After finishing their goodbyes at Carne Village, Ryuji, Kaguya and his Valkyries teleported towards Itachi's last location.

Even with all protections and despite Ryuji being sure that nothing could bring harm to his youngest child. He was still worried like any parent would, it wasn't often that Itachi needed help and he clearly asked for his help.

Ryuji knew that Itachi is mȧturė but his young age makes him lack real experience.

Appearing near Itachi's current location, Ryuji and his guards could only marvel at the beauty of the Elf Village even though Hanging Garden was far more beautiful, this village was built on top of the trees.

The unsuspecting Elven villagers were talking happily, if any normal person would come to such scene, they would certainly become stunned and charmed by the Elves beauty, every single elf had delicate features.

The Valkyries didn't give much attention to them, they stood near Ryuji, looking out for Itachi but couldn't stop blushing and stealing glances towards Ryuji, some had proud smiles comparing the elf's looks with their sworn leader.

"Elves seem to love green color as much Uzumaki loved red." Though Ryuji amused.

Using [Camouflage] they flew after sensing Itachi fighting a group of elf hunters in a place similar to an arena.

In the center of the village's small arena there was a gathering of curious elves, some cheered and some cursed as they watched a small boy fighting a group of hunters.


[I will never admit defeat.] one of the best Elf hunters said as he was cleaning the blood left on the corner of his lips, before rushing again at Itachi.

Like an ȧduŀt fighting a toddler, Itachi was dodging all his attacks with ease and this was infuriating the latter.

Elven priestess: [Stop this nonsense, Itachi-dono saved our village when you were outside.] said desperate trying to finish the elven hunter foolish actions.

[How many times I have to tell you that humans can't be trusted?] retorted back without looking at her.

[…] Itachi didn't answer or show any emotion and keep dodging his opponent attacks.

[Stop dodging and running like a coward.] the hunter was losing himself to anger.

Itachi narrowed his eyes and finally steeps forward, tilting his head to his right side dodging a left straight punch and without losing his chance the young Uchiha countered with a powerful right hook sending his opponent up, the elf was stunned but before he could touch the floor, Itachi send him flying with a roundhouse kick in his ċhėst.

Itachi: [No, let me take care of it.] denied her request because he didn't want her to shed unnecessary blood.

Seeing the 12-year-old Itachi, looking at him without any expression and adding his anger for his early defeat made the elf somewhat see Itachi looking at him in disdain.

Distorting his face in anger, the elf started chanting.

["Oh, mother nature, heed …"] unfortunately for him, the young boy wasn't idiot.

With a swift movement Itachi kicked a small pebble near him on the floor, sending it straight at the hunter face with enough strength to interrupt his chanting.

[OUCH!] screamed as he massaged his forehead.

As Itachi was musing to how the elf was the leader of best hunter group in the village an arrow hit his ċhėst, making his body fall back.

Elf: [YES! I hit him.] screamed a hidden elf in joy not noticing that Itachi's body was falling back in slow motion.

*Caw Caw*

Before the hunter group could keep their happiness Itachi's body disassemble into dozens of crows, who started flying encircling the hunting group.

They keep looking around franticly trying to find Itachi, unable to detect where he was made the hunters scared.

[Your struggle is meaningless… nothing you will do will escape my eyes.]

Hearing his voice, they turned towards the sky just to see the young boy flying and his red eyes glowing, looking at them uncaringly with the sun behind him creating a mysterious and powerful image inside everyone's mind.

The elves shuddered looking at him. The male elves were looking at him scared, while the females were mesmerized with the beautiful scene ahead of them.

Kaguya: [*Cough*] tried to bring them out of their stunned state.

Itachi: [Father.] said before letting a tired sigh.

Narberal: [Ryuji-sama.] bowed as soon as she saw Ryuji, who just smiled at her, making the emotionless doppelganger blush.

Ryuji: [Son? I come as fast as I could, I saw your fight and thought you didn't need my help… what was the problem?] descended to give his son a good look to confirm his wellbeing.

Itachi: [It is a long story…] answered shortly, not minding the crowd gathering near them, plus the females drooling seeing Ryuji.

-Elven Priestess Sanctuary-

Outside the Sanctuary stood a dozen of armed Valkyrie protecting the entrance from any intruder, inside was a huge garden filled with countless flowers, a perfect paradise that is now the place hosting a small meeting.

Ryuji: [Let me see if I understood everything right.]

[The priests around the elven kingdom received an oracle, showing a vision of a young black-haired boy with powerful red eyes, who would free their people from their king's madness.] said Ryuji stunned from this unexpected development.

Itachi: [When we arrived there was beast horde attacking, I decided to interfere in their fight with Narberal's help.] the doppelganger nodded.

Narberal: [This village priestess sent a message towards the other villages and the capital about young master, now everyone will come here even the King started marching to deal with him.] reported somewhat annoyed.

"Alice, there is someone working behind the scenes? Making their priests see what they want? Manipulating them?" Asked Ryuji narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

{Master don't need to worry; the majority of elven priestess has an especial connection with nature enabling them to see different paths about their future.}

{They can't control this ability and always misunderstand it as an Oracle.}

"Well, that's better…" thought Ryuji before returning his attention to their actual conversation.

Kaguya: [Isn't his kingdom in war against Slane theocracy?] puzzled by their kingdom's leader sudden move.

Narberal: [That is right my lady, the king is coming with his royal guard but hee isn't foolish enough to let his borders unguarded.]

Elven priestess: [You don't have to worry, Itachi-sama. All priests and their guards will reach here to help in the campaign against the evil king.] spoke as she served tea and some snacks.

Kaguya: [You are?] curious about her.

[Oh… sorry for my rudeness … I am Elanor, Head Priestess.] Elanor bowed while showing a bright smile.

Elanor is a beautiful elf, like the rest of the elves, she is tall, has a slender body with blond hair, green eyes and had her characteristic pointy ears. She is wearing a long white dress that perfectly complemented her figure.

Ryuji: [What do you want to do?] spoke looking at his son.

Itachi: [I want to help them.] spoke after some time.

Ryuji: [That's good but …. What will you do after that?] questioned him about the aftermath.

Kaguya: [It is good to help those who need but what will happen after the kingdom lose their leader? Maybe someone worse would take his place. Maybe the Slane theocracy will finish their invasion destroying this kingdom and enslaving everyone after they lose their leader.]

Itachi was left in deep thought.

Ryuji: [If we help them there are still variables to keep them safe, for example if you somehow become their leader, some would be happy but others would make everything they could to disturb you and when we return to our world, who will take care of them?]

Itachi was struggling to find a solution, Ryuji and Kaguya knew that being a leader is difficult and Itachi is young.

"There are questions that he will have to find their answers himself. This is part of his growth. One day he will spread his wings and move on and I need Itachi to be independent." Thought Ryuji.

Itachi: [That's why I needed your advice. I don't know what to do.] saying with his head down.

Ryuji: [It is alright, no one has all answers …] spoke with a smile while giving Itachi a head pat.

Normally it would be hidden but Ryuji and Kaguya could see Itachi's tiny smile.

Ryuji: [Let's wait for the priestess to come here. We can make further plans for the imminent slaug… I mean … this difficult battle to free the poor elves from such vile king hands.] spoke calmy despite his late error, making Kaguya giggle and Itachi become less tense.

"I can feel that I am about to remove my first limiter in mana. I would like to stay here to remove all but I have other plans." Thought Ryuji.


A week passed after Itachi asked his father for advice. Ryuji used earth magic to make reinforced walls circling the village. They didn't forget to teleport back to Hanging gardens, when Mikoto and Albedo heard about Itachi situation she demanded to participate.

In the week that passed thousands of elves come to aid Itachi as they accompanied different priests. Witnessing Ryuji and Itachi, the villagers started to pray idolizing them, much to their dismay.

Mikoto was watching over their preparations when she receives a message from the Valkyrie group flying ahead.

Mikoto: [They are coming.] spoke in a serious manner.

Albedo: [Ara? I wonder if they can give the Valkyries a challenge.] said smiling but the dark aura around her made the elven near back away in fear.


(AN: I dont know about the elf king but he must be bad for raping Slane Theocracy strongest saintess... I just made him evil for action.)

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