Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 548: Paper is hard to wrap fire

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"We surrendered, and our country surrendered unconditionally. We are willing to accept the **** of the Dragon Blood family. Even if we let us be bulls and horses, we will recognize it!" Completely frightened, King Dean was completely gone at this time. temper.

"Fighting, the great wooden **** is up. Your people are willing to abandon their lives and beg for your mercy and blessing!" The other two holy elders, rabbits and foxes, were sacrificed in blood while sacrificing in exchange for A powerful wooden **** divine power.

‘Boom ...’ In the infinite sky of the sky, two sacred green rays shoot down. They stand on the sky like sky pillars, allowing the world to change and history to change. It will always be immortal!

Divine power, transcending everything, they are the masters of everything, and no one can resist.

"It's just rubbish, the gods should tremble in front of me!" Chen Jiu was not afraid, and he still waved his sword against the sky.

‘Boom bang’. The sword moves through the famine, cuts the world apart, and it only supports two moves. A big holy man died directly and was miserable.

"I fight with you!" The last one, he chose to explode himself to end his life, but to no avail, before he blew up, Chen Jiuyi sword smashed his soul and absorbed all his energy and energy!

"Master, what are they going to do?" After clearing everything, Long Kong couldn't help but point them to King Qiandian and asked.

"As long as they are truly surrendered, they can spare their lives!" Chen Jiu was not a killer, and he did not rush to kill him.

"Master Xie Longxue!" Shouted to worship, King Dean they were grateful.

The next thing is much simpler. It is only necessary to collect these troops and put them into the Dragon Blood Empire. In the face of powerful force, I don't worry about any changes in them.

Holy Royal Spirit, in their eyes, this is equivalent to the birth of the immortal, let them have a hundred courage, and dare not resist anymore!

"Master, this time you kill Elder Miki in a row. After knowing the kingdom of Muxing, you will be mad!" Longzhong said with great joy.

"Hum, just to kill them, so that they won't bother us again in the future, Muxing God Kingdom, their doomsday is not far away, it is best not to mess with me in advance!" hatred.

"This ..." All the saints were ashamed, praying secretly for the country of Muxing God, who is not good enough to provoke Chen Jiu, isn't that seeking their own way of death?

"But this time, it may be really troublesome. You are rioting. The mythical kingdom of God must have known my identity. I am afraid that this matter is difficult to explain!" Chen Jiu's face was also slightly melancholy.

"Young Master, anyway, you have cooked raw rice into cooked rice, even if the mythical old man is dissatisfied, but they are already in a boat, I am afraid they can do nothing?" They smiled proudly in the dragon.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. I think I'll go for another walk. Power is afraid I can't handle it!" Chen Jiu frowned, already thinking about the anger of the mythical family.

Yes, with the rise of the Longgu family, their identity has been exposed, and a whirlwind of discord has spread in the mythology.

Long Jiu is Chen Jiu. What he did to give birth to heroes was intentionally fabricated to deceive the world and the high-level of the kingdom of God.

After deliberate deliberations, his heart and soul are trying to occupy the only bloodline of the mythological family. In the future, he will virtually annex the mythical kingdom of God and become existing!

Dignified generation of peerless blood, since it has risen to become the emperor, that is to want to sue for all generations, can not tolerate being annexed, and now I hear the news, the older generation of mythical family members, it was annoying .

"Haha, Long Jiu turned out to be Chen Jiu, he turned out to be a Dragon Blood Warrior. Our elder elder is really good-looking. Let's see what face he has to see the ancestors!" The gods and the gods inherited, the three of them had been thinking for the sake of God's power, and now they know the true and true part of Long Jiu, they even pushed the boat by water. Nao Da, thoroughly understand the accumulation of energy in his heart.

The canon, no doubt, also learned the news. While secretly hating himself to look away, he even spread all dissatisfaction to Chen Jiu.

"Well, you, a wicked dragon blood warrior, dare to deceive us into the kingdom of mythology. Are we really blind in our mythical family?" God scolded grievingly, and God could not help them leave. Come in.

"Too elder, you look so bad, aren't you in a good mood?" God judged them to be rude, and talked bluntly.

"Hm, what do you have?" Shen Dian glared at the three of them and asked dissatisfied.

"Too elder, big event, I'm afraid you don't know yet. You helped your Majesty choose a man who turned out to be a dragon blood warrior. Is this a coincidence?"

"That is, the eyes of the elders are really new. I saw the dragon blood fighters at a glance!"

"Admire and admire, if I let other elders in the family know about this, I'd like to praise you more!" The three elders, it was ironic one after another.

"You ... dare to laugh at me? Don't you want to live?" Shen Dian glared at the three of them coldly and looked at them, it was trembling.

"Sacred scripture, you do n’t have to be aggressive there. You must give us an explanation of this. Is this the peerless good man you chose for Moor? I think you are going to bury our mythical family at all!" Shouting, the other dozen elderly people came over gloomily.

"Why are you all here? Aren't you in retreat?" Shen Dian's face changed and she was very dignified.

"How come we can retreat in peace with such a big thing? Divine scriptures, you are so disappointed!" Among the elders, there are many elders who have divine scriptures. They drank, and even dare not collide.

"Sorry, I don't know how things will be like this. Don't worry, this matter may not be as serious as everyone thinks!" At this time, the canon could only go all out.

"Let's go and ask Mier, I hope she won't let us down!" Zhu Lao finally reached agreement. In the end, where did this matter go, you must ask the parties the most clear.

As a female emperor, the most taboo is **, and once the power of God is **, then the hatred of the mythical family will no doubt be stronger.

Like sitting on a needle felt, how could Shenmi know about the chaos in the empire today? Her tall, picturesque and beautiful body is restless, lest the elders in the family come to question.

Paper can never cover the fire. The more afraid you are, the more this will come. As the elders approach, the power of Shenmi's face will become a bit white!

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