Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 685: Lend your heart

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"I can tell you some reasons for this!" In the face of Chen Jiu and Xuan Ling's questions, Qing'e explained carefully: "After the blood of God is opened, not all can be blessed by divine power. This specific The situation depends on the situation of your ancestors among the gods! "

"Oh? What is this statement?" Chen Jiu asked again.

"Well, don't mess with your head!" Qing'e was so arrogant that she couldn't accept that she was explaining knowledge to everyone in this state, and she blushed. He panted and said, "It is said that the gods lived in Boguhao In the divine realm, they are not so peaceful in it. They have their own prosperity and decline. They also have their own development. The blood is strong, and the more the natural divine power is, the more the blood is declining, it is difficult to drop the divine power naturally. ! "

"What? By that, do you mean that my dragon blood family, among the gods, has also fallen?" Chen Jiu stared, unbelievably.

"No one can say anything about the gods, but at the moment it looks like this!" Qing'e shook her head, not too certain.

"Chen Jiu, don't care, the heights of the gods are too high, and we don't know if they exist yet, so don't add your own trouble!" The daughters couldn't help but persuade them kindly.

"I'm okay. I always rely on myself, Chen Jiu. I don't care what gods!" Chen Jiuba said absolutely: "When I come to the kingdom of God in the future, I will let all gods surrender. Royal World! "

"You ... You should play less, or think of something realistic!" Faced with Chen Jiu's grand words, Qing'e was extremely disdainful. She thought it was impossible.

"How? You don't believe me? It seems that you still have too little confidence in me, let alone, let me give you a little more confidence!" Chen Jiu was angry, the consequences were serious, that was immediately fiddle with Qing'e, and Spoiled once.

‘Papa! ‘Meat. I ’m so full of it. It ’s a special addiction. Chen Jiu ’s spirit is full of spirits. He is so cool that Qing’e is out of the sky, begging for mercy, and never dare to underestimate this man again!

After a lot of nonsense, Qing'e was completely out of temper, and his full body was paralyzed there. He didn't want to move any more.

"Chen Jiu, you are so domineering, so mighty, we like you so much!" Among the girls, Chen Jiu was waited by them again.

"You're working hard, let's squeeze it for you!" The daughters were completely surrendered by Chen Jiu. After they were extremely cool, that was the beginning of a well-behaved return to Chen Jiu, and all the vinegar was lost.

Man, so strong that there is no need to explain it at all. Chen Jiu is lying in the middle of them, and from time to time he sips a few small oils. That is happiness to the borderless!

"Chen Jiu, I have something I would like to ask for your help, can you?" After a while, Qing'e fancyed Chen Jiu among the girls, but couldn't help asking.

"Oh? Is our relationship polite? You have to say anything!" Chen Jiu said indifferently.

"I want to use your heart to use it!" After Qing'e said nervously, they found everyone's eyes surprised, and she quickly explained: "I mean the heart of the emperor!"

"What? The heart of the emperor!" The girls were equally shocked, glaring at Qing'e, all with some doubts.

"E'er, if you want my heart, then dig it yourself, Chen Jiu will never frown!" Surprisingly, Chen Jiu agreed.

"What? You really want to give me!" Qing'e was amazed by surprise.

"Chen Jiu, don't worry, the emperor's heart is so important to you, and you must not lose it!" Although Mu Lan did not say it clearly, it was undoubtedly suggesting something.

"Hum, mother-in-law, just got messed up by Chen Jiu, and immediately wanted to dig into his heart to please another man? I am the first woman to be such a mean woman!" Gan Xiangyi said, Immediately began to scold and shame.

The heart of the emperor has no greater effect than combining it with Tianzi Sword to become the best holy soldier. For it, the most needed person is Tianzi. This fool knows that Qing'e came to her heart and said she had no other plans. , The girls can't believe it!

"My son, for your safety, don't give it to her. Once Tianzi has gained the emperor's heart, it will definitely work again and endanger the continent!" Chen Lan also made a rare exhortation.

"Don't ..." The meanings of the girls are roughly the same, and they all disagree with Chen Jiu's heart, because such a loan is destined to be returned!

"Okay, everyone is comfortable, I think you should trust E'er, don't you?" Chen Jiuli remarked, stood slightly, and came to Qing'e to preach: "My heart can dig for you! "

"I ..." Qing'e glared at Chen Jiu's sincere affection, and also took an unbearable stepping back. She was extremely ashamed.

"Bitch, you are still the head of the hospital. You have to do such desolate things. You are not worthy of being Chen Jiu's wife, and you are not worthy of being our sister!" Gan Xiangyi took the lead and once again Scolding at Qing'e made her feel more complacent.

Ashamed, Qing'e was unwilling to give up, because she hadn't seen the true heart of Chen Jiu, and did not get the emperor's heart, she couldn't explain to the emperor!

With courage, all the hatreds against Chen Jiu were turned into motivation. Qing'e stared at him gravely and asked, "Chen Jiu, do you really give me the heart of the emperor? Are you not afraid that I will Give it to emperor? "

"Your person, I believe that my things naturally belong to you, as well as your heart. You have to take them. Although you take them, you can do whatever you want to do with it!" Chen Jiuzu said freely: "I believe My own lover won't hurt me! "

"Well, don't be too confident, I tell you, I just want to give your heart to Heavenly Son, would you still give it to me?" Qing'e could not bear the condemnation of the conscience, and even disclosed her purpose immediately.

At this time, she no longer considered success or failure. In her mind, the importance of this man became more and more important!

"I said, what are you going to do with it? That's completely your business. If you are willing to give it to Tianzi, then give it to Tianzi. I won't hate you!" With a slight smile, Chen Jiufei seemed a little bit He is not angry. He knows that he is eating away at the position of Tianzi in Qing's heart step by step.

"Chen Jiu, I'm not joking with you. If you don't have an opinion, I'm really digging!" Qing'e hated, and finally asked.

"Dig it, my chest can be opened for you at any time, and you can take a good look at it, my heart, how hot and hot it is in front of you!" Chen Jiu held his chest up and put it on the green. In front of E, willingly.

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