Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 542: Persuade the emperor

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

A day later, in the noblewoman's palace, she saw a woman like a fairy, leaning against a man's chest, and murmured: "Your Majesty, you are still as good as before, people like it!"

"That is of course. When are you a peerless man? No one can compare!" Dagan Wang proudly said, "You, concubine, get up first. I still have to go to the early dynasty. Although it breaks the rule, it cannot It ’s the delay! ”

"Your Majesty, but they are reluctant to you!" The lady hugged Dagan Wang, and was reluctant to let go.

"Well, continue to make you happy at night, okay?" Dagan Wang advised.

"Your Majesty, others are now ..." said the noblewoman, she bowed her head and waited for the past, and this service immediately made Dagan Wang Le go to the sky, closed her eyes, and shouted: "Love concubine, you What a joke! "

In this way, under the insistence of the noblewoman, the king of Dagan once again wasted his political achievements and was drunk in his daughter's hometown. After some mischief, the noblewoman asked again: "Your Majesty, you are really hard these days, people see In the eyes, the pain is in my heart. Don't be so tired in the future, okay? "

"Fei Fei, you still know how to do it, I am really tired!" With a sigh, the king of Dagan couldn't help complaining of the bitterness. Now, I want to do everything and restore glory again, hope is slim! "

"This ... Your Majesty, so why not give the responsibility to the young people?" Gui Hao immediately suggested: "Now our son-in-law Chen Jiugong is so high-powered and smashed into the sky. I heard that a heavy army has recently been assembled and is preparing to establish supreme Empire, why don't we take advantage of the beauty of man and give our country to him and let him rebuild glory? "

"Bold, uncle's status is supreme, how can you surrender to others?" Dagan Wang suddenly became gloomy and ruthless.

"Oh, why are you fierce and not someone else? Why are you fierce with me? You have the ability, you are going to kill me!" Infinite anger.

"You bitch, I don't believe I can't conquer you!" Dagan Wang got angry and rushed. After the collision, he couldn't do it, but the lady gasped, and could not help but sullen face.

"Hey, old, really old, even a woman can't do anything!" Dagan Wang looked at the lady was not full. That was an endless sense.

"Your Majesty, don't be sad, people will accompany you for the rest of your life, regardless of poverty or wealth!" The lady kindly comforted and said, "It's just that the situation on the mainland is really not suitable for us to rule again. Moreover, Chen Jiuya also Isn't it someone else, can he still treat us? "

"This matter is worth mentioning, or I will talk about it later!" King Dagan was still unwilling. As an emperor, how could he be willing to abdicate?

"Your Majesty, when you abdicate, you will not have to deal with things in the Chao Dynasty anymore. At that time, we will adhere to each other day by day, isn't it a supreme beauty?" The lady again persuaded .

"I'm afraid it's still difficult for young people to take up the office, Ai Fei, don't take Chen Jiu too high!" Dagan Wang refused with a frown.

"Well, in this case, then you should be your emperor, ignore me!" The lady was angry, with serious consequences. After dressing alone, she sat aside.

"Love concubine, let me calm down. I will go out to do business and come back at night!" Dagan Wang was going to leave, but the lady took out a spar and put the picture, and he couldn't move again. !!

Seeing that it was burnt by fire, but this time, the lady said nothing to let Dagan Wang touch.

"Ai Fei, how can you do this, for the sake of Chen Jiu, how can you disregard our husband and wife relationship?" Dagan Wang was so anxious as the ants on the hot pot that he fluttered around.

"The relationship between husband and wife is not as important in your eyes as your rivers and mountains, then you will go to your rivers and mountains!" The lady preached relentlessly.

"Oh, concubine, you have misunderstood me, I like you more than Jiangshan!" In the eyes of Dagan Wang, there are only women left.

"Really? Why don't you listen to me?" The lady frowned.

"Giving way to such a major event is not a child's play. How can I agree? In case Chen Jiu is a wine bag and sack, does it not hurt our empire?" Dagan Wang eagerly preached.

"Who is he? Wouldn't you be clear? His reputation today, Qiankun Mainland, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?" The lady immediately rebuked and said firmly, "I'm in favor of Emperor Chen Jiudang anyway. Yes, if you don't agree, don't touch me! "

"This ... Ai Fei, wouldn't you follow Chen Jiu ..." The king of Dagan could not help narrowing his eyes.

"What? Laogui, how can you think like that, what kind of woman do you think of me?" The lady was extremely angry and infinitely resentful.

"Love concubine is angry, but it is your approach that makes me have to doubt what is between you. This Chen Jiu was originally a person with no human relations in his eyes, and you upheld him so much that you did not How freaking, how many people in the world will believe? "Dagan Wang also preaches with grievances:" Love concubine, shouldn't you really think of Chen Jiu's youth and domineering, and ignore our many years of affection? Right? "

"I ..." I was so angry that I almost didn't suffocate myself, but the lady was able to give birth to a daughter like Gan Xiangyi. She was also a savvy genius. She immediately turned her head around and simply said, "Chen Nine is like me, so what? "

"What? You sure ..." This time, it was Daqian's turn to pant again, and he was almost dead.

"Well, old man, naturally I won't do anything to regret you!" At this moment, the lady hurried forward and comforted.

"Really not?" Dagan Wang asked seriously.

"I dare to swear!" After the lady swears, Dagan Wang finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he said fiercely: "This Chen Jiu is too ridiculous. With our daughter, we are not satisfied. I dare to disagree with you, it is unforgivable! "

"His Majesty, Chen Jiu-nai is a dragon blood fighter. He has overpowered Xuanhuang and made great achievements. With the support of the Dragon Blood family, the rise is already inevitable!" We will be grateful for our whole life, but if we wait for his rise and then send it, then icing on the cake, you know how bad the effect will be? "

"But my boss, just gave it to him in vain?" The king was still reluctant.

"It's all a family, why bother so much, Your Majesty, let him build a supreme empire and fight against the other ten nations. Wouldn't it be better for you to sit as a prince?" The lady immediately said again. .

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