His True Rinnegan become a Rinne Sharingan, it maintained his metallic purple color from his Rinnegan just adding 9 tomoe. Ryuji was happy to become stronger and wanted to test his new abilities but a message from Tsunade changed his plans.

(AN: Like Sasuke Rinnegan but with 9 tomoe. I would like to know about new ideas of skills or abilities for his eyes. I will use the same as Kaguya, travel/teleport through different dimensions but I will add different realities and timelines.)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hokage Tower-

Tsubaki was giggling as she read a book while seated on Kushina's ŀȧp. Tsunade was reading some reports as she drunk tea with Sayuri and Mikoto. The family peaceful time was disturbed by a knock on the door.

Secretary: [Tsunade-sama, Lord third and the esteemed elders are asking for a bit of your time.] sounding professional but soon her expression was replaced, she become stunned seeing Ryuji appear without his shirt and mask coming out of Tsunade's exclusive bathroom located inside Hokage's tower inside her office room.

Tsunade: […] was looking at him through her glasses while narrowing her eyes as if engraving his figure deeply into her mind.

Sayuri: [Fufufufu.] giggling with her hand covering her mouth.

Kushina: […] shamelessly drooling seeing his figure.

Tsubaki: [Daddy.] said escaping from Kushina ŀȧp and run to her father.

Ryuji let a soft laugh seeing his princess so cheerful.

Ryuji: [Dad will play with you later, Okay?] taking her in his arms, what Ryuji didn't saw was Tsubaki smirking mischievous at all the women inside the room. They immediately noticed her victorious look and shook their heads amused at her antics.

Tsunade: [*Cough* thank you for the message. They have my permission but ask them to wait for a bit.] dispelling the awkward silence in her room.

Secretary: [A-a-ah, Of course Hokage-sama.] answered as she closes the door but not before giving a ŀustful look at Ryuji.

Kushina: [That woman.] annoyed at the blunt ŀustful look that Ryuji was receiving.

Sayuri: [Let her be, as long it is just looking …] smiling innocently.

Ryuji: [Enjoying the view?] couldn't resist grinning as his wives didn't even blink not wasting any chance to look at their husband's figure.

Kushina: [Tonight, you will not escape me …] biting her lips as she keeps looking at him wearing a black shirt.

Mikoto: [Tsk, I can only cuddle …] Mumbled with a sour expression. Perceiving giggles next to her which left her annoyed to be out because of her pregnancy.

Tsunade: [Let finish this talk later. What do you suggest we do about Obito? Hiruzen and his 'esteemed elders' are here probably because of him.] dispelling their underaged talk.

Sayuri: [Young Obito would be better placed under Ryuji in Anbu with Kakashi and Rin in her disguise.] still drinking her tea, everyone nodded at her idea.

Ryuji: [I talked with Obito; we just need to act according to our plans.] explained.

Mikoto: [Talking about Anbu, Sakumo-san said that he will come talk with you later.] said to Ryuji.

A few minutes later, Hiruzen Sarutobi entered followed by his monkey squad, Homura and Koharu.

Tsunade: [There is some special event today for such sudden visit?] asked in a straightforward manner without forgetting to show her authority.

Koharu/Homura: […] both ex-teammates were left speechless by her bluntness.

Hiruzen: [Just a harmless visit from your old sensei.] putting a harmless smile.

Tsunade: [I have dealt with it.] snorted with a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"What a bothersome old man. Why are they always this persistent in interfering with her decisions?" thought Ryuji.

Koharu: [And what will be happening with him?] Spoke as if Tsunade was obliged to report to them.

Ryuji: [Call Kakashi, Minato and Obito here.] looking at a hidden shadow.

Hiruzen: [Minato would be delighted after hearing his student is alive.] giving a small smile.

A few moments later, all people involved entered with the addition of Sakumo.

Minato: [Obito?? Is that really you?] said shocked, his voice had hints of hope.

Obito: [Yes, Minato-sensei. Somehow, I managed to survive the rock slide.] spoke in an embarrassed manner with his hands behind his head.

Hiruzen: [You don't seem surprised Kakashi. Neither you, Sakumo-dono.] narrowing his eyes at the boy.

It was beyond anyone's wildest dreams how Obito Uchiha survived after hearing Minato's report.

Tsunade: [I asked a Yamanaka to look into his memories to confirm his story and identity.] Waving her hands dismissively and unconcerned.

Homura: [Enough of that, the boy returned, it would be good idea to reinstall, Minato and team 7.] getting restless as they are losing ground in negotiation.

Sakumo: [Hokage-sama, if I could have a moment please?] bowing his head slightly at Tsunade.

Tsunade: [Don't need to bow, Sakumo. Feel free to speak.] letting the talk be more informal.

Sakumo: [I wanted to talk with Ryuji earlier but with new plans for Kakashi's ȧssignment, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to delay anymore.]

[I would like to merge Root with Ryuji's Anbu. The war is about to reach climax against hidden Cloud and soon there will be no need to maintain two special forces. Ryuji leadership increased our Special forces prestige outside and inside Leaf, I have no doubt that Root will be in good hands.]

Sayuri: [Umu, how about making Root Anbu a new special unity like our Black flames, Night wolf and Phantom.] serving tea and some cookies to Mikoto and the girls.

Koharu: [But what that does have to do with Kakashi and Obito?] asked as she didn't catch the reasons in their talk. Hiruzen and Homura had a look of understanding as if having a faint idea of their objective.

Tsunade: [Good, Anbu will receive you with open arms.] smiling happily.

Hiruzen: [I know you have the best intentions Sakumo but you can't decide about their future, it is their decision.] said lecturing Sakumo.

"It seems that I will need to investigate why he wants Kakashi and Obito with Minato." Thought Ryuji, and Sakumo had the same thoughts.

Sakumo: [I never made him choose something he don't want to do.] Answered with an indifference shrug.

Kakashi: [I will go to Anbu with Ryu-niisan.] answered as soon as his father spoke.

Obito: [If clan head allow, I would like to enter Anbu too.] looking at Mikoto, who just smile and nodded.

Ryuji: [Then, I welcome you to Anbu. Hidden Leaf's ANsatsu senjutsu tokishu BUtai ("Special Assassination and Tactical Squad").]

Tsunade: [If there isn't nothing more, I would like to continue my work.] directing at Hiruzen and his advisors.

Ryuji: [Kakashi stay for a bit I want to talk to you.]

Ryuji: [Relax, I am not saying that I'll hand my position as commander over to you now, but you will be my second in command. Help me out with organizing the squads, their training, it will help you mȧturė and strength your leadership skills.] easing his tension.

Kakashi nodded his head thoughtfully. [Why me?]

Smirking Ryuji took a step closer to him and patted his head. [Because I have faith and trust in you.]

Ryuji: [Now Kakashi Hatake, are you up for the job?] straightening himself. There was one thing that he leaned from his years as Commander, the necessary intimidation. Ryuji let a tiny smirk to sweep in his lips for a moment.

Kakashi: [I am glad to help, Ryu-nii-san.] said with his characteristic eye smile behind his face mask. Ryuji smiled back sincerely at his answer.

Ryuji: [Great … I will talk to your father and give you access towards our special library. I will be counting on you, Kakashi. Now go get yourself ready. I will be calling you later.] Kakashi nodded and started to walk away to his father.

Outside Kakashi asked his father if he knew that he was training to take the position of commander.

Sakumo: [You have earned it. It's a payment for all your troubles and efforts. But that doesn't mean, Ryuji will go easy on you. He will treat you like everybody else in training, you got that?] advised him.

The standards inside Anbu and Jounin standards are completely different. The shinobi who works as Spec Ops had to work very hard to earn their strength and position.

Among the great villages, Konoha is deemed to be strong when it came to any military power.


-Anbu HQ-

Ryuji: [You know what to do.] Neither his voice or his expression displayed any kind of emotion but anyone near could feel danger from the aura he exuded. Ryuji created two clones to keep track of Hiruzen and Minato.

"I have a faint feeling that Hiruzen is using Minato and wanted the boys for support. Depending on what or how you will do, will define how much I will torture you old monkey." Thought Ryuji.


AN: I decided about his Rinne Sharingan skills, I will use Kaguya dimension traveling including different timelines. And I made an upgraded form of Izanagi.

When activated, the caster removes the boundaries between reality and illusion within their personal space. To a degree this allows the user to control their state of existence, but it is normally active for only the briefest of moments.

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