A: [Hehehe, very well then, we shall continue our meeting.]

"Interesting, I will report this to Madara." Thought a hidden shadow before sinking underground.


-Underground Hideout-

B. Zetsu: [Madara, I have excellent news.] appearing after passing through the floor.

[….] Madara was silent, didn't even bother to open his eyes to acknowledge his minion presence.

B. Zetsu: [The great villages are making another Alliance to strike down Konoha, to take their territories.] keep reporting after noticing that the old Uchiha was listening even if he didn't show.

Madara: [Indeed this is good news for us, ... I will need you to take care of another successor, the fight against third Mizukage made more harm than good on my old body. Even with guruguru's help.] finally replying to the weird plant creature.

Madara: [3 tails isn't a threat; we need to take care of 9 and 8 tails. But I will let this task to you and my successor, after his training.] spoke one last time before resting again.

"Soon mother will be free." Thought Zetsu before returning to spy the villages.



Inside Hokage's office, Ryuji was seeing siting around his wives and his young daughter was chasing Kurumi around giggling.

Kushina: [Ryu, you and Sayuri have power to easily destroy any village, so I was thinking why don't you stop this war?] curious about his reasons to not interfere more and finish the bloodshed.

Ryu: [*Sigh* If I stop this war forcefully and don't let this generation of shinobi grow, how they will deal with future threats? It may be harsh but we can't stay here forever…] trying to reason.

Sayuri: [Ryu is right, from my own experience with human life: there are times that interfering would lead to more harm than good. We will travel to other worlds; we also can't always protect everyone or it will stunt their growth.] said backing Ryu's arguments.

Sayuri: [But don't misunderstand, we can interfere whenever we want. I could just obliterate them.] her gentle and warmth smile didn't mix well with her words.

Ryu: [It's alright, the cease fire started now, might be just a prelude because the war will probably enter its climax soon enough.]

Tsunade: [I hope this will finish soon.] said while pouring a coup of sake. Tsunade was carefree while Mikoto and Kushina were seriously thinking.

Mikoto: [Ryu, you already said that if you didn't come to this world, I would have been Fugaku's wife.] said the last part with visible disgust as she tried to dissipate their war problems.

[What about the others?]

Ryu: [Yep and you had 2 sons ….] Ryuji and Sayuri talked about the girls world without them.

Kushina: [Good thing you appeared here then. ….. You changed from what should have happened.] happy that her clan survived with Sayuri interference.

Sayuri: [Oh, I know a different Naruto world that Kushina had triplets with Minato and separated yin, yang and put Kyuubi soul on the remain child.] had a thoughtful look.

Kushina: [Eh? But a mass of malevolent chakra can't be tamed without its conscience.] confused.

[And like hell I would marry that girly boy.] also disgusted imagining herself with another person.

Sayuri: [Oh, there are Alternative worlds or dimensions from this world. For example: Let's use the story about you having two sons Mikoto, as main story for now, there was a chance about them being girls, if that happened this would be classified as an alternative world as it will be vastly different from our original. Or if you were born a man, you couldn't marry Fugaku and would have a different partner and different children.] calmly explained.

Kushina: [Do you know how many alternative worlds there are?] curious.

Sayuri: [Too many to count, every single second there are different choices and probabilities affecting and creating other alternative worlds.] smiling seeing them paying attention to her explanation.

Tsunade: [Soo, because we changed our choices this world became an alternative?] asked frowning.

Sayuri: [Because of me and Ryuji this world now became unique, it is considerate an original world now. Don't worry about yourselves, you from the other world are like your copy or better a shadow clone, but they don't have sharing experience.] after sensing their doubts Sayuri tried to calm them down.

Ryuji: [Let it be, we are we, the other take care of themselves.] said finishing their weird talk.

[Daaaddyy] A toddler with blond hair rushed at Ryu extending her little arms asking to be carried.

[Oh, my little princess, come give daddy a hug] Ryuji swiftly took Tsubaki in his arms. As Ryu hug her daughter and kissed her forehead, Tsubaki was giggling happily while his wives were looking at their interactions with smiles.

Sayuri: [??? Interesting.] said after suddenly pausing.

[Orochimaru is using Edo Tensei to revive some shinobi.] explained.

Tsunade: [That is granduncle kinjutsu, that snake bastard!] gritting her teeth as she remembers her traitorous war companion.

Mikoto: [That will be troublesome to fight against] worried.

Sayuri: [He even has a special present for you Tsunade. Hehehehe He is resurrecting and forcing Nawaki to enter war against you.] as soon as Tsunade heard Sayuri, she stood up frozen.

Sayuri: [I don't mean to insult but your granduncle was dumb, why did he create this Forbidden jutsu? He didn't have enough trust in Uchiha clan but gave this Kinjutsu to anyone with high level authority to study. Without mentioning it is a nasty jutsu and he didn't even try to revive his elder brother.]

Kushina: [Nasty?] tilting her head at her speech.

Ryu: [He needs DNA from the one he wants to resurrect someone and an alive sacrifice to complete the Kinjutsu.] explained while walking to Tsunade.

Ryu: [Its alright Tsuna, he unknowingly gave us a gift.] smirking at his wife.

Tsunade: [Gift??] her frozen state soon stops and she looks at Ryu with a puzzled face.

"I could immediately revive Nawaki and her clan but I need Ryuji and the girls to grow independent. I know Ryu don't like to ask for my interference and I wonder if he will be mad at me if he knows that I already destroyed majority of the Otsutsuki clan." Thought Sayuri.

Tsunade: [I-I-Is t-that true, Ryu???] looking intently at her husband.

Ryu: [Yes, I was planning to study Impure World Resurrection and use a bandit or rapist as sacrifice to bring him back after I gained control over my Rinnegan, but...] before Ryuji could continue talking his wives interrupt.

Mikoto: [But how will you do that? Tsubaki was born, soon war started after Tsunade become 4th Hokage and you become Anbu Commander. Ryu, we know you can do everything by yourself but please share some of your work and burden with us.] finally steeping in, seeing Ryu take care of all jobs and still thinking about protecting them.

Kushina: [She is right, you were always like that, working hard. You can trust us, we will help you with everything, I can help in the restaurant, Mikoto with Anbu and Sayuri will help Tsunade with Hokage's work.]

Tsunade: [*Sigh* Ryu, I would love to have Nawaki back and I never doubt you once ….]

[But the girls are right, you are working too much, even though you take good care of us *Blush* …. you need to share your burdens and workload with us.] also showing her worries about him.

"Such good girls, Ryuji really choose well." Thought the smiling Sayuri.

Ryu: [….]

Ryuji: [Haaa …. You girls …. Okay, I will accept your help and slow down a bit.]

Kushina: [How about we go to another world after this war, we can safely let Konoha with Mito-bachan and Sakumo-san, we clearly need a vacation. 'ttebane'.] excited about traveling to different places.

Sayuri: [How about Overlord World, you can understand soul creation and create your first guardians. It will be a good world as we will be 'playing'. fufufufufu] said suggesting a complement for his training while being free from work.

Ryuji: [Very well, after finishing this war and stabilizing the aftermath and probably helping Hidden Mist rebel force wining and forging a stable alliance, we will travel around for a bit before coming back.] agreeing with them.

A few minutes later a knock on the door stop their family meeting.

Secretary: [Hokage-sama, Jiraya-sama is requesting for a meeting.] announcing. Tsunade looked at Ryu, who just nodded as reply.

Jiraya: [Tsunade, I have bad news from my spy network that contain vital information about a secret meeting between Kages.] hurriedly report while sweating.

[Fwog] (Frog) said the 2-year-old Tsubaki giggling and point her finger at the Toad Sannin.

Tsunade: [...]

Kushina: [...]

Mikoto: [...]

Silence reign in the room, [*pfff* Hahahahaha, my little girl is so smart.] Ryuji couldn't contain his laugh and soon was accompanied by his wives.

[Kids these days don't respect their elders.] murmured Jiraya.

[Hahahaha, sorry Jiraya, I will order a meeting and prepare for any mishap about war.] removing her tears from laughing.


(AN: I finally decided Mikoto will have Itachi and Kushina will have a son (not Naruto). Ryuji will travel after the 3rd war with his wives to Overlord.

I am open to new ideas for his guardians. I was thinking about keeping Pleiades and the floor guardians but a Valkyrie army. But it isn't certain yet.

About the Otsutsuki destruction, Urashiki, Momoshiki and Kinshiki are still alive along with Kaguya(sealed) and Hamura(spirit guarding the moon))

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