Sayuri: [Oho so let's go to Ichiraku's.]

We were talking while walking near Konoha north gates where Ichiraku was placed. It was not a big place, but it was perfect, warm and cozy.

Teuchi: [Hello there, are you new here?] said with a big smile.

Sayuri: [Hello, yes, we are new here, and some friends said that here sells the best ramen in the 5 great villages.]

Teuchi: [Oho, I am flattered, the first is on the house.] answer without losing his smile.

There is only one word to describe Teuchi's cooking skills when it comes to ramen "Legendary".

That's why Naruto was so obsessed with it, he wasn't treated bad and the food was so good.

After eating and paying for 20 ramen bowls just from Kushina part.

Ryu: [Teuchi-san me and mother opened a restaurant and there are just us two coking, I tasted your food and was thinking if you would like to become a chief there, all Ramen servings will be yours and I will give you a salary. If you want to move and live there, the third floor are for employees.]

Sayuri: [You can also take your family with you if there is a problem about it, and if you are not convinced how about taste Ryu's food tomorrow?]

Teuchi: [This is very tempting; I will talk with my wife and go to your restaurant tomorrow to see your menu and the restaurant.]

Ryu: [Alright, the restaurant is called dragon's Pavilion and it's near the Hyuga compound.]

After saying our goodbyes, we head to the compound, we talked a bit more and I got to sleep, "today was a good day, tomorrow must be another long day." I thought while starting to fell asleep.


Light make its way towards my face but I somehow feel suffocated, "What is this someone sneaked upon me? I am fuċkɨnġ Anbu captain, I can't move, can't see nothing, Alice are you there?"

{Don't worry master your just being hugged, your mother just sneaked in your bedroom.}

Ryu: [Hmmm….mmmm, aiiirrr I need air] I said desperated.

Sayuri: [hummm, good morning little naughty boy, you really love sleeping in your mother embrace, fufufufufu.] said happily.

Ryu: [Good morning mom, don't hug me like that you are going to kill me with those big brėȧsts of yours. The question is why are you sleeping here?]

Sayuri: [Fufufufufu, I don't want to get to far from you, you already have to go to the guard duty in the academy, I just have you here in the sleeping time so I will stay with you no matter what.] she laugh and get up to prepare the breakfast.

Sayuri: [Go clean yourself up and call the sleep head.]

-At the academy-

The entry of the academy was crowded it seems Jiraya, the Hokage and his advisors are here.

"It seems Minato is already going to graduate." I thought amused.

As we approach, I can see Fugaku, and future Ino-Shika-Cho with other classes, we continue to walk near a tree when Tsume, Mikoto, Minato and Akemi approach us.

Akemi: [Good morning everyone.] said smiling.

Minato: [Hello everyone, you might already know but let me present myself I am Minato Namikaze. Nice to meet you.] also smiling.

Mikoto: [I am Mikoto from the great Uchiha clan, daughter of the current clan head.] said smirking.

Kushina: [Kushina Uzumaki, I will be the strongest kunoichi, and take grandpa's seat as Uzukage, 'ttebane'.] talked with cheerful and lively smile as always.

Ryu: [Nice to meet you all, I am Ryuji Senju Uchiha, you can all me Ryu.] I said smiling slightly.

Tsume: [You really are from two great founder clans.] astonished, while the others just nodded.

Ryu: [Well, I always lived with mom, but she never talked about father or my grandparents, even though she is Senju Uchiha also.] with a fake pondering face.

We talked a bit till it was time to Minato to take the test against one of the Chuunin teachers. He of course passed easily, and Jiraya took him as apprentice.

After that crap of will of fire from the old monkey, with Tsume and Kushina fighting to not sleep, we have all day off boring schooling, and me and Shina said our goodbyes to our new friends and make our way to the restaurant with Mikoto also going on our side, always bickering with Kushina about her proudful clan, as Shina enter the restaurant, I turned around looked at Mikoto and said.

Ryu: [Mikoto you don't need to use this mask of yours near us, we are friends.]

Mikoto shocked responded: [I don't know what are you talking about.] faking a confused face.

Ryu: [You can't fool me Uchiha princess, this act of proudness is fake, I can see from afar, you are to gentle and you have a warm aura around you.] I said smirking while activating my Sharingan.

Mikoto gasped at my fully mȧturėd as she already knows that I have only 7 years old.

Mikoto: [How you already have a 3 tomoe Sharingan, and why didn't you graduate earlier?] shocked but also curious.

Ryu: [I will say to you because you are my friend don't go revealing to others, I have Sharingan since I awakened my chakra with 4 years old.] said whit a smile.

As we talk, she seems more relaxed now, then I see Teuchi approaching the restaurant, I turn around and asked if Mikoto wanted to eat dinner with us. She just shook her head and said that she needs to go to a clan meeting.

-Mikoto's pov-

I was always seen by my father and my clan as just a matriarch for the clan, while some just see me as a stair to become the 'great Uchiha clan' patriarch. I think I will always be seen as a tool; I soon started the academy but my hopes to find true friendship without political interest, I was slowly losing hope to achieve it.

Suddenly I saw a red head like Akemi entered the class with a boy using face mask, I can say easily this boy is extremely handsome even young, "That must be why he uses a face mask, or he should be attacked by this useless fan girls."

To my surprise he is a Senju and Uchiha, I am more surprise to why never the elders and father never said anything about this guy, why they didn't think of him as a great tool as he is from two great clans.

Also, yesterday I noticed that even if he is one of the strongest in the class, he never showed a proud attitude or mocked the other, he also never used his clan's status. I don't know why but as I looked in his direction, he always returned the look without shying away, this make me look away in hurry, make my heart beat faster and my cheeks as red as his Uzumaki friend hair.

Today I approach them as he and Kushina seemed to be good people, Tsume, Minato and Akemi also approach, I always use this proud act as I was forced to use by father, and he looks at me with a calculating gaze, making me feel nȧkėd towards his eyes.

Getting my way home with them Kushina entered the new big restaurant and Ryu talk to me. To my surprise and shock he knows that I fake my persona, making me even more shocked he showed me a fully mȧturėd Sharingan, asking where he got it, I almost faint hearing he got it with 4 years.

Bidding my goodbyes, I go home while thinking, he considered me as a friend and said that I don't need to fake nothing, I smiled slightly then muttered.

[This will be interesting.] with a bushed faced imagining his unmasked face.

-Ryu's pov-

Ryu: [Come in Teuchi-san, I am going to prepare something for us to eat.] said while a welcoming gesture.

Teuchi: [Hahaha thank you very much.] smiling.

"Alice what level Teuchi has in cooking?"

"Really? His ramen is delicious I can't imagine when he reaches his peak level." I thought amused.

After a while I showed him our menu and asked what he prefer for me to cook.

Teuchi: [What is this pizza? I never heard of it. Can you make me one? I want to try it, and for drinking surprise me.] still smiling.

Ryu: [Alright just wait a bit.] I said while turning and heading to the kitchen.

"It was good that mom already had prepared the ingredients."

After a few moments I head to Teuchi and Kushina, I put the pizza on the table, Teuchi and Kushina became in trance by the smell, a traditional pepperoni pizza with a generous amount of cheese.

I cut in pieces and give Teuchi and Kushina, while also opening a can of Soda for each and serving on a cup. After finishing serving them, I took a piece with glee and waited their reactions.

Teuchi: [T-This is really a delicious dish, and it combine perfectly with this bubble drink.] with a shocked face.

Kushina, well, being Kushina eating with gusto humming with a happy face.

Ryu: [I am happy that you liked, then what is your answer Teuchi-san?]

Teuchi: […]

After a moment pondering.

Teuchi: [I accept, please take care of me and my family.] we smile and shook hands.


{Quest completed:

Recruit Teuchi and his family as chief, and helping managing your restaurant.

Reward: 5.000, Title Chef}

System Points total: 108.000 Sp.

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