Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 555: Watch crisis

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

In the green and heavy cropland, the war was fierce, and a large group of black armored guards fiercely, cruelly, and violently surrounded a group of humans like a tyrannosaurus, and they vigorously attacked.

Dahaoguo suffered the shock pressure of the watchmen, who were fighting the backwaters with infinite fierceness and ruthlessness!

"Kill ..." The black armored guards are endless and layered, like a sharp-stabbed sword, piercing the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. The army of more than a thousand people is still irresistible, and they are split apart.

Without the strong suppression of watch, other people cannot suppress the strength of the great country!

"Protect young master!" In the army of more than a thousand people, there are two immature and tender figures, which are highly valued.

Shouyin and Shoumo, they are the people who have directly received the blood of Chen Jiushen. They have a bright future, and they have been catalyzed by Longjing Tianjing. Now their strength has soared to the Grand Master Five Realms. Someone can fight.

Such a genius should have been well maintained and waited for growth, but they were unwilling. They proposed that the rise of the Dragon Blood Empire could not do without their part, that is, fight hard and fight, and they would have to level the world for Chen Jiuzhan!

People are not small, and Watch is moved, so they are allowed to fight.

War is ruthless, life and death depend on one's life, and wealth and wealth are in heaven. Keeping the seal and guarding the same is watching the future of the family. Their families are naturally guarded by life and cannot afford to lose.

"Kill those two boys!" It seemed to be aware of the weaknesses of the Watchman tribe, and more powerful warriors killed them, bloodthirsty and cruel.

‘噗噗…’ Blood bursts out, arms are flying out, and all those who protect them from death are inevitably severely traumatized.

"I fight with you!" One of the middle-aged watchmen was even more violent, plunging into the Iron Armor Corps, exploding his life, and seriously hurting the enemy at an irreparable price!

"No ... Uncle San!" Shouyin and Shoumo, the two teenagers immediately became red-eyed, they are all to protect them, how can they bear it?

For a time, when anger was unwilling, roaring, and Shouyin was sad, it changed the image of the old cricket and yelled: "Everyone don't care about us. Who do I abandon? If you have any scruples, it is impossible for you to exert all your powers. Give me a break and let us kill them! "

"This ..." Zhu Lao hesitated. Although it was such a word, their safety could not be ignored.

"Let us go out!" Shou Mo also blinked his eyes. The momentum of the two teenagers suddenly appeared like a king, and the Devil was alive, irreversible.

In this way, hesitantly, the old men gave way to them, let them kill them!

"The world is ours. Anyone who dares to resist, only one die!" The momentum is soaring to the sky, but I have solemnity, Shou Yin and Shou Mo. At this time, the body of the Tyrannosaurus is not like two teenagers at all, but two like Crazy beast.

‘噗噗…’ In their hands, blood splattered, flesh and bones fluttered, and one by one, the iron armored guards could not resist it, and they were torn apart!

"Abominable, kill me!" The lord of the tyrants was also stunned, and he directed the generals, and filled them out with no ordinary life.

When the manpower is always exhausted, more than a thousand people in the Watching Family are infected by the two teenagers, and they are also crazy, radiant, and roaring, such as the Wanlong riots, one by one into a butcher in hell, tearing red To the endless armored soldiers!

Killing the cold and hitting the soul fly, this battle is the most brilliant and tragic battle of the Watchman family. They used their strength and will to release power to people. The Watchman family, from old to young, did not have a single breed, all It is a supreme warrior with a stony bone.

‘Boom…’ On the sky, the same shocks rang, and the watchman played a real fire, the tyrannosaurus went mad, holding the yin and yang skulls to sweep the horizon, and the countless gods and weepings permeated the sky.

"Demons and monsters, kill!" The three old men in black burst out three swords, the sword broke through the sky, the fight turned to the sky, the yin and yang were destroyed, and the sanctuary shook!

"Give me!" Watchman's arm was as thin as a thigh. He held up the holy shrine and pushed the three old men's shock pressure.

‘Boom…’ No Thai fights, and Wang Wang is thrown into the sky, but in the sky, he has a sacred bag. Wrapped him, he ca n’t escape!

"Old man fighting God's kingdom? Those who hide their heads and hide their faces, don't think I can recognize you?" Calming his body, watching violent drinking, infinite anger.

"Huh, we don't know what you're talking about, there's nothing to talk about with a dead man, kill!" The three old men stared at each other with disapproval, and that was when the sword was lifted in the air.

‘Boom ...’ The glory of the gods, the three elders borrowed the power of the fighting God to catalyze the holy soldiers, to destroy the watch at a speed that could not cover them.

"Haha, people who dare not even face up to themselves are destined to be only some waste, holy heaven pillars, dragon blood burning, killing gods and destroying Buddhas!" Watching laughed, a powerful and supreme momentum radiated, he did not hesitate to burn The essence of blood, blasting the Holy Pillar, hit his own peerless blow.

‘Hou ...’ This time the yin and yang skeletons manifested this time, but a **** and demon, but this **** and demon, arrived in the sky, stepped on the earth, infinitely tall, infinite glory!

Devouring the Eight Wastelands, a bloodthirsty deity, it roared, like a giant skull, swallowed towards the three old holy swords, and went forward.

‘Boom rumbling…’ The Holy Sword entered the mouth, disappeared invisible, and after a strong explosion, the black mist dispersed in the sky, the sanctuary was broken, and the three old men were shocked away, their eyes were horrified!

"Abominable, you are really embarrassed, your secret friend, haven't you shot yet? Don't you want the holy warrior?" Frost frowned, shouting suddenly at the surroundings: "As long as you shoot, this holy warrior We will not fight with you! "

"Hey, let's make a deal!" With the dark laughter, ten figures emerged from the dark. Their breath, the world of sacredness, was all the power of the Holy Three Realms.

"What?" Overwatch immediately changed his face and became very dignified. He knew that when the holy soldiers shined on Jiuzhou, they would inevitably attract some bad guys, but he did not expect that this appearance would be the thirteen holy old men. Ancestor.

The three ancestors usually lived in seclusion and did not appear at all, but today's top holy soldiers, once they have nothing else, are enough to make them tempted!

"These little ants are really noisy. I think they should be leveled first, and then fight for the holy soldiers!" One of the masked old men, waving his hand, a horrifying breath, directly attacked the **** tore and was killed. The watchmen and the soldiers of the great country.

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