Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 594: Righteous Earthquake

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Xiemen, the demon will not care about you first, when my strength is completely restored, I must be the first to come and pinch you, now I have more important things to do, I have no time to ignore you!" Satan was afraid, and jealous of Chen Nine kinds of power that can even destroy the body, his strong self-confidence even convinced him that this boy is invincible, or it is better to retreat!

"Don't go, Satan, come on, let's fight again and go!" Chen Jiu shouted, could not help but chase him up.

"I don't bother you ..." Satan waved and left the place suddenly.

"Hugh had to run away, Satan, you are a famous devil and god, how can you run away without a fight and pick up the sword!" Chen Jiu died chasing Satan, but staged a great farce on the continent!

"Well, evil spirits disappeared, what happened? Is it just our hallucinations?" This accident came very quickly, but it also ended very quickly. People haven't reacted yet. The monstrous magic has gradually gradually begun. The smoke dispersed.

‘Boom ...’ Over a certain town in the sky, the sky is broken, an emperor-like figure, Tijian chasing a black evil spirit full of devil, that is when the sky appeared!

The world was shocked, and they didn't understand what the two were.

"Shit boy, don't you endlessly okay? Master Devil is very busy now, I have no time to fight you!" Satan's passive response, that was helpless.

As a great devil, it is a horrifying character who has a long history and a long history, and no one dares to provoke it. Who ever thought that Huluo Plain was being bullied by dogs. This was an unintentional battle, but he was chased by Chen Jiu and kept fighting. He didn't dare to really work hard with him, fearing that he had any further moves, that was wronged and died.

"Satan, you demon, I am the Dragon Blood Emperor, and what inherits is justice on earth, how can you allow you to survive on our continent and die for me!" Chen Jiuzheng Ling Ran, a sword that came to the world, Suddenly cut out, the sky is broken, the sun and the moon are sinking!

'boom! ‘Satan responded passively and was cut into the void and disappeared.

"Hugh escape ..." Chen Jiu raised his sword and chased it again.

‘Boom…’ Another sky over the town. Chen Jiu hit Satan with infinite arrogance. “Satan, you are also a great demon. Do n’t be so good? Fight me!”

"I said, I'm not free!" Chen Jiuyue was so powerful, and the more he convinced Satan, he would have to rely on it. That was to flee without fighting.

"Satan, you courageous cowardly, you must be the most timid devil in the world, fight with me, and be a man, just stop ..."

"Satan, are you **** alive? Don't run away, pick me up!"

"I rely, I'm not in life, don't chase me anymore ... I'm afraid you're not OK!" Satan was so terrified that he ran away, but unfortunately he couldn't get rid of Chen Jiu behind him.

"Satan, who released you in the end, you tell me, I let you go for the time being!" Chen Jiu finally, there was still room for relaxation.

"I don't know. I'm sealed. I don't know which group of humans let me go, but in order to break the seal of the gods and Buddhas, he sacrificed countless pure Yin women alive. If you look for them, you will definitely find the culprit. , I don't want to **** up now, you don't want to follow me anymore! "Satan was going mad.

"Really? If you're not honest, then take your life!" Chen Jiu's sword slashed, killing him again!

"Booming ..." Over the countless cities and towns, Chen Jiu's deeds of hunting down the demon **** were watched by everyone and soon spread.

In the continent, Chen Jiu's prestige flourished once again, old and young, and all began to miss him.

The righteous emperor, the real gentleman, removes the demon guardian, protects the security of the continent, and defeats the demon god. He is simply the savior of mankind!

Tianzi spread rumors, saying that Chen Jiu's defeat of the gods brought endless disasters, but human sinners. However, such rumors have just emerged, and they were directly destroyed by this powerful battle. , That's the least effect!

The prestigious world, Chen Jiuyi's strength, fighting the devil, and hunting down hundreds of millions of miles, such a deed, naturally shocked many top leaders.

As a result, Qing'e College issued a statement, praising Chen Jiu strongly, praising him as a good student of Qiankun College, and living up to the school's hard-working teaching!

In the kingdom of Xuanhuang, Xuanhuang was shocked and ecstatic. "This dead boy didn't just tease the woman. He was doing a good job. He was a good hand. He really looked down on him before. I didn't expect him to be a big satyr. A heart of justice! "

In the mythical kingdom of God, the power of Shen Mi smiled with pride, "How about? Chen Jiu is terrific? He is my real life son!"

In many magical kingdoms of God, countless people are angry. "Abominable, Chen Jiu has really taken the limelight. It is best to let him die with the devil!"

In Qiankun's kingdom, the expression of the emperor is wonderful.

He was unbelievable with his face full of surprises and misfortunes. He gritted his teeth between his teeth and hated "the abominable Chen Jiu, the **** demon. Why was he so bad? He couldn't beat Chen Jiu and was chased by him hundreds of millions of miles He can do such humiliating things. Is he still the supreme devil before? "

Furious, Tianzi ’s handsome face was red in black and green in red, which meant a little blue. The old men looked at it, and they could n’t bear it. They could not help but persuade: "Your Majesty For example, the devil has been suppressed for a long time, and his skills have regressed too much. It is also possible to beat Chen Jiu for the time being! "

"Yes, Your Majesty, although the devil has failed, don't you still have a trick? We don't have to be afraid of him!" Another elder persuaded.

"I!" Tianzi frowned, glaring at the elder, and almost didn't stare him to death. You old thing, do you have a good memory?

"Your Majesty, it won't be long before the dragon blood army will come to the city. We don't have to be late, we must quickly use the last hole card. What can you do?" The old men were anxious.

"Grass, don't you just count on me? Why don't you think about it?" Tianzi was angry and couldn't help pushing the ball directly to many elders!

"This ... Chen Jiu took his idea over there!" The old men almost didn't asham their sons.

"You ... shit!" Tianzi was annoyed, and his neck became red for a while.

"Your Majesty, you don't want to seduce our appetite, you can tell it quickly, otherwise, Chen Jiuke will really complete the imperial siege that surrounds us!" The veterans continued to ask, unknown.

"I ..." Tianzi finished, a black line on his face, wondering what to do!

"Your Majesty, something bad is bad!" Just then, a soldier ran in panicfully.

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