(AN: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, my girlfriend destroyed my innocent mind. I shall destroy yours too. This author will write how our conversation went last night.

Girlfriend: [Hey, I was thinking …..] suddenly asked as we were having lunch.

Author: [What?] listening but still keep eating.

Girlfriend: [Orochimaru, the snake Sannin can change bodies, right?] keep speaking.

Author: [Yep] now looking intently at her, trying to see why she was talking about anime so sudden.

Girlfriend: [He used a female body at Konoha's attack and killed that Gramps. (3rd Hokage)] trying to describe an episode.

Author: [Yes, what's the problem?] already confused.

Girlfriend: [If he changes genders, he keeps the same undėrwėȧr? Or he uses bra and pȧntɨės when he takes a female body?] casually asked, shattering my pitiful self.

Author: […] frozen

Girlfriend: […] in deep thought.

"I never thought about it. And you had to mention such monstrosity for me to imagine." Thought your dear, humble, handsome and hardworking Author.)

Tsunade: [Very well, tomorrow I will head straight to Iwa's invasion with Ryu. I will let the Village management with Mito Uzumaki and Sayuri Senju.] gave her orders before dismissing her shinobi.


-Konoha Gates-

War was reaching its climax but for the majority of Konohagakure's citizen the day started having a clear sky with a bright sun marking the beginning of a normal day of work for civilians but if one would look closely, he would notice a gloom and depressing feel around as some family members might be fighting, adding the fact that they didn't receive any recent news or the thought about possible worst outcomes, increase any parent stress or worry.

Nearing the North gates there was a Konoha's team 7 with Minato Namikaze as squad leader reviewing their equipment and supplies. The blond Jounin was using his signature blue jumper and Jounin vest. Kakashi was wearing black mask and long sleeve shirt and Anbu pants, he also had Hatake clan tanto strapped behind his back, also copying Ryuji and strapping his headband around his right arm letting his heaven defying hair free.

Obito: [WAIT!! *huff* sorry I was helping an old granny cross the road but a black cat was blocking my way, so I ….] tired of running across Konoha in hurry not to stay behind.

Kakashi: [Alright, we know, let get this over with.] sending a hard look at the young Uchiha.

Minato: [Alright, everyone is ready?] After making sure his team was in perfect condition, Minato finally gave his orders and was about to depart.

Ryuji: [Minato?? …. I thought you would have departed already.] before team 7 could move, they were stopped by Ryu's sudden question. Ryuji was using a grey Anbu vest, arm, leg guards and his skull face mask with his black wolf mask hanging at his right side of his face.

Ryuji: [Why don't you wait for a bit, Tsuna is almost here. We are going to have a mission near each other. We can travel together; it would be safer this way.] Minato nodded; he didn't see any problem.

Rin: [Hokage-sama is going to the battlefront?] happy to see her idol up close but also nervous about traveling with their village esteemed leader. Obito in other hand was looking at Ryuji with stars in his eyes.

Tsunade: [I am sorry dear; I was giving some instructions to grandma.] suddenly appeared using leaf shunshin. She was using the same Anbu armor that she used in the war against Amegakure. A black shirt and pants with Anbu ċhėst armor.

Ryuji: [It's alright.] walking near his wife and giving her a kiss. Minato and his team become embarrassed seeing the married couple showing their affection without care about their surroundings.

Ryuji explained about his idea of traveling together with Minato's team towards the border, Tsunade easily agreed with his new arrangement.

Finishing their talk and traveling security measures, the newly formed group starts to move, heading towards Kusagakure.

Running at a moderate speed as they were followed by the young Obito and Rin, who recently become Chuunin. A few days the group reach Grass borders.

Tsunade: [Alright, this is where we separate our ways.] said as they stopped to let the Chuunin catch their breath. Rin was looking a little deject about not spending more time with her idol.

Tsunade: [Don't be too emotional, it will cause diversion on your mission. You are young, talented Kunoichi and will be a great medic. Keep these troublesome teammates of yours in line.] smiled at the young girl.

Ryuji: [Be extra careful, don't lose focus. And above all…] said looking straight at Kakashi eyes.

Kakashi: [keep calm, always help and protect your comrades!] answered finishing his speech, Ryuji nodded at him in response.

Ryuji: [Keep working hard young Obito. Show them about our Uchiha clan strength.]

Minato: [You are going to the frontline, take care of yourselves] giving Ryu a handshake.

Ryuji gave a little tap on each member of team 7 as an act to boost their confidence, waving to each other one last time before walking away.

Tsunade: [You marked them with Hiraishin? Why?] Asked as soon as the group disappeared. Tsunade noticed a small seal mark where Ryu touched.


Ryu: [Just in case something goes wrong.] as another Ryuji conceals his energy signature and rushed behind Kakashi team.

Tsunade: [*Sigh* Let's go and give Old Onoki a surprise.] Removed a storage scroll, and summoned her gauntlets.

It wasn't any ordinary equipment, Ryuji made a special gauntlet just for her, using Devil May Cry Devil Bringer as base model. Making her a metallic forearm almost completely covered in red and black scale-like skin, save for the glowing blue streaks that run through it in its entirety as she uses chakra enhanced strength. The scales run up the back of the hand and outside of the fingers. The inside of the hand had a dark blue color.


-Konoha's side-

Jounin 01: [Where is our reinforcements? There is a week since we requested.] anxious.

Jounin 02: [Calm down! They must be almost here.] trying to calm the situation.

Jounin 03: [There is no need to be nervous, we must hold on as long as we can.] reassuring his friend statement.

Jounin 01: [HOLD ON? We are only three hundred against At least a thousand Iwa shinobi without counting their Jinchuuriki and the old Tsuchikage.] returning the solemn air inside their command tent.

Second Commander Jounin: [Panicking will not make our enemies disappear.] ȧssuming and reinstalling order in the room.

Jounin 04: [Sir, where is the Commander?] asked dispersing the tension in the air, and making everyone curious with their leaders absent.

[Shikaku-dono went with his teammates towards east side. He said that his team will deal with Iwa reinforcements till we finish this battlefield.] explaining his Commander orders.

Jounin 02: [Don't talk nonsense.] angry at him.

Second Commander: [Commander said that our helpers will be strong enough to handle the invasion.] finally making them settle down.


-Ryuji and Tsunade-


Explosions occurred ahead in different directions caused by Iwagakure's special explosion squad.

Ryuji: [I will deal with the explosion maniacs.] said after hearing continuous explosions ahead.

Tsunade: [I will take command over our troops.] nodded at him, before speeding up.

"Ryu! I have an idea!" Kurumi said inside Ryuji's mindscape.

"Hm?? You want me to summon you outside?" thought Ryu trying to guess her plans.

"That would be good but I have a better plan. Use your eyes to change this explosion squad memories, giving them a mission to attack Kumo." Kyuubi explained her plans.

"You …. Kurumi, this will be perfect. Their strained alliance will crumble after betraying each other." Ryuji thought delighted after hearing her scheme.

Rushing ahead without making any sound, Ryu reaches near their squad. Reaching the farthest enemy shinobi, he keeps sensing his surroundings before taking the rock-nin out without alerting his squad members.

Sending his body at his Kamui dimension.

"True Henge" making full use of his transformation advantage, Ryu took the form of the enemy he just killed to approach their squad leader.

Ryuji/Rock-nin: [Captain! I have Tsuchikage-sama's new order.] running at his leader faking a look of distress.

Captain: [What mission?] puzzled by a sudden new mission.

Ryuji/Rock-nin: [Here! Look.] near his captain, the transformed Ryu pointed at his red eyes. The pitiful squad captain didn't even had time to process when he looked directly at his blood red eyes.

"Bingo!" cheered internally Ryu, outside their Captain looked a little dazed but soon nodded and give his new orders.

Captain: [New ȧssignment, Tsuchikage-sama gave orders to lay ambush against Kumo. We are heading out now!] swiftly arranging his squad.


Hidden quest completed: destroy the Alliance between the great Villages against Konohagakure

Rewards: 30.000 SP.}

{Total System Points: 637.000}


-Tsunade's Side-

[Doton – Dosekiryū] (Mudslide) said an Iwa shinobi as he punches the ground causing the earth to rise underneath them, which releases a wave of dirt towards Leaf forces.

[Tsuutenkyaku] jumping high and sending all force into her heel before descending in front of the leaf squad.


The moment her feet touches the ground, earth explodes and debris fly at the nearest Iwa squadron.

Astonished by the newer reinforcement timely arrival and attack, the rock squadron didn't have time to escape. Receiving a direct hit half of the squad died while the rest become injured.


[Hokage-sama!!] recognizing their Hokage in front of them the remaining forces from Konoha become elated.

Tsunade: [Take the remaining forces and retreat, I will personally deal with the rest.] Gave a loud order.

Onoki: [That was unexpected! I didn't think about your early interference Konoha's fire shadow.] was floating near a giant earth golem.

Tsunade: [I am surprised too … you are too old, how many more years you are still planning to live?] mocking the small Tsuchikage.

Onoki: [*Tsk* let's see if you continue to be this happy when I finish off your remaining forces.] spoke annoyed.

Commanding the giant golem to send his fist at Tsunade.

Tsunade: [Let's make this fight balanced.] said as she quickly moved through hand seals.

[Mokuton – Mokujin no Jutsu] a wood giant rises behind her. Without losing his momentum, the wood golem put his hand forward to intercept the earth golem fist.

Onoki: [YOUU! …. HOW?] astonished seeing Konoha's Senju princess using her grandfather's fabled Mokuton.

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