(AN: I was writing a side chapter about the Naruto world that Ryuji messed up and was half way but I didnt think it would fit in the middle of the story yet. I will post it after returning to his World It would be better that way.)

A calm day with a bright sun, shining in a clear blue sky marking a new day in the New world, for some today would mark the beginning of a new era, for others it would be their worst nightmare.

However, without anyone noticing a floating Island is hovering high above Re-Estize capital, Divinity Headquarters, using camouflage to avoid panic and confusion.

Ryuji was attentively observing the city with the young Itachi on his right side while Albedo and Brynhildr stood behind.

Ryuji: [Any new information about this kingdom?] asked calmly.

Brynhildr: [My lord, from our intel Re-Estize Kingdom is a human nation in the New World with an estimated population of nine million. It is the definition of a failed state, suffering from near-constant political disorder and civil unrest.]

[The Kingdom is plagued by inept nobles ever since its founding. Protected from hostile demi-human nations by natural barriers and neighboring countries, the Kingdom is relatively peaceful. However, this peace left the nation weak to corruption from within.] knelt as she reported her subordinate's findings.

Ryuji: [*Sigh*, There is no need to kneel, every time you are about to speak.] sighted exasperated by her continuous worshiping.

Brynhildr: [No can do, My lord. I must ...]

Itachi: [Father.] interrupted but they could still hear her mumbling in the background.

Ryuji: [??] looked at his youngest son with a small smile.

Itachi: [I want to travel around and gain more experience.]

Ryuji: [Did you asked that to your mother?] spoke while smirking. Itachi trembled remembering his overprotective mother nature.

Itachi: […] stood silent.

Ryuji: [I will talk with Mikoto … I was younger when I traveled around with Sayuri. I see no problem but I will send someone with you.] patting his head, Itachi let a tiny smile but quickly hide it when he saw his father's teasing smile.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dining room-

Inside an elegant room was Ryuji and his family sitting around a huge table filled with different types of foods and drinks.

Sayuri: [What are our plans for this new world?]

Ryuji: [We will not stay for long but we can have some fun.]

Tsunade: [I was planning on taking Lupusregina and CZ with me, to travel around gathering new herbs and healing books.] was happily drinking.

Kushina: [I will pass this time; I am developing a new seal.] exclaimed excitedly.

Kaguya: [I don't have anything worth to do, I might just accompany you.] said as she was drinking tea with elegance.

Tsubaki: [I heard about the corruption inside Re-Estize kingdom, I will deal with it and help Mom taking books and quest in the adventure's guild. I asked Yuri-nee to go with me.] Yuri Alpha just nodded as she stood behind.

Tsunade: [I know my daughter is powerful enough to take care of herself but please take care of her Yuri.] even though Tsubaki was old enough to be on her own, it is a mother's job to be worried.

Itachi: […] stopped eating to listen to his mother.

Mikoto: [I agree with your father, we can't restrain your freedom.]

[*Sigh* I don't like the idea of my young son going alone. So, I will let you travel but Narberal will go with you.] she said with a warning look as if daring him to say otherwise. Itachi just nodded but Mikoto let out a gentle smile as she could see that he was happy. Ryuji just winked with his thumbs up.

Ryuji: [Do you have any place you want to go?] asked looking at Itachi.

Itachi: [I heard about the Elf kingdom. I want to travel and see what it is like.]

Mikoto: [There isn't a war occurring there?] asked worried and rethinking her decision of letting him go.

Kushina: [It is against Slane 'something' right? Do you have any Info on them Albedo?]

Albedo: [Slane Theocracy is a human nation like Re-Estize in this New World. One of the strongest countries in the region; it is a highly religious state, promoting human supremacy.

The doctrine of the Slane Theocracy revolves around the Six Great Gods, who appeared six hundred years ago. While so, the country is divided into six different religious sects, each with its own specialized intelligence agency focusing on one expertise they're skillfully good at. Each sect is devoted to one of the Six Great Gods by the Scripture group's color.

They all acknowledge the threat of demons and other races in the world. Additionally, Slane Theocracy's civilization was said to be more advanced in technology than any of the neighboring countries that surround it.

The Slane Theocracy also has an institutionalized divine magic training system that is comparable with the Baharuth Empire in terms of arcane magic. One in which they possess a magic school that focuses on training faith-based magic casters. The overall literacy rate for citizens living in the Theocracy is fairly high.] proudly reported before looking at Ryu with her eyes shining, certainly expecting something from him.

Ryuji: [Thanks, Albedo.] sweat dripping from his back as he noticed her heavy breathing and enamored look. Sayuri chuckled at their interaction.

Mikoto: [How they started their conflicts? Is it just because Elfs aren't 'Humans'?]

Brynhildr: [On the contrary, despite the Theocracy's prejudice towards non-humans, the nation once had a friendly relationship with the neighboring Elf Country. However, this relationship came to an end when the Elf King abducted and ɨmprėġnȧtėd the ace of the Theocracy's Black Scripture. Fortunately, the Theocracy rescued her and the child that was forced upon her to grew up and become Theocracy's strongest God-kin.

Afterward, at the urging of the child, a war of retribution was waged against the Elves. However, despite the Theocracy's superior military strength, progress is slow since the Elf Country is mostly hard to traverse woodland. Thus, the war continues to this day. Elves have also become favored products in the Theocracy's slave trade.] calmly reported.

Ryuji and his family discussed about their new world and what to expect from it.


-Next day-

Ryuji: [Remember if you have any trouble contact me immediately.] said as he hugged Tsubaki and Itachi.

Mikoto: [Don't forget to call me every day with our communication seal or with a transmission spell.] spoke while hugging Itachi.

Tsunade: [Be careful.] wished good luck as she moved forward to kiss her daughter's forehead.

Ryuji and his wives watched as their children disappeared in the horizon.

Ryu: [I will move around too, but I will be home at night.] said before kissing them. Kaguya was blushing after being kissed, still not accustomed even after going all the way in their relationship.

Finishing his goodbyes, Ryuji departed with Kaguya following flying right behind him.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Somewhere near the border between Re-Estize and Baharuth Empire-

Ryuji: [I should send Aura and Mare to deal with this weird Hamster.] spoke Ryu, looking near the North forest, where a famed 'legendary beast' is rumored to reside.

Kaguya: [There is a small Village ahead of us with a population of at least 120 people.] using her Byakugan.

Kaguya: [There is also suspicious movement ahead. They don't appear to be friendly towards the villagers.] said after seeing a few knights quickly approaching the village.

Ryuji: [Within this population in the village. The village is supposed to be an average village with no real importance other than its location along the border. The main livelihood of the villagers come from the forest and their crops Agriculture-style. This is due to the fact that the village receives almost no visitors except for some doctors looking for herbs and the tax collector who comes once a year.]

[And they don't look like Tax collectors from Re-Estize kingdom much less doctors.]

Kaguya: [There are no soldiers within the village which leave it unprotected from attacks.] she was now worried.

Ryuji: [From what Albedo gathered, Gazef was ordered by King Ramposa III to investigate and hunt down the imperial knights that were attacking villages around the Kingdom.] explained about the situation.

Kaguya: [A trap to lure the 'strongest' warrior from the kingdom… Human greed … no matter where … greed and envy will always lead to unnecessary conflicts.] Ryuji squeezed her hand, supporting her.

Ryuji: [Let's move ahead and help them … but just helping wouldn't be fun.] smirk while moving ahead with Kaguya.

Approaching the small village, Ryuji and Kaguya could hear a bell ringing, most likely to alert the villagers of imminent danger as they didn't recognize the cavalry advancing towards them.


Knight: [Move forward.] rushing into the nearest villager aiming his sword at his neck but before it could kill a light descended protecting the old villager.

Such sudden unusual movement made everyone stop their fights.

[What is the meaning of this? It is a grave sin killing innocent.]

Floating down slowly was an extremely handsome man with a long black hair and shining white armor, but what made them stunned was six pairs of golden wings on his back. Behind him was an white haired beauty following him, floating down.

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