Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 781: Bold love

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Of course it matters!" Lilac's jade hand, quickly grasped Chen Jiu's powerful sermon, "Do you know what they told me to do in the past?"

"I don't know, you don't have to sell it, let's finish it!" Chen Jiu was anxious.

"Speak, but I'm done, don't be proud!" Take a sip, Lilac said unwillingly: "They told me to be false in the past, to want to see you is true, their dignified fairy, how many men I admire them but do n’t understand you so much as a groom! "

"Miss, it's not hard to understand by yourself, isn't it?" Chen Jiu said badly: "This proves that my personal charm is still very good!"

"You're less here, if I weren't ..." Clove had some words that couldn't be said. If she had so much intimacy with him, she wouldn't have been captured by him so easily. In fact, it has been brewing for a long time.

"How about you?" Chen Jiu asked again.

"Forget it, don't talk about me!" Lilac shook her face and shook her head, and continued to say, "That dry jade, she really wanted to talk to you about the subject, she really didn't want to die!"

"What? Gan Yu'er really fell in love with me?" Chen Jiu was complacent, no matter what, he was liked by beautiful women. This is not a bad thing.

"You, I know that your man's immunity is too low. You said that if you have a large group of schoolgirls come here to hook you. How can you resist it?" Lilac glared resentfully.

"It's okay. I'm powerful. I can kill as many female students as I can!" Chen Jiu held up a huge object, which was infinitely proud.

"Don't think about it, it's mine. You don't want to use it casually on other women!" Lilac firmly grasped the large object and declared sovereignty.

"Miss, a little dry jade, isn't it threatening your status yet?" Chen Jiu assured: "That woman I don't like very much, don't you worry!"

"You don't like dry Yuer, but there are others!" Lilac can't help complaining: "Meng Meng mentioned you immediately, and immediately stared at the little stars, very interested in you, although Fang Rou There is no expression on the surface, but it is also a look of expectation, which is very unpleasant. Although Zhao Yan is in the guise of introducing a girlfriend to you, she knows that her intentions are impure! "

"Oh? My style has just begun to show, so have captured the hearts of your five great fairies?" Chen Jiu laughed, contentedly.

"Chen Jiu, don't be too proud of me. I tell you, they just admire your talents. It ’s hard to say whether you have that kind of heart. It ’s like me, just like you. You do n’t cherish it. Me, are you still thinking about others, are you worthy of me? "Lilac resentful like little daughter.

"Well, Xianger, my young lady, my heart naturally belongs to you, but it is not a bad thing if your husband likes it, don't you be so upset?" Chen Jiu enlightened and started talking about Lilac "It's as if you have a few big boys thinking about it, don't I just go with you? I'm not too jealous with this practice, are you overly worried?"

"This ... Maybe I think about it more?" Lilac thought about it, too. He was a little groom, he thought he was so heavy, and others might not think he thought so much. He must have thought too much. Right!

"Miss, if you still have jealous feelings, just send it to him. Let it go!" Having stood up for his own strength, Chen Jiu persuaded evilly.

"You think about bad things again, but they do think about it ..." Glittering for a moment, Lilac immediately lowered her head. Over!

Skilled and soft. The tenderness was so extreme that it seemed to be melting. Chen Jiuzhen couldn't explain the enjoyment. The divine creatures were so imposing. Waiting for himself, this honor deserves his pride.

After a while, Chen Jiu roared and released completely. After letting it go, she smiled completely, and Lilac got up and smiled happily: "You guys, there are so many people, they almost cannot swallow it!"

"Haha, are you comfortable now? Let's go and go to the college with me!" Chen Jiu smiled cheerfully, endlessly proud.

"Well, let's go!" Lilac nodded, feeling warmer and more comfortable!

After the two got some grooming, they immediately came out of Lilac House, came to the stables, pulled out the dragon horse and the violent horse, and they were about to ride away.

But at this time, Chen Jiu suddenly said, "Miss, can I ride a horse with you?"

"What? You ..." Lilac glared at Chen Jiu and couldn't help but be ashamed. Unlucky, worried about it, if the two go out like this, then the relationship will definitely explode.

Chen Jiu is so weak now, can he cope with such endless troubles?

"Pressure is motivation. Let the storms come more violently. Now that we are in love, we have bold and vigorous love. After all, love is our thing. Why should we secretly" touch "and" touch "it?" Eloquent preaching.

"Well, Chen Jiu, I'll ride a fierce horse with you!" Lilac focused her head and was moved by this lawless love.

If you love you, you must speak up. Chen Jiu's demeanor is not afraid of the people in the world, and she really makes Lilac move. At the same time, she also wants to announce that Chen Jiu is already my person. Other women, do n’t want to fight again What an idea!

With a steadfastness to love, Chen Jiu is behind, Lilac is ahead, they hug each other and ride on the violent horse, that is, boldly stepping out of Lilac Pavilion, which is equivalent to changing directions to explain to the world relationship.

"Oh my God, we are not wrong. That's Lilac Fairy. She ... She is behind the horse **** Chen Jiu. When are they going to get better?" In the temple of countless students, the news appeared as soon as the two of them appeared. Cyclone-like, directly swept the entire college!

The Lilac Fairy and the horse **** Chen Jiu ride a horse in total. Their behavior is extremely close, and the ambiguous relationship between the two is unquestionable.

"Clove and Chen Jiu came together, this ... this is too fast, right?" Zhao Yan was shocked and lost color in a god's residence in Qiankun Temple.

"No wonder when Lilac met us yesterday, so dodgy, so in other words, it turned out that there was a ghost in her heart!" Gan Yu'er said very angrily.

"The rabbit hasn't eaten the grass around the nest yet. The practice of cloves is so mean!" Meng Meng also expressed dissatisfaction.

"Let's go, I think I should ask her clearly!" Fang Rou also made up his mind.

It was menacing. Zhao Yan and their four fortune fairies immediately approached Jiu Jiu and approached them, which meant that the teacher would be guilty of sin.

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