Satoshi Terumi: [If you go with them, we would fight without worries … their survival chances would double with you there.]

Yoshi Yuki: [I leave my clan into your care.] smiling at his old friend daughter.



[Die traitor] screamed a Jounin as he clashed swords with Terumi clan head.

[Aaarghhh] screams filled the camp, soon Terumi and Yuki clan shinobi started to lose forces. Terumi clan showed unwavering will and determination to protect their families. Some civilians from Yuki clan were removed from the hideout earlier, a majority of non-shinobi around the camp were from Terumi clan.

Inu: [Commander, all of them have Kirigakure's headband, how to distinguish our rescue targets? We can see who are from Yuki clan but Terumi clan will be difficult.] asked as he observed the chaotic fight hidden from afar.

Sakumo: [That girl with auburn long hair is from Terumi clan. Form a perimeter around the area, our main priority is to protect them till they can retreat safely.] jumping down from a tree branch, Shiroi Kiba rushed with Root Anbu soon following behind.

[Suiton – Teppodama] Spitting a fast water bullet as Sakumo was approaching, Kiri Shinobi noticed their Anbu masks and vest were different from their own special forces.

[Doton - Doryūdan no Jutsu] with quick counter Sakumo sent an earth dragon bullet to nullify the enemy attack.

[REINFORCEMENTS] the Mist shinobi noticing his disadvantage fall back while screaming to gather attention from the other squads.

Sakumo's sword glowed with a white color, combining his shunshin with Hatake clan saber technique. The Hatake clan head showed why he was known as white fang, with a swissing sound, the retreating figure from his enemy was swiftly bypassed. Mist Jounin suddenly fall from the branch smashing into the ground.

As the Root squad passed looking at the enemy corpse, they noticed his sliced neck, bleeding profusely. A shiver and sweat run down their backs imagining his frightening attack, even after being trained and becoming elite shinobi, they couldn't follow Sakumo's speed. The poor mist shinobi couldn't even scream.

Reaching an enemy squad, the highly trained Anbu started circling around while throwing attacks to reduce their enemy numbers.

[Fuuton - Kazekiri no Jutsu] [Katon - Goukakyuu no Jutsu] Spilling fire and wind slashes flashing towards their targets from different directions.

A few moments later the last squad from Yagura was eliminated.

Sakumo Hatake: [Don't worry, we were sent with Yondaime Hokage's orders to help the rebels.] said in a straightforward manner.

Mei Terumi: [That would be perfect but what would Hidden Leaf want in exchange?] questioned with suspicious.

Sakumo Hatake: [We want a treaty with the leader of the rebellion who will take lead of Hidden Mist as the next Mizukage to sign an Alliance with us.] being truthful with the teenager.

Mei Terumi: [I don't mean to be rude, Hatake-dono.]

[but why would Konoha want an Alliance with Mist after attacking Uzushiogakure?] still with her guards up. Sakumo was about to answer when a swirling sound interrupted.

[We can talk later.] Ryuji said as he finished materializing.

Ryuji: [Sakumo send your Anbu to help escort the civilians.] ȧssuming command.

Sakumo: [You heard him, get moving.]

Mei Terumi: [I want all the remain shinobi to rush with our clansman, to our hideout and stay there till we come back.] Turning around to command the surviving shinobi to escort them to safety, even if Leaf was making suspicious movements, Mei had to ensure her clans safety and move to her father location to support him.

Mei Terumi: [You aren't much older than I am… my father is there fighting; I will go with you.] snorted at him but didn't remove her willingness to help her father.

Sakumo: [Let her be, she is quite a capable Kunoichi.] said not wanting to drag.

Ryuji: [Alright … just be careful.] relented as they move towards the battle.


Meanwhile two shadow observed the start of the conflict till Sakumo and Ryuji's sudden appearance and rescue.

"Ryuji-san has sensed us already." Thought a masked Obito.

Zetsu: [This damn Ookami, interfering in our plans. He will kill our puppet Yagura] looking from afar the discussion between Mei, Sakumo and Ryuji.

Obito: [Let it be, Hidden Mist will be weakened after this civil war.] said in a deep voice.

Zetsu: [We need to find a way to spy in Leaf. I can't enter their seals without being noticed.] distressed that he couldn't infiltrate Konoha's Hidden village.

Zetsu: [That's a good plan but are you sure?] asked showing his doubts.

Obito: [Hn! They will be suspicious but I can handle myself.] nodded.

"ALL according to your plans Ryuji-niisan, now I can walk freely at Konoha without care about Zetsu spying on me." Thought Obito before teleporting away.

(AN: I will make Obito refer Ryuji as elder brother from now on, like Kakashi does.)


"Obito was observing from afar with Zetsu, He is doing a good job faking being manipulated." Thought Ryuji as he rushes towards MIzukage's main force.

Ryuji: [Hm? It seems that only one survived. He is injured and being surrounded.] said as he easily sensed everyone ahead of him.

Mei Terumi: [Father, please …] said in a low voice as she followed but Sakumo and Ryuji could hear clearly.

Sakumo: [Miss Terumi, as soon as we reach their location you will take the survivor and retreat. I will protect you against any pursuers.] As he fought a few times with Ryuji, Sakumo has a grasp of his skills and personality.

[Breath of the Void: 5 th Form: Nothingness.] Like a ghost, Ryuji appeared and disappeared as he moves around the attackers. With great speed that even the Mizukage couldn't trace, the silhouette of Ookami was ethereal and his face was devoid of any emotion.

Every single slash from Ryuji's sword would kill, one step one kill. Yagura was stunned, his elite shinobi who were trained and survived the worst war and high-level missions were dead in instants.

[Suiton: Suiben] Unable to see any more of his manpower to be wasted Yagura send a Water Whips around trying to restrain the flashing figure of Ryuji.

Ryuji wasn't bothered by his enemy leader attempt to bind him. He keeps moving and reaping Mist shinobi's lives without care, his ethereal form was combined with his intangibility, making Yagura's attack worthless.

Yagura: [Do you want to start a war against Hidden Mist Ookami?] gritting his teeth.

Ryuji: [Hahaha, dead people can't wage war.] speaking in a mock manner only making the Mizukage angrier.


Meanwhile Sakumo was dealing with Mei and Satoshi Terumi pursuers.

[Hakkō Chakura Tō (White Light Chakra Sabre)] using a similar blade that he gifted to Kakashi. Sakumo killed his enemies with easy, not as fast as Ryuji but still showed his years of fighting experience.

Sakumo: [Thanks for the help …]

*Boommm* Sakumo was interrupted by a wave of chakra

Satoshi Terumi: [T-three tails] murmured.

Sakumo: [Let' keep going …. Ryuji will catch up later.] move near Mei to help carry her father.


"Ryu, what do plan to do with Isobu?" said Kurumi as she woke up.

"Any good idea?" replied Ryu.

"You created a paradise inside your Kamui dimension. Why not send him there?" suggesting.

{Master, Alice can change his size and send him near a lake in your dimension. He will not be able to be hostile inside your dimension or System will punish him severely.} Kurumi who was listening shivered.

"Ok, what I need to do? Subjugate Yagura?" Thought Ryuji.

{Yes, the best option is to make Yagura Karatachi unconscious and absorb his chakra with Rinnegan, Alice will direct Sanbi chakra and conscience through your Kamui.}

Ryuji stopped his thought when he sensed an enormous amount of chakra started to be concentrate in front of Yagura's mouth using Sanbi chakra mantle to create a Tailed Beast Ball.

[Doton – Doryuusou] with a quick hand seal, earth spears forming circling Yagura suddenly thrust at him, successfully disrupting his chakra gathering.

"Let's stop wasting time." Thought Ryuji as he started using his Rinnegan.

[Shinra Tensei] using his gravity push to create a distance between him and Yagura soon followed by black blames. After crashing into some threes, Yagura tried to get up only to be set on fire.


Approaching the screaming figure of Yagura, Ryuji right hand glowed with purple chakra.

[Gogyo Fuuin] canceling his flames, Ryuji thrusted his hand into Yagura's stomach placing a seal to block and disrupt his chakra flow. Unable to keep healing his injuries without Sanbi, Yagura finally lost conscious.

[Kuchiyose] a small gold fox was summoned.

Ryuji: [I will send a clone and take Isobu. I need you to talk to him inside my dimension.]

Kurumi: [Leave it to me.]


Quest completed: Rescue Terumi and Yuki clan from Yondaime Mizukage's Attack

Rewards: 200.000 SP, Alliance.}

Total System Points: 1837.000 points

"*Whistle* war is surely the most profitable area in business." Thought Ryuji a he headed towards Terumi hideout.

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