Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 575: Promote again

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"True God, what kind of God are you, can you dare to fight with me?" Chen Jiu faced the true God, under great pressure, but he did not show provocation without any weakness.

"Oh? Interesting, your master Liuyou of the Six Realms has reached this step. Even with us, it's a rare genius. Unfortunately, you are the gods who give up their sons and are destined to die early!" An ordinary character is a middle-aged man. He stared at Chen Jiu with contempt, stepping on the air step by step, "I will let you see what is real power!"

'Boom ...' Under the pressure of the middle-aged palm, the entire space was shattered, a golden energy, full of infinite sacredness, as if it were the peculiar power of the gods, poured down to Chen Jiu, and cut Yu Breaking the earth, stabbing souls and rotten bones, this kind of force has a great pressure on the universe and the living beings. As if it is above the world, it exceeds Chen Jiu's previous cognition.

‘Bang bang ...’ Under this kind of strength, Chen Jiu ’s lenses on his body are defensive, and pieces are broken. His dragon scales are also perforated, blood flows, and it is terrible!

"Haha, God is going, Chen Jiu is dead!" The eighth Pope laughed, finally relieved.

‘Roar…’ Unfortunately, this breath hasn't been smooth, and the siege of the three thousand fallen giant spirits has made them stupid.

"I depend, why are you here?" During the curse, the eight popes rushed to cope with it, but the hundred years of life were sacrificed, and their fighting power at this time was even more lost.

"Dead, evil!" The middle-aged palm finally covered Chen Jiu's head. The golden light was as if to use this golden hand to twist Chen Jiu into pieces!

"Destroyed against the sky!" Chen Jiu shouted, and immediately activated the Jiujiejie's blood absorption function, even madly trying to draw this middle-aged god-man.

Powerful, Jiulong Jiu deserves to be an anti-celestial creature. After Chen Jiu's body burst, the middle-aged man's palm strength finally faded, which made him unbelievable, that is, his own blood is fading at a geometric speed!

"Ah ... broken!" At the critical moment of the god-man, the strong man broke his wrist, one of his arms was severed by himself, and his face returned with extreme horror.

"What? True God was killed one arm in person!" The Eighth Pope felt the real battle situation, and even stared, he was spit out by the fallen giant spirit. The liquid, the rotten bones, the soul, the stinking smell, extremely Uncomfortable nausea!

"Zi ..." Chen Jiu picked up this arm, quickly sucked his essence and dried it, and then glared at the **** and laughed, "But this is true God, dare you come again?"

"You ... What kind of ability are you? You shouldn't have this ability against the sky!" The god-man glared at Chen Jiu, becoming more greedy between cruelty. "It must be that you have different treasures, right?"

"Even if I have a strange treasure, but you have the life to take it? Stupid, also known as the god-man, I am!" Chen Jiu scorned the god-man, bluntly scolded, and did not taboo.

"Bold, you gods abandon your son, it's all **** it!" The middle-aged **** man was angry, and his palm was born again. Under pressure, a river of golden light rushed out, sweeping the world and crushing the world!

The terminator of the universe is generally, this stream of golden sand, annihilation of the stars and moons, wear out the years, all matter can not exist under its consumption.

"Open the sky, the blood of the dragon sublimates!" Chen Jiu responded with all his strength, but found in horror that his world, his honor, cannot exist under this golden sand!

‘Zi La La…’ Ren Chen Jiuyuan is as strong as he can be, and his moves are wonderful. But this kind of sand is like the terminator of all things. No powerful move or method can resist its destruction.

"Ah!" During the breath, Chen Jiu's world was broken, and his body was worn away by the golden sand. The Dragon Heart Mirror could not protect the master, and began to break. The powerful dragon body was also worn away, the flesh and blood separated into the golden sand. Dust!

"Haha, Chen Jiu is finally dead!" The eight popes laughed again. Between three breaths, Chen Jiu's flesh is no longer, and he has a skeleton floating in the golden sand waves, but it seems to be the same. It is getting thinner and thinner, it seems that it won't last long.

Destroyed, the middle-aged god-man was stunned, but Chen Jiu was caught by surprise, but he was not unguarded, just as he was on the verge of death, a sudden thunderstorm rolled down, and a vast sky disaster came down. !!

‘Boom 嚓…’ The thunder pours out, as strong as a real dragon, stretching for millions of miles, vast and boundless, terrifying.

"Heavenly disaster, how can there be heavenly disaster? And it is so powerful that he is going to die, and he can survive it?" The middle-aged **** man glared with endless resentment: "If you want to survive the next life, give it to me, give me Obliterate! "

‘Boom…’ The middle-aged god-man reappears the might of God, and he will be strong again that day, but he throws out a golden sand, covering the sky with clouds, corrupting and obliterating all the laws, and even if it ’s heaven punishment, he ca n’t bear such an attack.

Mastering the origins of the world and understanding the mysteries of the rules are the biggest insights and gains of Chen Jiu in the gods and magic circles. He originally planned to end the battle and then cross the calamity, but the strength of the god-man made him quite worried, so He advanced his own will to continue the external world through refining and virtualizing, and after mastering the laws of heaven and earth, Tianzhao made his own life!

"This is impossible. Except for the rules of magical fighting in our gods, all other laws do not exist. How did he sense it and attracted the heist?" The Eighth Pope was dumbfounded, obviously unable to understand all of this. .

'Booming ...' I have to say that the middle-aged gods and men are too powerful, and have been extremely destructive, which has made the eight popes jealous. Under the golden sand, it is shrinking in layers, and it is impossible to resist. Finally turned into a mass of original energy!

"You disappear too!" The middle-aged man was overbearing, and then he urged Sands with all his strength, and wanted to refine Chen Jiu in Sands.

‘Zila la…’ Bone collapses, and Chen Jiu ’s tyrannosaurus skeleton breaks down. It dissolves in the golden sand and no longer exists.

"Lao Long, what are you waiting for? Do you have to watch me slain to death?" Chen Jiuyi bellowed, and felt that the crisis was approaching. He could not help but ask for help.

"Chen Jiu, you are fighting. You can't always think about asking me to help you. I can't appear every time!" The dragon reminded coldly.

"What? I rely on it, you said it earlier, this time I'm done, I'm not willing!" Chen Jiu cursed, feeling suddenly his skeleton, completely annihilated for a moment!

‘咚咚…’ But what surprised Chen Jiu was that he had n’t died completely, a heart hung in the sand, always up and down, beating vigorously, very amazing.

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