Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 536: Be happy

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Finally released, how can he not be happy? As a man, there is no happier feeling than that moment.

Although I ca n’t bear it, my physical needs are too strong. Besides, Chen Lan has a special Fengwu Jiutianyuangong practice. Now she has been promoted to the Holy One. I expect that her ability has increased a lot and she should be able to bear herself. Come on!

With excitement, Chen Jiu came to Chen Lan's house. At this time, Chen Lan seemed to be expecting something, and his small face was red and fluttering, more touching.

The Holy One, transcending the world, noble and unparalleled, nowadays Chen Lan has a phoenix with wings spread on her brows, her body crystal. Ying makes her like a fairy in the heavens, infinite holiness.

Not the spirit, but more attractive than the spirit, this is the woman, has the charm that men can never let go!

"Blue, do you miss Master these days?" Chen Jiu's eyes were hot and hot, but he was too embarrassed to directly ask for that kind of thing, so he pretended to be very concerned and asked.

"Well, Master has gone these days, and Lan Lan is thinking about Master every day!" Chen Lan nodded curtly.

"Last time, wouldn't you blame me?" Chen Jiu asked tentatively again.

"Not to blame, wait. Master Hou, that's the blessing of Blue. It's too late for Blue to be happy. How could you blame Master?" Chen Lan immediately shook her head and explained.

"Really? Then master makes you happy again, how?" Chen Jiu grabbed the pole and went up the tree, then preached deeply.

"Ah? Master, do you want it again?" Although Chen Lan was mentally prepared, she couldn't help but startled, and glanced secretly at the power there, which was a bit scared.

"Blue, do you lie to Master?" Chen Jiu said with disappointment: "If you are afraid, then forget it, I will not force you!"

"No, Master, don't get me wrong. People are not really scared, but they are excited about the coming happiness!" Chen Lan rushed into Chen Jiu's arms, lest he leave.

"Really?" Chen Jiu asked.

"Nature is true. No matter how powerful the young master is, he can serve you, but blue may not be able to bear that kind of happiness. I also hope the young master will properly treat blue, okay?" Chen Lan Nodded and shyly preached.

"This is natural!" Chen Jiu nodded, looking forward very much.

"Master, Blue is here to wait. Waiting for you!" Chen Lan also didn't say much, holding this thing close by, feeling the glory of it, she knew that Chen Jiu was in extreme need.

He is not tall, full, full, cute and aura, like Luo. Li kneeling in front of Chen Jiu, trembling slightly took out the strength there, Chen Lan was a bit unable to hold his hands, began to light Waiting lightly.

Looking at Chen Lan's difficult movements and enjoying it, Chen Jiu's heart could not help but have a bitterness!

Isn't it like this in my life? What fun is there to go on like this? This is Chen Lan. If they change to other women, I am afraid that none of them are willing to bear themselves?

It's not that they don't love themselves any more, but that they can't afford their pampering. When Chen Jiu was in distress, turning his mind, he couldn't help coming to Jiulong Jiulong to find solutions to the dragon.

"Master, is there anything you can do?" Asked Dragon, puzzled.

"This ... it seems a bit bigger for me, can you help me solve it?" Chen Jiu said rather awkwardly.

"What? I help you, master, I don't have that kind of service here!" The dragon refused severely, and his face was disgusted.

"Me, don't get me wrong. I let you help me get younger, not with you!" Chen Jiu also blushed.

"Becoming smaller? Are you big? Why do you want to be smaller? There is a big gap between us and our dragons!" The dragons were stinking.

"Are you sure?" Chen Jiuyan said.

"If you want to increase, I have a way. If you want to become smaller, this thing has never been studied by dragons!" The dragon disdainfully preached.

"Again?" Chen Jiu stared, spitting down, it was speechless.

"Hey, master, do you really want to become smaller?" Dragon asked again.

"Of course, don't you think my specs can't stand human beings?" Chen Jiu rolled his eyes.

"Well, if you really want to be smaller, I can remind you that if you gather the dragon blood Jiuding, maybe there will be a way, after all, that dragon blood emperor made a generation of emperors, countless concubines, can't Such a big guy, right? "The dragon preached kindly.

"Ah? Yeah, right, Dragon Blood Jiuding, I swear it!" Chen Jiu suddenly felt happy again.

Life is beautiful. With hope and expectations, there is a goal and motivation. It is better than worrying all day!

"Uh, blue, you have grown a lot here recently!" Chen Jiu returned to his consciousness, feeling Chen Lanfeng's crowding and pressure, and could not help but feel refreshed again.

"Master, why do you seem a lot happier all at once?" Chen Lan keenly noticed the changes in Chen Jiu.

"Haha, do you have it? I am happy to be able to get a beauty like you, Blue Master!" Haha, Chen Jiu didn't say anything.

Next, after some mischief, Chen Lan was like a snake, and swallowed Chen Jiu again!

"Oh, blue, play your Phoenix dance with me again for nine days!" Lying on his back, Chen Jiu infinitely looked forward.

'Zi Zi Papa ...' The ultimate struggle, the war between men and women, will always be so fragrant. Yan and harmony, Chen Lan, cute and well-behaved, looks like a little girl, but it is a very orderly Chen Jiu was finally unable to bear the things she longed for while she was waiting.

Infinite comfort, infinite warmth, heaven and earth, peace and comfort, big arms hug, Chen Jiu is full of spirits and spirits, the spirit is "blue, you rest assured, I will build a huge empire for you in a few days, let you enjoy Worship of all people! "

"Master, as long as you can be with you, what empire is not empire, blue does not care at all, blue is always your daughter-in-law, willing to serve. Wait for your life!" Chen Lan pressed closely. With Chen Jiu , Infinite loyalty.

"Blue, you are so good!" Chen Jiu looked at Chen Lan moved. This little girl, Tianjiao's daughter, was completely obedient to herself and wanted nothing. Begging, he really felt that she owed her, Wei Yi Hesitantly he immediately said: "Blue, I'll take you out tomorrow, don't you see Xiang Yi for a long time? Shall we go to the palace to find her?"

"Ah? Really? Master, do you really want to take me out to play?" Chen Lan turned up with surprise. Although she had no desire, she would be very grateful if Chen Jiu was willing to treat her well. of.

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