Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 562: Confession

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Don't ... Chen Jiu, don't you rush. Is it OK?" His face was pale, his lips were trembling, and Xuan had no regrets. At this time, he was really worried that Chen Jiu would give them a blood sacrifice, because this boy gave them The feeling is that we are not afraid of heaven, and we can dare to do anything. (Www.)

Died at this time, it was simply dead, Xuan Wugui regretted that they had lived so long, and that was also extremely reluctant!

"Well, do you have any last words? If you have any words, hurry up and say, I have no time to grind with you!" Chen Jiu coldly reprimanded, very impatient.

"Chen Jiu, we did not come here under the command of the emperor, but came here in private, and we can not represent the Xuanhuang family!" Xuan Wu explained with a sorrowful face.

"Oh? Can't represent the Xuanhuang family, so to stop my army, is that your personal idea?" Chen Jiuli asked.

"Yes, it's our own idea, has nothing to do with the Xuanhuang family!" San Lao admitted ashamed.

"Well, you three elders, I asked Chen Jiu not to offend you, right? How can you do this to me?" Chen Jiu was immediately surprised.

"I ..." was another breath, almost not strangled to death, you did not offend us, you have beaten all the faces of our Xuanhuang clan, is this not offended? The three old men scolded and wanted to scold Chen Jiuyi's **** dog, but they didn't dare, and had to helplessly preach: "Chen Jiu, did you forget our queen, did you forget it?"

"What took it away? Is that the woman who was originally mine? Okay? I took her. Is there anything wrong with it?" Chen Jiu said dissatisfied.

"It's ... yes, yes, it's just that we are unwilling, so we want to give you a stumbling block, and it's not completely malicious. You look at us and didn't kill you all!" Admittedly pleaded.

"Fortunately, you are wise. Otherwise, I won't tease you, but I will kill you with a sword!" Chen Jiu's words will undoubtedly make the three old backs cool.

Dare to have any more stand, San Lao hurriedly pleaded: "Chen Jiu, this time we did something wrong. We are too impulsive. I also hope you don't care about it and let us go back, okay?"

"One sentence is wrong, can you make up for your crimes?" Chen Jiu suddenly sneered with bad intentions: "You robbed my holy soldier, hurt my army, and also shouted that my father would not recognize my father and mother, so I knelt on the ground and shouted about Grandpa. Is that all that?

"That's just a moment of anger, it can't be true!" San Lao begged to explain.

"But I take it seriously!" Chen Jiuban was ironed, very angry.

"Chen Jiu, grandfather, are you our grandfather? Please do what you want, just let us go. We shouldn't come to challenge your majesty, we know it's wrong!" Thoroughly convinced, the three old men would agree Kneeling in front of Chen Jiu, sincerely repented.

"Three elders, I can't afford such a gift, you hurry up!" Chen Jiuzhuang was surprised.

"Chen Jiu, have you forgiven us? Can we go now?" Xuan has no regrets for them and can't wait to leave this humiliated place.

"I forgive you, but my men, they don't seem to forgive you, they still have to discuss it!" Chen Jiu, pointing at the Qin family who still seriously injured the unconscious elders, was very angry. .

"Chen Jiu, we were also wounded by you, almost disabled, can't this make up for them?" San Lao bitterly exclaimed.

"No, because they are right, it's your fault!" Chen Jiu said seriously.

"Chen Jiu, what else do you want? You said it clearly, our three old things are here. If you really want to kill us, then you start, why bother to humiliate me like this?" Gradually Yes, Xuan Wu Regret could not hang up on their faces, and the last point of self-esteem broke out in the bottom of their hearts.

"Kill you? Just now, I know your identity now. If I really kill, wouldn't it make your Xuanhuang family explode?" Chen Jiu shook his head and said, "I'm not that stupid, this thing Since you can't compensate us, I have to ask your family for an explanation! "

"Chen Jiu, don't bully people too much. Our actions are all personal actions. You can't get into our family!" San Lao scolded him, very dissatisfied.

Originally, they came out privately, then they did not have the consent of the family, and now they are taken back to the family to threaten the family. If they threaten the family, the three old faces will really be unable to mix in the future. We will never frown! "

"Okay, you have no conditions for negotiating with me, come here!" Chen Jiu shot a Yuanli cable, detained Sanli, lifted it, and left when it was empty.

When Chen Jiuyi left, the four unconscious elders immediately awakened, holding the lost soldiers and admiring endlessly. "The young master is really invincible. Is there any danger if he goes alone to the Xuanhuang family?"

"The danger is not so much. The young master has let me see more and more. I am afraid that there is a real disaster. It is the Xuanhuang family!" Watching and looking up at the sky is also looking forward to it.

In front of Wu Xuanyuan's Xuanhuang City, Xuan Wuren regretted them all as if they were hanging in the air like a dead pig. That was a shame in his heart that he could not help but yelled, "Chen Jiu, you have no conscience, you have no courage. Rat, you kill us if you have swollen, what kind of skill you brought us back to the family ... "

"I can't bear to kill you, isn't it better to replace you with tangible benefits?" Chen Jiu smiled softly, and just came to the top of the Xuanhuanggong with so great light!

"Who insults me Xuanhuang Palace, boldly!" Chen Jiu's sudden invasion immediately attracted the attention of many strong men. A group of middle-aged men first besieged Chen Jiu, but when they saw that it was Chen Jiu and the three elders, they couldn't help it. His face changed, and he hurriedly said, "Chen Jiu is here. Please call on the elders!"

‘咻咻…’ The space fluctuates, and the Five Elements veteran arrives. In addition, there are three peerless elders who have not appeared before. When I saw this scene, I could n’t help but be deeply surprised.

"Chen Jiu, quickly let go of Xuan can't get them, what on earth do you mean? Haven't had enough trouble last time, do you think our Xuanhuang family is bullying?" The five elements veteran scolded, greatly dissatisfied.

"Look for death!" The newly appeared three elders, apparently had not seen the power of Chen Jiu, at this time looking at him so arrogant and arrogant, it was immediately unable to help.

‘Boom ...’ Three big hands, evolved the world, breeding Xuanhuang, just like the hands of three gods, they came to Chen Jiu emptyly!

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