Let's see about Minato, this new Akemi and probably Mito Uzumaki.

After waking up and eating breakfast, me, Kushina and mom head to look after a place to set a restaurant, we found a good place near the Hyuga clan, after talking with the old owner we decided to buy the place.

Sayuri: [How do you think we should decorate and organize everything?]

Ryu: [This place certainly is big, a three-store building, in the first floor we should let for villagers' tables and a bar on the side, on the second for shinobi the same but with a larger area for the bar and a dancing area. On the third floor we put some rooms for the employee, and storage.]

Kushina: [What will be the name of the restaurant?]

While thinking and some suggestions mom said: [What about Dragon's pavilion?]

Ryu: [I think that's a good name.] Kushina agreed smiling happily.

Kushina: [Ryu's food is the best, I will help as waitress, it will be a huge success, 'ttebane'.]

"She is still saying 'ttebane', at least she lost her embarrassment when she is with us." I just though smiling at her antics.

We stayed the entire day putting some tables and organizing the lights and chairs, the bar area, the kitchen and the rooms. Tomorrow we should talk to some people about the ingredients supplies and put up a sign for the waitress and take out jobs. Our restaurant sign is a long detailed blue eastern dragon accompanying the name of our business.

While finishing our dinner I asked what should we put in the menu.

Sayuri: [hmm Rice, tonkatsu….] after talking about some traditional foods.

Kushina interrupting said: [What about Ramen?]



Recruit Teuchi and his family as chief, and helping managing your restaurant.

Reward: 5.000, Title Chef}

Ryu: [Well I have something in mind about Ramen. I also want to put some sweets and cakes, and please I need pizza.]

"Good thing that the system sells drinks, I will equip the restaurant with some modern items, shop time, it will be good increasing the options, as we can complement with sake and other drinks." I thought already getting excited even though I spent 3.000 Sp on decorations.

Today is the first day on the academy for me and Kushina, well for us it will be very annoying and boring as we already know everything they will teach there. We already have breakfast and leave some ready for mom, before going out, I am using Anbu black pants and a blue long shirt with my face mask, I don't want annoying fan girls pestering me, well I don't think they will get past Shina.

As we walk near the academy entrance, I sensed some people watching us, 4 Anbu and 8 more Root.

"Well, well, Danzo is really impatient, I think I will kill 7 of them and capture one to study his seals, after the finishing fight of Hanzo and the Sannin, Hanzo will deal with some years later with the emergence of the Akatsuki, and Danzo will have a hand on it as always." I though while formulating a plan to immobilize Danzo minions.

After entering the academy, I said to Kushina that I will be in the classroom shortly, that I would just talk with some people. I enter an empty class made a shadow clone and put some genjutsu to send him to the class to make sure the Anbu don't try to find me when I dispose of Danzo's rats, I also used some genjutsu onto myself, camouflage and walk to into the shadows while keep looking at the Root shinobi with the sharingan.

It was quite easy to capture them using Fukai Yasumi (Deep sleep) and Kanashibari no Justu (Body Paralysis), after disposing of the bodies with a small Katon and sealing one for later studies I walk into the classroom door and knocked.

Teacher: [W-w-what? Ryuji-san?] said a confused teacher as he already makes presentation of my clone, he keeps looking at me and the clone. My clone just waved his hand and *puff* became smoke.

Ryu: [Sorry Masami-sensei, I had some paper work to deal with, so I sent my clone to no disturb but it seems that it still stopped your class. I am sorry.]

After entering I just looked at the window making an eye smile while nodding.

"Oh god even thought I can't see their faces it should be so funny." I though while laughing.

-Meanwhile with the Anbu-

Bear: [Why do we have to follow these brats? They are just children, will never give danger to Konoha will they?]

Cat: [It was Hokage-sama order just follow, no questioning.]

After a brief intro in class, the Anbu squad keep observing, when suddenly they saw the class door open and their observation target was standing outside.

Bear: [H-h-h-ow does he know a shadow clone?]

Cat: [That's not the problem now, how he did it and we didn't notice? He managed to escape 4 experienced Anbu.] said alarmed.

Suddenly their target looked at their direction and made an eye smile while nodding at them. This left them speechless.

-Back at the classroom-

"Boring, Soooo boring, I can see from here Kushina dozing off." Looking around I recognize some clan heirs and great figures in the future, Tsume Inuzuka, Mikoto Uchiha, the twins Hiashi and Hizashi. Fugaku and the trio Ino-Chika-Cho aren't here so they are one or two years ahead. Minato Namikaze and Akemi Uzumaki appear to be quite friendly.

After some hours of long useless learning, sensei asked us to go outside for Taijutsu classes. As I was dragged outside by an excited redhead, sensei started the match ups.

[I am sooo excited to see how others fight here, after this class I might have more friends, 'ttebane'.] whispered Kushina.

Ryu: [I can see your excitement a mile away, 'ttebane'.] I said teasing.

Kushina just looked at me red faced with embarrassment, while clenching her fists.

Kushina: [Don't mock me,'ttebane'.] said angry

Ryu: [hahaha alright, alright, I will stop. Kami, you are so cute puffing this chubby red cheek of yours, don't be mad, you know that I love you right? Hahahaha.] I said joking.

Kushina: [Hmph..…]

Masami-sensei: [Alright them I will announce the names, and the fighters go to the circle, don't forget taijutsu only.]

Masami: [Minato Namikaze vs Hiashi Hyuga]

"Well this should be entertaining." I though while focusing on the fight.

Minato and Hiashi enter the little arena, after prepared teacher give the signal to start.

Hiashi off course is using his clan signature the Gentle Fist, sending a fury of slaps and taps, with speed at almost genin, Minato is countering and sidestepping all attacks with great precision and speed greater then Hiashi, making him panic at fighting someone faster than him, as Hiashi try taking a step backwards Minato saw this as an opening, sweeping his right leg behind his legs midair making the Hyuga fall on his back. Hiashi immediately tried to get up just to meet a fist on his cheeks, throwing him out of the circle.

Masami-sensei: [Winner Minato Namikaze.] some girls and Akemi clapped their hands while saying how cool Minato was.

Kushina: [He is at Mid genin level, hope there are girls good at fighting, 'ttebane'.] said already recovered from the teasing, but didn't noticed that she said loud enough for Tsume and Mikoto to hear.

Mikoto: [Let's see if you are good enough Uzumaki-san, to fight an Uchiha.] said with a hint of pride and mockery.

Tsume: [hmph. I will show you two who is the Alpha.] said showing her teeth.

Masami-sensei: [Hizashi Hyuga vs Ryuji Senju Uchiha.]


{Quest: Number one

Beat your opponent and show the class some of your skills

Reward: 1.000 Sp, Fan Girls}

"Fan girls, hmmm, will not get passed Kushina."

Everyone that was talking or worshiping the Namikaze stopped, even the bickering of Shina and the two heiress stopped.

After entering the circle and doing the seal of confrontation, Hizashi didn't rush in, but look with caution at me.

"He is smart, but if you don't attack I will." I though evaluating the young Hyuga.


Steam coming out of his mouth Ryu steady his breath, a flick of red lighting coming out of his eyes, Ryu looked at Hizashi with an emotionless face and said.

Ryu: [Breath of the void: 1st form void steeps.]

Suddenly Ryu disappeared leaving an afterimage with a speed that even the Anbu couldn't see, the next moment Hizashi fall with face on the floor, but before he finish falling, Ryu already appeared on the same spot taking the place of his afterimage as like he never moved, while lighting still emanating from his eyes.

-Ryu pov-


{Quest: Number one


Rewards: 1.000 Sp, Fan girls}

{System points: 53.000}

Hiash: [Hey, you cheated, you used some weird jutsu, this is Taijutsu only.] said while walking towards me, before he could say anything Minato interrupted.

Minato: [He didn't use chakra, that's his body physic alone.] said amused.

Hiash: [How could you know?] asked doubting his classmate statement.

Masami-sensei: [He is right Ryuji-san didn't use chakra, but that is really a strong technique.]

Kushina: [That's true, this is just a breathing sword style that he created, but he just used footwork and should have got a neck chop on the pale eyed boy.]

After what Minato, Masami and kushina conversation, everyone became wide eyed, even the Anbu.

Ryu: [Yes, as Minato-san, Masami-sensei and Shina-chan said, just a footwork.]

"Even though I didn't go all out." I finished silently.

After the show of skill and some fights, some girls had stars and hearts in their eyes while looking at me. When we finish some fights, as me and Shina were about to get out, Akemi stopped in front of us and asked to come with her to meet Mito Uzumaki.

Finally a conversation with on of the most powerful Uzumakis.

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