"Maintaining one woman is already costly, why would I had to make a harem. At least I can gain more points on 3rd great shinobi war." Ryu thought joking about his sudden point poverty.

Ryu start walking towards his restaurant to meet his wives to give them his newly mixed potion to increase their bloodline traits.

Walking around the streets of hidden leaf while returning greetings from some shinobi and villagers, as always gathering attention and recognition no matter where he goes on Konoha.

"I will never become comfortable with all this attention, it's like I am an idol …. I am getting more greetings and respect than the old monkey." Ryu thought before jumping toward the roofs and running.

Reaching his restaurant and sensing his wives, Ryu walks at them on his office giving a kiss and hugging all of them before siting.

Ryu: [I finished my training ȧssignment and with help I got a Bloodline potion for you. This potion will increase your body regeneration, adding Photographic memory and minor elemental resistance] said removing a small vial with a red potion.

Tsunade: [We will lose our clan traits or it will just be an addition?] said curiously.

Ryu: [It will be an added effect, we don't need to worry as it will pass to our children and don't need to worry about complications on your pregnancy.] explained before sending his god chakra making the red on his potion glow, after he finished infusing with his energy, Ryu give it to them.

Sayuri: [I will also bestow your immortality, for Tsunade's late weeding gift and for weeding gift to Mikoto and Kushina even if it will be in 2 years.] said approaching them.

Ryu: [Hm???] turning his head at his window after sensing a chakra signal from one of Sakumo's operatives.

Sayuri: [A chakra pulse, must be Sakumo calling you, you can go I will take care of the girls.] smiling at his concern for his girls.

Ryu: [Ok, I'll go now, I will see you girls later.] moves towards his open window confirming that Sakumo needed him on his headquarters.

-Root HQ-

Ryu: [What happened?] walking into Sakumo's office after the Root Anbu retreats.

Sakumo: [We got some problems, Orochimaru joined Kumogakure, he is now doing experiments on bloodline users with third Raikage's and Kumo's counsel consent.] said passing some papers to Ryuji.

Ryu: [They are strengthening their shinobi.] said after reading his reports.

Sakumo: [But they are testing on kidnapped children and confirming the success rate, hundreds already died on this initial phase, just for a low percentage increase on their fighting capabilities of a mere dozen shinobi.] said angry that his ex-comrade in arms was doing despicable and inhuman experiments.

Ryu: [Did he use some children from Konoha or Uzu?] said already planning on use these experiments against Kumogakure.

Sakumo: [No, they can't enter Uzugakure, and Konoha is heavily guarded from outside interference, they can't bypass your new alarm seal combined with Root Anbu always on high alert on our frontier. From our spy work the majority came from Kirigakure and some Iwagakure.] showed Ryu a more detailed report from the child kidnaped.

Ryu: [We are already on a thin line for the 3rd war, so I want you to send anonymously these reports to Iwa and Kiri in a month.] said after contemplating.

Sakumo: [*Sigh* There will be war, this will be the spark they needed to start it.] said frowning.

Ryu: [They will try to make an excuse to drag Konoha on it. Sunagakure and Amegakure will probably wait till all sides kill and exhaust themselves.]

Ryu: [Send some more Root at Konoha's border in Suna front.] Sakumo just nodded at his request.

"When 3rd Kazekage catch Sasori making human puppets and fight him. Sasori will kill him and run away, Suna making full use of their missing kage can put all fault at Konohagakure, starting war first draging us." Thought Ryu.

Sakumo: [Are you going to participate in this war?] curious if his friend would enter the 3rd great shinobi war because of his wife, Tsunade.

Ryu: [I am planning on entering as Tsunade will not be able to enter, because she will stay to take care of our daughter or son, I might enter to scare the great villages like what Sayuri did to them on Uzugakure.]

"I can't afford to lose this war, there will be to many jutsus from different kekkei genkai (2 fused affinities) and kekkei Tōta (3 fused affinities), I will copy as much as I can. Even gaining more system points."

Sakumo: [Hokage and his treacherous advisors would be delighted when you decide to enter in this war at Konoha's side.] said with anger and disgust as he remembers that they cover Danzo's betrayal.

Sakumo: [If you enter Uzugakure will become a target, what will you do?] trying to ignore his young friend's evil smile.

Ryu: [After what Sayuri did? No way, I will just ask Arashi to proclaim that I act on my own.]

[There is any more news?] dismissing a war targeting Uzu again.

Sakumo: [No, it was all for now.] scanning all reports.

Ryu: [How is Tenzo doing? He is already 6 years old.] Asked about the little mokuton user.

Sakumo: [He is doing fine, Haruka like him quit a lot, he is more connected with her.] happy remembering his adopted son.

Ryu: [Kakashi isn't jealous about this new mama's boy?] imagining the masked youth.

Sakumo: [Hahaha, even if he denies that he is also a mama boy, but me and Haruka talked with him, he is slowly becoming a good elder brother.] laughing as he remembers his son's masked face with shock when called like that.

Ryu: [Before I go, did he get your dog summon?] after laughing at Kakashi's misfortune.

Sakumo: [*sigh* He asked if I didn't have any cooler summon.] sighed and thought that even if Kakashi is Special Jounin level with 8 he is still a kid.

"Alice can Kakashi sign Wolf summon at the same time as his Dog summon?"

{The Wolf clan will be absolute loyal to you Master, if the dogs don't complain he can sign for wolf clan too, but they will ask to send Kakashi to test potential partners, if one of them accept Kakashi then he will be his only personal summon.}

Ryu: [If the Dogs don't complain about another summon contract, I can take Kakashi after he finishes his training in two years to get wolf clan as summon but he will be able to get just one as partner.] explained about a second summon.

Sakumo: [*sigh* You really like to spoil him, don't you? let this be a surprise after his training I will inform the dogs about it.] smile at the care Ryuji has for his supposed little brother.

- Meanwhile Kumogakure Orochimaru's Secret Lab -

Test tubes with children and ȧduŀts filled with a gray liquid were being monitored by a pale black-haired man accompanied by a tan skinned man with a buffed body and a scar on his right ċhėst.

Raikage: [Orochimaru this better be worth.]

Orochimaru: [Kukuku, don't worry if wasn't for outside interference my experiments and notes about bloodlines these tests should have been finished long ago.]

Raikage: [How much more till they are ready?]

Raikage: [It better be good or I will skin you alive.] walking away.

"Kukukuku just you wait Konoha I will have my revenge." Orochimaru thought still looking at his new test samples.

After getting out of Orochimaru's lab.

C: [Why did you let this sly snake do tests on our shinobi?] disgusted from the snake Sannin nature.

Raikage: [If he doesn't die on the 3rd war, I will kill him after he loses his worth for us.]

- Few weeks later-

- Supreme Goddess Palace - Wedding day -

One of the Seraph that manage Sayuri's palace comes to Uzumaki compound to take them to attend to her wedding and take Ryuji, as the goddess maids will finish his clothing.

After passing through a teleportation gate, they come towards a beautiful view, a huge palace with gold and silver decorations and with hundreds of flowers all around complementing the festive and happily scenery that was brought today for Ryuji and Sayuri's marriage.

Ryu: [Alright, see you girls later than.] said after kissing them and walking with one angel dressed as a maid.

Accompanying a new servant towards Sayuri's room, they entered and saw that she was on her last preparations wearing a beautiful red wedding long dress and white flowers complementing her beautiful black hair.

Sayuri: [Welcome home, this palace and Seraph's stationed here were all created by me.] said puffing her ċhėst in pride.

Kushina: [Wow, this palace is huge, is that gold?] said so amused that she forgot her verbal tick.

Tsunade: [This place is really beautiful] while Mikoto was stunned.

Mikoto: [Sayuri your dress is so beautiful; I want one like that on my wedding too.] said smiling gently at her mentor and sister figure.

Maid: [My lady everything is ready Ryuji-sama is waiting with Amaterasu-sama.]

Sayuri: [Lead the girls to the front sits, I will be going.]

Ryuji was already present with a white ceremonial kimono that had a great contrast with his long black hair, looking at Sayuri entering and walking slowly towards him.

Ryu: [You are beautiful] gently looking at her eyes as he extends his hand to help her.

Sayuri: [Thank you! you look even more handsome.] blushing slightly but smiling.

The sun goddess of Naruto world Amaterasu was the main priest on Ryuji's wedding. She is one of Sayuri's best friends, having the same warm and gentle vibe as Mikoto.

The party was well organized, all goddesses that were invited were friends with Sayuri and come with their husbands and friends.

Zeno: [Hello I am Zeno, ruler from Dragon Ball world; I congratulate and wish an everlasting happiness for you and your wife.] a small blue and purple man approaches Ryuji and give his best regards.

Ryuji: [Thank you, as you already know I am Ryuji. I always saw about your world but I am curious, you don't act much like yourself from Dragon ball that passed on TV.]

Zeno: [Hehehe that's because is funnier to see how others react on my unusual childish persona.]

Ryu and Zeno talked a bit and invited him to his world if he decides to leave Naruto world.

[Hello there! I am great red, I am the one representing High School DxD universe, I also wish to congratulate you and invite you, my lord and your family towards my world later even if there are some fools playing gods there it is a good world.] a handsome red haired young man come also wishing me fortune and happiness.

Merlin: [I also congratulate and extend my invitation towards my own world, by the way I am Merlin a Wizard god from Harry Potter world and this here is 'One Above All' even though he gave this name for himself, he controls all Marvel universes.] two elderly men come and talked a bit.

Ryuji keep company to all gods and goddesses that come greeting him.

Ryu: [I never though Merlin would be Harry Potter world god.] Sayuri just nodded at his comment.

Sayuri: [That was a long night.] tired of talking with everyone.

Ryu: [Don't think the night stops here …. we only started.] smirking looking at his new wife, and dragging her towards their bedroom.

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