Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 572: Gods

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? The eight popes are here to stop us from attacking." When Chen Jiu got the news, he couldn't help but startled: "I don't move the foundations of the gods, haven't the gods been anxious to find death?" Yet?"

"Hum, wait for me to pass and kill him without leaving a piece of armor!" Chen Jiuqi opened the space-time tunnel like a star, and descended directly in front of the German king city.

The openness and silence made him scared, that is, the millions of troops of the Chen family, a hair shadow can't be seen!

"Don't worry, Chen Jiu, we are not malicious, but please come in and tell us!" A peaceful voice came from the German king.

"Really?" Chen Jiu frowned, but his family was restrained by others. He also had to step into the German king city. With the guidance of his voice, he came to an underground temple.

This temple, extremely weird, with the gods in parallel, playing heaven and earth, seems very harmonious, which is extremely incredible.

Between the gods, in order to compete for believers, they are not very happy with each other, and in this temple, the gods are in the same house, it seems a little weird!

The colorful illusion surface, the images of the gods on the sky, lifelike, majestic and eternal, even when Chen Jiu is here, can't help but feel a pressure.

"Is my family all right?" Chen Jiu looked directly at the old men and asked urgently.

"Rest assured, they are all very safe, you see, they are listening to the gospel of the gods!" The old pope in white, the pope, opened a space where Chen's millions of troops were all among them.

"Dash, you dare to brainwash my family? Do you know the consequences of doing this?" Chen Jiu immediately stared, very angry.

"Be quiet, we just let them listen to the gospel, and we don't have to force them to believe in the gods!" The pope persuaded, "Chen Jiu, please sit down first, we have something to talk to you!"

According to Zhu Lao's request, Chen Jiu sat in a seat in the middle of the hall. Although he knew that there might be fraud, he had to do it.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Chen Jiu could not help but asked, for the old men, he had no affection. "The temples of the gods have always respected the gods and did not participate in any battles. Do you have to stop my dragon blood? The rise of the empire? "

"No, the main task of our temple of the gods is to worship the gods and develop believers. We will not participate in any battle in the world!" Many popes nodded in recognition.

"Oh? So why are you blocking my army from conquering?" Chen Jiu frowned.

"Chen Jiu, the reason why we call you to come is that there is one important thing to discuss with you!" The elders looked at each other, and the light pope preached: "We want to ask you to make the temples of the gods as State religion!"

"What? You are just imaginative, difficult for a strong man!" Chen Jiu was surprised and refused severely.

"Chen Jiu, as the saying goes, Jiang Shan is easy to fight and difficult to defend. If you want to protect your own country, I am afraid that there is no way to do that, and if you cooperate with us, then we will come forward and deter hundreds of millions of people. Turning them all into believers of the gods, then with one heart, the empire will be able to carry on for thousands of years and never decline! "The Pope of Light preached expectantly.

"Just, if that's the case, what use would I have made?" Rather than say that I have set up a dragon blood empire, I would say that I have established a dynasty of gods! "Chen Jiuzhen laughed, dismissive.

"Chen Jiu, you must know that the gods really exist. They are the only orthodox true gods in the world. Only by believing in them will you be able to get real blessings and good luck!" Many popes reprimanded and educated.

"Haha, I'm afraid the gods can't bear my glory!" Chen Jiuda laughed and ignored.

"You ... you are disrespectful to the gods, and you are punished!" Zhu Lao stared and taught.

"I'm not afraid of any **** punishment!" Chen Jiuleng reprimanded: "What do you want to let go? Draw the Tao, don't waste time!"

"Chen Jiu, you are blaspheming. Do you have to think about it, are you really reluctant to join us?" Zhu Lao asked again.

"Don't be embarrassed. I am the gods who have abandoned their sons. After being cast aside by the gods, do you not know?" Chen Jiu simply opened the skylight and said brightly: "What to believe in the gods is just a delay, once you cannot Slavery my spirit, will you join forces against me? "

"You ... Chen Jiu, you are so young, you have such a meticulous mind that it is no wonder that you can be valued by the gods. It turns out that you are really very human!" Zhu Lao immediately became ruthless.

"Oh? The gods have to deal with me, for what?" Chen Jiu frowned and asked: "Is it related to my mother?"

"Will I be able to speculate on the will of the gods?" The eight popes immediately reprimanded: "You are the gods who forsake your son, and the gods hate most. The gods naturally cannot tolerate you in the world. Go on! "

"The gods are going to obliterate me?" Chen Jiu slightly disappointed. He was frustrated without the news of his mother.

"Yes, from ancient times to the present, the gods abandoned their sons are often the most unlucky, stupid stupid, stupid people, they are cursed by the gods, they can not die forever, but you are an exception! Angrily preached.

"I see. It's my glory that killed the gods recently and caught their attention. They instinctively feared me, so they want to get rid of me and then quickly?" Chen Jiuyu suddenly understood something.

The gods abandon their sons, on the other hand, that is simply the nightmare of the gods. Once they grow up, it may not be necessary to become the killers of the gods!

In order to consolidate their status, the high gods naturally cannot allow such people to appear and challenge their majesty.

Therefore, once such a person is sensed, it will be calculated by every means, punished, and finally let them die!

Suddenly, Chen Jiu thought of a terrible fact. Throughout the ages, all the evils of the gods and abandon their sons are likely to come from the hands of the gods. They are actually not the most unlucky and stupid people. Conspiracy calculations of the gods.

"Tian doesn't know shame, will the gods be afraid of you? Don't be complacent there, Chen Jiu, get ready to die, knowing that we are going to deal with you, you dare to get in the way, it's just something you don't know!" Said the pope All over the world, the light-colored glaze changed suddenly.

"The gods are in a great formation, the most powerful formation on Qiankun mainland, Chen Jiu, you can die in this array, it is worth the glory!" The eight popes ascended to heaven and accepted the immortal gods. Became eight middle-aged people!

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