Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 577: I am god

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

'Booming and rumbling ...' Jintao waves, like a sea of ​​gods, wipe out everything, grind through the ages, and under its horrible attack, everything is unbreakable, and no soul is immortal. Chen Jiu was swallowed by it. It was supposed to be It ’s only a matter of time before the body is dead, but now, it is rolling violently!

The waves struck the sky and swept across thousands of miles. The powerful Shenhai was separated by a force, and a master-like figure emerged from it.

"You ... how could you be alive?" The Benedict Pope was horrified and couldn't believe his eyes.

This figure is not someone else. It is Chen Jiu who should have died. At this time he sneered with a sneer and said, "Why can't I live? You despicable reptiles, except for the breath of the gods, you What else can you do? "

"This is not true, you have no reason to live!" The god-man glared, more angry: "Kill me, big waves!"

‘Boom ...’ The more violent waves rolled up, but they could n’t provoke Chen Jiu ’s majesty. He stood in the heavens and the earth, and was simply a noble master than the true God.

"Go away!" With a big wave of his hand, the extremely noble and supreme Golden Sands were all scattered and annihilated for thousands of miles. Chen Jiu's big hand was even captured by the gods when they were empty.

'boom! 'Big hands held the man's neck and hung him like a chicken in his hands, a pair of pupils, stared at him with contempt and shouted, "Dare to threaten me with my loved ones, even God I will kill ! "

"No ... you can't kill me ... Ah!" The god-man felt his weakness and was completely frightened, begging for forgiveness but to no avail. At this time Chen Jiu hated him so much that he didn't talk nonsense at all. Then, it absorbed directly, so that his body and mind were destroyed in the palm of his hand.

A true god, overriding the Holy One, but was pinched to death in the hands by Chen Jiu. This scene can see the eight popes, even more fart and pissing, can't face it!

"And you guys, don't even try to run away, give me all to die!" Chen Jiuyin's cold eyes stared directly at the eight popes, and he shook his hands.

At the moment of life and death, it is still the dragon who is in his early rescue, otherwise, he would really be strangled to death here, the other party ’s means are so shocking that he really suffered a lot.

Of course, the dragon's initial inaction has made him grow a lot. When fighting, the most important thing is to rely on yourself!

‘Boom ...’ At this time, before the nine dragons possessed by the dragon, Chen Jiu was basically an ant. When he lifted his hands, all eight were crushed down by the shock, vomiting blood and being unable to move.

"Where is my family?" Chen Jiuli reprimanded and asked.

"Chen Jiu, let us go, otherwise we'll pull them to be buried!" The Dark Pope roared unwillingly.

"Companion to your mother, you give me death first!" Chen Jiu was angry, pressed down with one palm, and the dark pope's godlike shape collapsed in the air on the spot and died.

"Chen Jiu, give us a way to live ..." The Pope Guang Xing quickly knelt before Chen Jiu, begging pitifully.

"Hum, don't think you can't let it go, I can't find them, just open it to me!" The million troops of the Chen family swept away from the Supreme Will, and they all returned to normal, tearing the large array, and being safely returned to the ground!

"What the **** are you? You can tear the top sacred artifacts given by the gods, only God can do it!" The pope and other people were dumbfounded and were more afraid of Chen Jiu.

"I'm God!" Chen Jiuqi ran through the heavens and stepped out, ‘bang! ’With a sound, the Pope of Light, a generation of overlords, was smashed into flesh, and it was miserable!

"No, Chen Jiu, forgive me. I am willing to give up the gods, worship your glory, and worship your majesty ..." The Pope Jin gave up his faith in order to survive.

"I don't dare to accept such believers like you!" Chen Jiuli drank, and also stepped on the foot, dying of the Pope's life!

"Chen Jiu, we are the spokesperson of God. If you kill us, it is against God. You are on the road to self-defeating. You are still on the cliff!" The pope preached serenely.

"My aunt, you ca n’t even count a dog in front of the gods!" Chen Jiu cursed, slashing with one palm, splitting the pope on the spot.

"The gods lowered their decree to kill me. They do n’t share with me. You do n’t need to talk nonsense anymore. Today you are all going to die. I want the gods to pay for it. One day, I will cut into their divine realm. Capture the gods and let them all kneel in front of me! "Chen Jiu's spirits and unparalleled rebellious gods, he does not give many popes any chance, it is punching the pedal, such as killing the dog Ant-like, the eight popes were completely tortured in the gods and devils!

The pope is dead, and the gods and devils are destroying themselves. As the space changes, Chen Jiu returns to the underground hall, but it is no longer majestic, it is full of scars, and the images of the gods are all broken. No, the hall may be damaged at any time, and its glory is gone.

"The temples of the gods will be extinct in my dragon blood empire from now on, one will not stay!" Chen Jiu's hands covered the sky and stirred Qiankun, and that was the place that ruined this secret temple on the spot, and it was not slow. Photographed by a big hand, the eight temples in the German king's city are also directly flattened and destroyed!

After doing all of this, Chen Jiu was considered slightly relieved. He gathered up the holy soldiers of the eight popes and came out of the city to meet his relatives.

"Father, grandfather, are you okay?" Chen Jiu stepped forward and asked, very worried.

"Jiuer, you're just fine, be safe, we're not dead, you can't be fine!" Both Chen Long and Chen Tianhe were in tears, worried.

"Don't worry, no one in the world can kill me!" Chen Jiu was soothed and moved for a while.

"By the way, Jiuer, do you know why many popes have shot at us this time?" Chen Long couldn't help but wonder again.

"The gods lowered their decree to destroy me, the gods and abandoned the son!" Chen Jiu preached.

"What? How good is it that the gods lowered the decree? What about the eight popes?" Chen Tianhe couldn't help but worry even more.

"Father, please rest assured that the Eighth Pope has been beheaded by me, and the gods may not be so powerful. I tell you, I just killed a true **** just now. There is nothing terrible!" Fearless, the arrogance soared to the sky: "The gods are going to kill me, because they are afraid of me growing up!"

"You killed the Eight Popes? Isn't this equivalent to offending countless believers in the Eight Great Temples?" Chen Long stared, almost biting his tongue.

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