Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 581: Nisisi

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Xuanhuang messenger? Let him wait ..." Chen Jiu was accompanying Zhao Lian'er at this time. What about the messenger?

"My son, it's not good for you. Xuanhuang Divine Kingdom is a great country. You can't be so indifferent!" Zhao Lian'er persuaded it.

"Lianer, but I still want to talk to you for a while!" Chen Jiuyi thought to persuade Zhao Lianer to stay.

"We have time to talk in the future, but it is still important to do business right now, son, you are now a great emperor, and everything in the country should be the most important thing!" Zhao Lian'er advised.

"Okay, we didn't expect our lotus child to be so sensible, so let's quickly get dressed and see him!" Said Chen Jiu, but he reluctantly put on his clothes.

'boom! ’But at this moment, a bang, but it rang in front of the door, a figure, unexpectedly broke into the hall without order.

"Bold thief, who asked you to come in, are you trying to die?" Chen Jiu violently hurriedly blocked Zhao Lianer from covering Spring.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, we didn't stop the messenger Xuanhuang. I ran into you. It really deserves to be killed!" More than a dozen soldiers and guards rushed in and surrounded the intruders.

"A bunch of waste, go back!" Chen Jiu blocked Zhao Lian'er, naturally many soldiers could not find anything. He waved his hands and drank the soldiers, but dissatisfied and stared at the envoy of Xuanhuang!

"Chen Jiu, do you still recognize me?" Xuanhuang messenger looked up, staring at the slightest fear of Chen Jiu, full of provocative charm.

"Er, Xuan Ling, you Xuanhuang Emperor, why did you suddenly come to me?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be shocked after seeing this handsome face.

Miss Pisisi, she's really bold!

"Well, if I can't come here, wouldn't I still be unable to find this fox. Beaver essence? Don't hide, I just saw you!" Xuan Ling's resentful glance bypassed Chen Jiu directly and stared at the clothes. . Zhao Lianer with a ragged shirt.

Pink face with red cheeks and charming appearance. Now that she has been pushed by Chen Jiu to the infinite peak, Zhao Lian'er is a demon with purity in her purity. Alas, this temperament, this state, even Xuan Ling saw It's been a while!

"Well, it really looks like a natural hook, it's really pure and beautiful!" Xuan Ling paced left and right, watching Zhao Lian'er sigh, but couldn't help but change his face and said, "Unfortunately, under the bright appearance, it is Hiding a poisonous heart, a woman like you is really everyone's favor! "

"Hey, Xuanling, what are you doing? Don't talk nonsense!" Chen Jiu frowned, dissatisfied with this.

"Her Majesty Xuan Huang, please also respect my personality, do you not have a woman?" Zhao Lian'er was insulted and insulted by this and could not bear it.

"My aunt, what kind of personality do you want for a woman like you? Do you have your own dignity?" Xuan Ling yelled angrily: "Don't look at you like a dog, in fact you It ’s no different from a prostitute or a **** the street. When you have two legs, you want to seduce a man and seduce them. You have no feelings in your heart, but it ’s the worst sin in the world! ”

"I ... no!" Zhao Lian'er was aggrieved, and her eyes were filled with tears, and she finally came over to have fun with Chen Jiu, and she was directly treated as a prostitute. No one can afford this.

"Xuan Ling, I read that you are also a great emperor. I have no disrespect to you, but I hope you respect my woman. If you dare to be ashamed again, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Chen Jiu's face immediately became cold and gloomy Come down, decided to vent gas for Zhao Lian'er.

"Well, Chen Jiu, I had to be too lazy to care about your business so much. Don't be fierce with me. If you have the ability, you will return our territory to me, and I will immediately retreat. What are you fox. Gou. It has nothing to do with me, and I won't interfere in any way! "Xuan Ling immediately stared and offered the conditions.

"Returning your territory, this is impossible!" Chen Jiuqiang refused hardly. How could it be said that he would repay it?

"That being the case, then you have to kill me this fox. Beaver. Otherwise, your dragon blood empire will be destroyed by her sooner or later. It will not matter if we destroy it at that time. If it will affect our Xuanhuang Empire, then It's not good! "Xuan Ling's evil eyes glared at Zhao Lian'er again.

"I didn't say that!" Zhao Lian'er was even more aggrieved.

"My aunt, you fox and raccoon, don't pretend to be pitiful with me here. Even if I turn my face with him today, I will yell at him, Chen Jiu, you say you like Han Xue, but now you do like this The fox and raccoon are fooling around, do you deserve sister Han Xue? "Xuan Ling questioned again.

"Xuan Ling, I warned you for the last time, forbid you to insult her again, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Chen Jiu warned seriously.

"You're welcome? How can you still take me? I've seen all of your methods, but it's just some of the tricks. If you have the skill, you can do it again!" Xuan Ling seemed to be out of the ordinary, nothing. fear.

"You ... you're messing with me again!" Chen Jiu was angry, and in front of Zhao Lian'er, it was not good to disclose his performance. He immediately explained: "This is not a fox. Beaver, she is Zhao Lian'er, from Qiankun College. The ethereal fairy, my woman, don't scold anymore! "

"What about the ethereal fairy? Do you think that wearing a beautiful coat can hide the poisonous and embarrassing mind?" Xuan Ling did not agree with this in the slightest.

"Woohoo, son, people will go back first, not to delay your state affairs!" Zhao Lian'er was not the first time to be ashamed of this. Shameful, thinking of her ethereal and clean mind and body, she has been repeatedly accused of this, she was really hurt That is no longer wanting to stay, immediately crying and leaving.

"Ouch!" It's a pity that as soon as this step was taken, the legs were soft and fell to the ground directly. It was really embarrassing!

"Don't you say that it's not a fox spirit? It actually seduce, seduce a man, and fools you. Take off, you shameless fox. I've really seen a fox spirit for the first time!" Xuan Ling stared, even more angry. Swearing.

"Enough!" Chen Jiujue drank, very distressed and lifted up Zhao Lian'er, comforting softly: "Don't give her general knowledge!"

"My son, let's go home first!" Zhao Lian'er really didn't want to stay anymore, and she looked a lot weaker in the face of Xuan Ling's chatter.

Pushing away Chen Jiu, Zhao Lian'erqiang, using her strength, flew away from this place, unwilling to accept any more insults!

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