[Prepare our troops ...…. We have a war to battle.] gave his first order.


-Anbu HQ-

Ryuji tested all Anbu members in different areas focusing on Nin, Tai, Gen and Kenjutsus. Other skills on wielding different weapons or basic till advanced throwing, he will send more clones to train.

After testing his operative's skills, he introduced Night Wolf Squad that will be a new unit, just elite from Anbu will be able to enter. Night wolf will be responsible for only high-level missions, not being restrict on what type of mission. This squad will only have 10 members changing their masks for grey wolf masks and their leader and vice leader will have black marking.

Ryuji send some 15 candidates for this squad with his clones to train, 5 of them will be trained for reserve.

Another new unit was introduced as Phantom Squad, their main specialty will be espionage, infiltration and sabotage, to enter this squad you will need to have exceptional stealth. This unit will be larger with 50 shinobi, Ryuji send their possible members to make some advanced training in stealth and acting. They will use blank masks on black color as white will make their stealth less effective.

Black Flame will be a hunter squad, the member will be prepared to hunt or capture missing shinobi with important information from Konoha or other villages. This unit will have 3 squads with 10 members each, they will be using smiling masks to make their target fear them creating a better effect when interrogating.

All units can be expanded later creating more squads. For now, their main focus will be training.

Anbu: [Commander, we received a scroll.] kneeled and passed a sealed scroll to Ryuji.

Ryuji removed the seal and started reading the report.

"The newly appointed Yondaime Kazekage Rasa, accuses Konohagakure for kidnaping and possible murder of their previous Saidaime Kazekage. Even after investigation pointing at their guilt and unable to stand such aggressive behavior on their border, 4th Kazekage with Wind Daimyo support, declare war towards Hidden Leaf."

Ryu: [I will report to the Hokage, Keep training with my clones. Any important news sends to me directly at Hokage's tower.] Said adjusting his old black wolf mask and disappeared using his Kamui.

Anbu: [Holy sh**! That was cool.] amazed by his new commander skills.

Anbu Captain: [Yes, that was awesome but it seems that I need to increase your training, we can't let you show that you lack control over your emotions, do we?] looking at his newest operative.


-Hokage Tower-

Some clones of Tsunade were seeing signing and stumping papers, while the real Tsunade was brėȧstfeeding Tsubaki. Suddenly Ryuji appeared coming out of a shadow, seeing that was her husband she keeps her attention to her daughter.

Tsunade: [This teleport ability of yours it sure is scary.] smiling at him.

[Something happened?]

Ryuji: [Rasa the new Kazekage declared war on us.] said while walking towards her and passing a scroll.

Tsunade: [*Sigh* Beginning of my job as a Kage is a pile of paper and a war? Truly a blessed work.]

[I called Sakumo and send a message to Daimyo for a meeting.]

Tsunade: [Thank you, you started testing our Anbu, how competent they are?] asked after finishing feeding her daughter.

Ryuji: [Root is better for now, I created new units after training and testing them again I will pass a list to you.]

Tsunade: [Sakumo did a great job taking Root and training them these years, I wonder why didn't sensei speak about Sakumo taking foundation.] getting up and putting Tsubaki to sleep.

Ryuji: [He knew that war was on the way, having Root working would lessen his worries.]

Tsunade: [Lessen his worries? But he still let Danzo take control of it, giving command of a military organization would make me more worried than the other great villages. It might have lessened his worries now with Sakumo as commander.] trying to think of a reason for her teacher's decision.

Ryuji: [Who knows what your monkey sensei had planned. Maybe they were secret lovers or they were in a love triangle with Orochimaru.] they laugh picturing such scenario.

*Knock Knock*

Secretary: [Hokage-sama, Hatake-sama is here for a meeting.]

Sakumo: [I thought you called me to prepare for war, what made you two so happy?] entered the room and questioned curiously at their good mood.

Ryuji: [*Chuckle* We were lost in the road of life.]

Sakumo: [??? Let's leave it like that, I come here to report that Suna is sending their elite Anbu to the border.] was puzzled by his comment but choose to ignore it.

Ryuji: [It is war, I was giving Hime a scroll about Sunagakure's new leader declaring war on us.]

Tsunade: [Ryuji sent a message to Daimyo; he is already aware about the situation and I need all clan heads on this meeting before I announce to the village.]

A few minutes later all clan heads were present and had a brief explanation about Konoha's current situation.

Hiashi: [What will be our next move?]

Tsunade: [I issued an order for all our shinobi forces that were on missions to return the day I become Hokage. I called everyone here to explain and give your ȧssignments.]

Shikaku: [It will take weeks to have all forces back, we can't contain their invasion now, Suna will take advantage that our forces are reforming and advance.] said after contemplating.

Jiraya: [Communication seal?] confused.

Inoichi: [My clan worked with Uzumaki clan and we made a communication seal for mid and long distance.] said with pride.

Shikaku: [We could use communication for reinforcements.] without his apparent laziness after hearing about the seals.

[We couldn't move our forces without caution but now with communication we can move better till all forces return.]

Ryuji: [I see! You want to create defensive layers and with communication seal we can move these defenses according to the enemy attack.] having an idea about his plans.

Shikaku: [Are you sure that you aren't a Nara] Ryuji and Tsunade laugh at his comment.

Mikoto: [I am curious with all forces preparing for war why Sandaime-dono didn't recall his forces?]

Hiruzen: [I … received reports saying that only Iwa an Kumo were recalling their troops and with the incident with kidnapped children and if I recalled our forces, they would get suspicious about our intentions.]

Shikaku: [What about Hidden Mist? Weren't they training bandits to raid our borders? This is clearly an offense; shouldn't you recall after that?] puzzled by Sarutobi clan head decision.

Tsunade: [We had discussed that Suna would be confronted by Yamanka, Akimichi, Nara and Aburame, but we don't have full forces, and communication seals will be managed by Uzumaki.]

Shikaku: [Smart move! Uzumaki can't enter war and they are thrust worthy managing communication will let them out of conflict.] amazed by Tsunade's fast arrangement.

Tsunade: [Any idea to increase our chances in this war?]

Shikaku: [I would like to add some Hyuga, Inuzuka and Kurama or Uchiha just at the main camp.]

Sakumo: [Hmm what do you have in mind?]

Shikaku: [It would be great to have Uchiha or Kurama just to create a Genjutsu at our camp surroundings, after arranging they can move to other camps. Now for Inuzuka and Hyuga is to make teams, 16 from each clan at each main command camp would be enough.]

[They would form a perimeter around the camp with a double team forming a square around. Hyuga would patrol with an Inuzuka around, if someone sneak around Byakugan they would be caught by smell with Inuzuka ninken.]

Tsunade: [That's excellent with their guard duties our medic squad will be more guarded. With 16 they can perform 4 shifts.] Happy that she wouldn't become to worried about their doctors, as they are a great ȧsset and can change the flow of war.

Sakumo: [Yes, with this they will be always refreshed and Hyuga and Inuzuka clan don't get exhausted] astonished hearing the Young Nara quick planning.

Anbu: [Hokage-sama, according to our spy network Sunagakure is marching with 2 thousand shinobi to our border. They have at least a day before reaching our frontier.] report while trying to catch his breath.

Ryuji: [I can gain some time till our recall is complete probably give them a heart attack.] smirking.

Tsunade: [I know this kind of smile; you will mess with them.] amused.

Without answering her, Ryu made three shadow clones and used his true transformation. After they saw who the clones transformed everyone become speechless.

Shikaku: [T-this ….. you can use their ninjutsus? If you can display their abilities all forces will retreat giving us time to regroup and arrange everything.] he got up from his seat.

Sakumo: [Hahahahahahahah, you are evil, even I would retreat.]

Mikoto: [I can't see the difference; your transformation is monstrous.] Hiashi nodded at her statement.

Tsunade: [hahahaha They will be more pissed after knowing that they retreated against a simple transformation.]

Sakumo: [We should still send our forces.] cleaning his tears from laughing.

Ryuji: [I will send them now. They will reach the border easily before Suna.]


-Sunagakure's desert near Border-

Almost a day after the war counsel established by Konoha, 4th Kazekage first wave is gathered preparing to advance.

Commander: [Prepare to advance, there are force patrol around their border, wipe them out, lets us show these tree huggers, Suna's supremacy.] a Jounin Commander screamed his orders.

1 quarter of their forces move through the desert but stops when they see three cloaked man blocking their advance. Their Commander seeing his forces halting become stunned and approach to see what happened.

????: [It seems that Sunagakure earned back their guts after I faked my death.] before their enemy commander could speak.

????: [*Sigh* there is war everywhere, even after helping all villages and signing a peace treaty.] he was slowly removing his cloak.

Everyone becomes stunned seeing his face, without letting Suna shinobi recover from their shock the other two unknown shinobi remove their cloak.

[You were always soft Hashirama. At least this annoying brother of yours become a better kage.]

[*Tsk* For the first time in my life I agree with a Uchiha.] silver haired man with a blue armor said.

[What? Even you are against me Tobi?] said depressed.

Commander: [L-L-LIE! This is a trap; you are all dead. There aren't alive, attack these impostors.] trying to bring back their high moral.

Madara: [They are weak, can't even give me a good dance.]

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