(AN: There are readers misunderstanding somethings like age and other things.

I looked in a dozen of wiki and didn't find Shisui's age if you found something I would like to know.

For what I researched I found out that he won his Mangekyo after his friend died on 3rd shinobi war and that he also won his nickname as 'Shunshin no Shisui' in the war. The first time he encountered Itachi, Itachi had 5 years old.

In this fanfic I explained that I used Minato as reference:

Minato now has: 18, 10-13 he become chuunin finished 2 shinobi war and created rasengan, 16 jounin, 19 Kakashi team sensei, 23 yellow flash war finished, 24 Hokage, 25 Naruto's birth and Kurama attack.

Itachi Uchiha: born when Minato has 19, 4 years when 3 shinobi war in over, 6 genin, 10 chuunin, 11 anbu, 13 anbu captain.

I introduced Shisui now with 6 years old, so by the time Itachi is 13 he will be 20.

Don't forget this is a fanfic, if you not noticed till now, Me your humble Author changed a lot of things and might change more, so don't read expecting an exact copy of Naruto original work.)


Ryu: [Come in, I will explain to her and will go with you to make sure they are okay.]

"It would be a huge loss if you die there." Ryuji thought.

Tsunade: [What happened?] exclaimed seeing Ryuji entering with a serious face and Duy behind with worry.

Duy: [Hokage-sama, I would like to be sent towards Mist, I heard they are advancing and my son is there on a mission with other genin.] stop all his friendly persona and said with seriousness.

Tsunade: [Weird, I issued an order to stop sending new genin near the battlefield.] she frowned after hearing about young shinobi mission.

Ryuji: [I will send my Anbu to investigate, meanwhile I will go with Duy-san and talk with our commander in Kiri.]

Ryuji: [He will be fine but you can send your sensei there as advisor] said with a sly smile.

Tsunade: [I don't think he will go there.] displayed her concern.

Ryuji: [You are the Hokage and he took Sarutobi clan head seat. You can just say it is to nurture Hiashi as a leader and commander like he did with you, Jiraya and Orochimaru.]

Tsunade: [Alright, but you really need to go? You can just send a clone.] puzzled for why her husband need to go personally.

Ryuji: [I have some clones around protecting Leaf and this is a good opportunity to go with my Anbu squad.]

Duy: [That Wolf night squad?] astonished about having not only Ryu but his Anbu trained personally by him which started gaining huge fame after completing all their high level missions.

Tsunade: [Yes, you can go and I expect you coming back fast and without injuries.] concerned about Ryu's wellbeing.

Ryu: [I will be back as fast as I can.] smiled at her concern but before going out with Duy he come forward and gave her a deep kiss.


Ryuji and Duy were fully equipped, at least Ryuji was with his grey Anbu vest, black pants, black undershirt, his old Black wolf mask and God slayer on his hɨps, while Duy was wearing his iconic green spandex.

"Kurumi! Is Saphire alright? I tried to talk to her sometimes but she is silent." Ryu talked mentally with his fluffy friend.

"The giant lizard? She is meditating and adjusting to her best condition to regain her human form." Ninetails just open one eye and answer.

"*Sigh*, I can access all her sword abilities but it's weird to have her missing for so long." Ryuji stop his thinking when 10 Anbu with Wolf masks appeared using Leaf Shunshin, nodding at them Ryuji starts running, soon followed.

Ryuji: [Let's take full advantage of our travel and review our enemies.] asked after seeing everyone following behind.

Duy: [Enemies?] startled.

Ryuji: [Of course Duy-san, we have to be fully prepared for any kind of unexpected event.] as soon as he finishes his speech

Anbu Captain: [The Third Mizukage's abilities remain mostly unknown, the fact that he was chosen as the Kage of his village, suggests that he was most likely a powerful shinobi. Even before becoming the Mizukage, his power was such that he was chosen to be the bodyguard of the First Mizukage.]

[I heard he is one of the greatest Ice Style master within Kirikagure.] a female Anbu come forward and report what she knew, completing their report.

(AN: Again, there isn't anything about the 3rd Mizukage, so I just made up.)

Ryuji: [Anything more? What about the mist swordsmen?] nodded satisfied at their information.

Duy: [That I can answer.] smiling brightly.

[The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist (Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū) was an organization consisting of only the greatest blade-wielding shinobi of their generation that Kirigakure can produce.]

[There can only be seven members at a time — hence the name. The swords of the Seven Swordsmen are passed down from generation to generation since the First Mizukage's era, and are considered mystical. Together, the Seven Swordsmen are capable of bringing down an entire battalion, and are regarded as being the strongest shinobi in the village behind the Mizukage.]

[The Seven Swordsmen known are Fuguki Suikazan, Jinin Akebino, Kushimaru Kuriarare, Raiga Kurosuki, Jūzō Biwa, Jinpachi Munachi and Mangetsu Hōzuki.] smiling proud to show his friend his youthful knowledge.

Ryu: [Alright, now that everyone knows about them what are their weapons?] hiding his surprise hearing Duy.

[I can answer that.] a muscular Anbu with a Bo staff come forward and start explaining about the capabilities and appearance from these swords. They advanced in fast speed while reviewing their info about possible encounters.


-Mist main camp-

Fuguki: [We received a mission] passing a scroll to the other shinobi in the room.

Juzo: [Cutting supplies again? Why we need to do this low level mission?] annoyed.

Jinpachi: [I hate to admit but I have to agree with him. why can't we just go to the main battlefield?] dissatisfied.

Fuguki: [Don't know but we could attack their back line if after we destroy their supply.] showing his ugly smile when they heard what he said everyone smiles letting loose their bloodlust.


Meanwhile with a gennin team of Choza Akimichi was returning after completing an easy escort mission.

Genma: [Man, I wish we had better missions.] complained while slightly biting a senbon on his mouth annoyed for being left behind doing low leveled escort mission.

Guy: [YES, we could show our YOUTH, but it can't be helped, sensei had to go to Sand battlefield to help.] said with a bright smile.

Ebisu: [Don't complain, we should focus on our return and hope Choza-sensei to be alright.]

They immediately notice 7 mist shinobi in front of them.

Juzo: [Young tree lovers.] mocked the young team making his fellow swordsmen laugh.

Ebisu: [This isn't good, they will not let us get backup or retreat.] sweat running through his face.

Guy: [Hey I will buy time, I need….] said Guy with seriousness but soon was replaced by a stunned face.

Duy: [*Sigh* Good, I came in time.] sighed in relief.

Jinpachi: [Gaah, what is this weird green thing? The kid was already weird but now an ȧduŀt version?] as he was talking three Anbu come behind the genin team placing hands on their shoulders and transporting them away.

Ryuji: [*Yawm* the kids are safe, let's get this over with.] coming out of nowhere and standing beside Duy.

Seeing an unknow man coming out mist shinobi become alarmed.

Juzo: [Oh? I know you; you are Ookami an S-Rank shinobi] stunned at first but soon become excited.

Juzo seeing his gaze shudered and felt a cold chill on his back just for looking at his enemy's eyes.

[The Gate of Opening (Kaimon)] [The Gate of Healing (Kyūmon)] [The Gate of Life (Seimon)] [The Gate of Pain (Shōmon)] [The Gate of Limit (Tomon)] [KAI] without wasting more time Might Duy opened 5 gates.


-Duy's Fight-

Rushing at the nearest enemy that was a shinobi with a left eye patch.

[*Tsc*] clicking his tongue and raising his sword filled with explosive tags incorporated into it. With extreme speed, Duy maneuvered around him and punched at the back of his head, before he could hit Jinpachi, a thin sword is thrust at Duy making him retreat a few steps.

Kushimaru: [Don't be reckless.] said a tall man.

Duy looking around found that he was fighting three of the 7 shinobi, as soon as he was thinking a giant axe come at him, sensing danger Duy backflipped.

As he retreats the axe attaches into a tree but after Jinin uses his hammer at his axe, the tree was split in half.

[The Gate of View (Keimon)] [KAI] opening his sixth gate increasing his power even more as he saw that they were stronger than he imagined. Opening this gate allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock, wherein the user's punches are so fast that friction with the air produces flames.

Sending punches at his enemies at every step he took, Duy starts to overpower them.

[Aaargh] distracted by a fellow mist swordsman, Jinin looked to see Raiga retreating while holding his leg, when he turns to see Duy, he was received by a punch on his face, breaking his nose and cracking his skull.

The punch was so powerful that send him flying. Jinpachi and Kushimaru were alarmed by his prowess.


-Ryuji's Fight-

Looking at Duy rushing at his enemies, Ryu turn to look at the other shinobi.

Raiga and Fuguki seeing Ryuji looking at Duy thought he was distracted and attack. Raiga infused his twin swords with lightning while Fubuki simply slashed with Samehada. Without even looking Ryuji swiftly drawing his katana with one hand and easily blocking their attacks.

All mist swordsmen become stunned when Ryu blocked their combined attack, especially Fuguki who wield a Samehada, but before they can recover, Ryuji send a powerful kick at Raiga left leg.

Fuguki seeing that tried to overpowered Ryu but it wasn't enough.

*Crack* A sound of a bone breaking resound accompanied by a scream.

Raiga: [Aaarghhh] used his remaining leg to jump back. Juzo and Mangetsu rushed at Ryu to back Fuguki up.

[Suiton: Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden in the mist)] Juzo tried to cover the ground around with a dense mist.

Ryuji: [Thanks for the cover] said before disappearing.

[Raiton: Raijū Tsuiga] (Lightning Beast Tracking Fang) a hound made of lightning was send with highly fast movements at Mangetsu. Sensing Ryu attack Mangetsu tried to evade the lightning attack, after evading a fast and unpredictable hound he sighed in relief but was meet with a blade sticking on his ċhėst coming from his back.

As he was from Hozuki clan, Mangetsu tried to turn his body into water.

[Chidori] Ryuji didn't let him change form.

The lightning coming from his sword trapped him in place.

[Fuuton - Shinkū Renpa (Vacuum Serial Waves)] trapped in place Ryuji send wind blades at his defenseless form. Ryuji didn't waste time and disappeared.

Soon after he left, Fuguki and Juzo appeared near Mangetsu body.

Fuguki: [He is too strong let's retreat.] sweated seeing that they were being hunted on their specialty, Juzo just nodded.

Reaching Raiga, Ryu put him into a surrounding genjutsu. As he was to scared looking around, he didn't notice any anomaly. Walking casually at his back, Ryuji just waved his sword, slashing Raiga's head.

After looking around Ryuji notice that the dense mist is slowly clearing, sensing that Fuguki and Juzo were retreating, Ryuji didn't bother to chase.

*Whistle* soon after his signal an Anbu come to take Raiga's body and Kiba blades, as Fubuki took Mangetsu's dead body with him.


-Ryuji and Duy-


Ryuji: [Well, I finished my side and come to help.] siting on a tree branch, alarming Kushimaru and Jinpachi.

Duy: [You finished quite fast] astonished.

Ryuji: [I will fight this weird stitcher, you get the pirate.] Duy smiled and rushed at Jinpachi.

Kushimaru sensing that Ryuji was abnormal and that the rest of his team was missing, starts making hand signs.

[Suiton: Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden in the mist)]

Ryuji: [Hell no! I am tired of this mist] annoyed that someone used hidden mist again on him.

[Fuuton - Daitoppa (Wind Breakthrough)] blowing a huge wind wave at the mist dispersing Kushimaru's cover. Alarmed that his hidden card, using silent killing, he made a quick decision and turn around and run.

[Breath of the Void: 1 st Form: Void step] with a burst of speed Ryuji caught up with the swordsman.

[4 th Form: Formless Flash.] with a quick drawing Kushimaru's head flew.

*BANG* before Ryu could take another sword, Jinpachi broken body crashed into a nearby rock. Duy still with a green aura come and stand on Ryu's side.

Ryuji: [7 'legendary' swordsmen] mocking mist swordsmen.

[Let's go meet Hiashi at the Konoha's main camp.]


Quest completed: Defeat the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist

Rewards: 100.000 SP}

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