked cold.

"Okay, you ten old men, don't pretend to be good people for us there. If you can't bear those young ladies, you'll say clearly, why cover up? Think we don't know, or think he doesn't know?" Sheng Yinjuan could not help pointing at Tangcheng, making him look wrong.

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