We talked a lot about the changes and we hope it would be for the best.

Mikoto said that Fugaku is still pestering her, Kushina intervened saying that if he is pestering her again, she just needs to come near her that she will beat him up. Mikoto just smiled at her friend, and Tsume looked at me with a weird glint in her eyes.

Tsume: [You could just say that you and Ryu are dating. It should solve easily and Mikoto would be happy.]

Kushina that was drinking some tea spilt all over after she heard Tsume, and looked at Mikoto with narrowed eyes. Mikoto seeing the look that Shina was giving her didn't retreat. I could see lightning coming from their eyes.

Ryu: [Hey, we are too young for that. If anything happened or Fugaku does something just come to us. We will help.] I said smiling.

Sayuri appeared with some snacks, she sat behind me and hugged me: [I just want to make myself clear, I will always be the first.] said casually but everyone could see a fire that burned brightly in her eyes. Everyone sweat dropped at her.

Mother took Kushina and Mikoto hands and walked away, to god's know where. Tsume went home laughing as hard as she could, Minato and Akemi just said their goodbyes, but before Minato got out, he turns his head back at me and said 'Good Luck'.

{You now that your mother love you, and she showed you in your younger years here in Naruto World.}

"These last years living with mom and Kushina I started to like them, I am not that dense. Even Mikoto, I took a like on her too. The scary part is having to choose and knowing about their feelings. I can't see Sayuri fully as my mother, it is weird to think of having a mom after an almost entire life without it"

{You could just take them all, and go full Harem. And don't try to deny as I am incorporated into your soul, I know about your dėsɨrės. Even in your life as a doctor you were orphan and didn't marry, master why don't you ask yourself, what you dėsɨrė the most?}

Ryu: [….]

{It is easy now, lots of wives and future daughters or sons. You will still realize your wish to have a family but in a larger scale.}

Ryu: [....]

{Let nature take its course and everything will be alright.}

"This is sounding more and more like a therapy. Thank you, Alice...., you are right, but I am still 12 in this world, so let's just hope for a good future."

Ryu: [it is already late at night Teuchi-san, I will put some clones to clean, you and the girls should head to sleep.]

Teuchi: [Alright, Good night.]

Waitress: [Good night, Boss!]

Ryu: [Hn.] nodding.

As I slowly walk towards the compound, I see Danzo walking casually towards the Kage tower.

"Hm?? I should change my clone that is following him. And I will start investigating civilian counsel. A visit to civilian counsel at this hour, already trying to manipulate everyone." I dispelled my clone and made another to keep close eye on the old war hawk. Suddenly Kurumi talked in my mindscape.

Kurumi: [Hey Ryu, I lost contact with the others consciences in Kushina and Akemi, someone is using Chakra seals on them. But before I was shut down, I sensed Minato, and he was heading to Akemi's place.]

"Something must be wrong, Kushina is Jounin level and with Kurumi's chakra it shouldn't be easy to capture her." As I contemplate about Kushina's kidnaping, I started to try sensing Kushina's chakra.


Save Kushina Uzumaki from her kidnappers and discover who is behind

Reward: 20.000 Sp}

"I can't sense her chakra; they must be hiding their signatures. If I am not wrong Minato found her because she used her hair." I created a few hundreds of clones and send them around Konoha trying to find clues.

After a few minutes I recovered the memories of one of my dispelled clones. Kushina was being kept last at Uchiha's safe house, before some Anbu Kumo took her away. I dispelled my clones and find where they were heading, and starting the pursuit, but I don't forget to send clones to find who was responsible for her capture in the Uchiha clan even if I need to use Tsukuyomi on all elders.

While running I noticed one of my clones' memories that Minato is following another team that took Akemi, as I have Kamui and have marked his chakra signature, after concentrating on his position I teleported a clone near him, just to make sure he will be alright.

Approaching them I sensed another team waiting for them in a hideout ahead, seeing Kushina awake and well, the kidnappers were heading to another team I decided to wait for a bit, and sneak in.

After following them inside, I was shocked from what I saw. In a room was Orochimaru with Two main branch Elders from Hyuga clan and 3 elders from Uchiha clan, then the Kumo shinobi removed their Anbu masks and cloths, they were Uchiha from the police force.

They put Kushina in a prison cell, and were heading to the main room to talk, I got in the prison using Kamui, Kushina was startled, she was about to talk.

Ryu: [Calm down you explain to me later, let me get you out of her.] I removed the ropes that were binding her and the seal. After getting free she jumped on me and before I could say something, I noticed that my clothes were getting wet.

Kushina: [They gave Akemi to Kumo, I was ready to fight them but Uchiha elders took Mikoto as hostage, they sealed my chakra with a seal and Hyuga closed some of my tenketsu.] explained while asking to help Mikoto.

[Are you sure that you will not need any help?] asked worried.

Ryu: [Its alright, I will take care of everything.] I was about to teleport her, when she approaches me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Kushina: [Be careful and good luck.] she just looked down with a red face.

After I teleported her out of the hideout, I moved to the main room to look for the captors.

-Main room 3rd Pov-

Hyuga Elder: [With this we have the Uzu princess and the Uchiha heiress, that brat will pay for everything he has done, humiliating our Hyuga clan in front of the village, Hokage and the Daimyo.]

Orochimaru: [I did what I could, for now I just want the Royal Uzumaki blood, a Hyuga and Uchiha blood samples.] said while ŀɨċkɨnġ his lips.

Uchiha elder: [What about Senju?] said curiously.

"Is this some kind of villain disease? Speaking your plan like that?"

"I will send a clone to take Nawaki's body and I will change his bloodline samples myself." Ryu thought.

While Ryu was thinking, Orochimaru got out of the Hideout.

Ryu seeing this looked towards the Elders from both clan while formulating a plan.

"I let them live peacefully but these elders don't leave me be."

Ryu walked towards some Uchiha guards and used his Mangekyo to change their memories to look like the Hyuga Elder attacked the Uchiha Elders, when the police tried to investigate about caged seal. Hyuga main branch attacked and both sides died from the injuries.

"That should be enough to cover." Thought after finished manipulating them, and putting them to sleep.

Ryu walked towards the main room, to clean the trash, but stooped to get his clones memories about Mikoto. He trembled from anger and disgust.

-Flashback Uchiha Hideout-

Clone: [Mikoto? Are you alright? What is happening?] said while moving towards her bed.

Mikoto scared moved away.

Clone: [Mikoto it's me, Ryu you don't need to be afraid, I will get you out of here.]

Mikoto looked at the clone with dried tears on her face. She seemed relieved and moved at the clone's direction. Ryu seeing this walked at her and hugged her. After a few minutes she calmed down and started to explain what happened.

Mikoto: [S-shina was visiting me, W-when some Uchiha elders called me, I asked why they needed me, they just said it was my F-father.]

[I-I-i asked her to wait for me in my house, when I was near the compound that we use for meeting I saw Fugaku and some of the Elders clans' people that agree with them.]

[My father was there with a defeated face, they started to say that I was to marry the Uchiha clan genius Fugaku to maintain a strong bloodline when I had a good age. I denied saying that I loved someone else.]

[W-w-when I was about to leave some Hyuga elders come and shut down my chakra, while dragging me to Kushina, Shina seeing they walking towards her was enraged but they said that if she didn't want me to die it was to let them seal her chakra and go with them.]

[After I lost conscience, I woke up in this cell and Fugaku said that he will have me even if it is by force, he will just wait for 3 to 4 years. He said he will come back later at night and has yet to come back.] she said crying and hugging me with her face on Ryu's ċhėst.

After sending her, the clone kept activated his Mangekyo Sharingan and waited for Fugaku, and the Elders.

When they come and open the door, Fugaku had a satisfied smile on his face, Ryu almost lost his calm and used Amaterasu, but he controlled himself, he had a better idea.

Ryu used his Mangekyo the moment Fugaku and an elder entered the room, Fugaku start to look around the room, and didn't notice the blank look from the near elder. When Fugaku turn around he looked directly at Ryu's Mangekyo. He used a genjutsu at the elder changing him to look like an older Mikoto, Fugaku moved towards the Elder with ŀust in his eyes.

"You want Mikoto? In your dreams." Thought while changing his face with a disgusted at the two sudden lovely mates.

After waiting outside for them to finish their little love show, Ryu moved towards them and put them to sleep then cut the elder neck, while giving Fugaku a forged scroll from his dealing with Kumo.

After he got out, he looked towards the sky and sent a fire ball jutsu, as a distress signal, after sensing the Anbu and police force moving towards the House the clone dispelled.

-Flashback end-

Ryu resumed his new memories and walked towards the main room. As angry as he was, he didn't want to waste his time and just created some clone, used a silence seal and started beating them in Taijutsu to make sure it the fight between the factions is more believable. Everything was set up, he made sure to walk towards Orochimaru's lab.

In the lab there was some Root Anbu, but they were under Ryu and let me enter with no problem, he received his clone experience after taking Nawaki's body and now he was heading towards the bloodline samples.

"Alice can you mix this bloodline with others? Integrating into molecular level?"

{Yes master, you just need to buy and put all bloodlines into your inventory and I will mix it and integrate them.}

"Alice buy me a goose, frog and dog blood samples." Ryu moved towards the samples and stored them on his inventory.

{1.000 Sp Bloodlines and Mixing cost}

{Done Blood samples stored in your inventory.}

Hyuga Bloodline with goose, Uchiha with dog, while Senju he mixed with frog blood samples.

"He didn't take Kushina's Blood, I would like to see his face when he identifies the DNA in his samples."


{Quest completed

Save Kushina Uzumaki from her kidnappers and discover who is behind

Reward: 20.000 Sp}

{Total System Points: 217.000 Sp}

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