"Every time, it's worse than the last time!"

"Wang Xiuya, you are really frustrated and crazy."

"After listening to your two concubine's provocations, it's really because you are the reincarnated son of God."

"Do you think you are a born **** in this world, capable of driving the power of this law, just like your own body?"

"Do not make jokes!"

"In this world, there is no situation that can use the power of this law to make it even better than before!"

"Oh, it only appeared once before, when the Son of God was reincarnated."

"Do you think you can?"

Lu Jiaojiao was there, mockingly.

Luo Qingtong just didn't answer her words, she was actually very faceless.

If she didn't really know her abilities were not good, she would rush down on the spot to make Luo Qingtong and the others look good!

At this moment, seeing Wang Xiuya's strenuous appearance, she laughed and laughed there.

And Luo Qingtong glanced at her and asked, "Someone has done it before?"

She is more concerned about this.

Lu Jiaojiao straightened his chest.

"of course."

"In the past, His Highness the Son of God and Master Tianzu could do it."

"However, Lord Tianzu is the incarnation of the Tao of Heaven, and the spokesperson of the Tao of Heaven in the world."

"He can do it, that's normal."

"And His Royal Highness, it's because of inheriting the power of Heaven."

"God of all things obeys his orders."

"He can do it naturally."

"Then where is your son of God, where is it now?"

Luo Qingtong's complexion was faint.

She is more concerned about this.

After hearing her words, Lu Jiaojiao sneered.

"What does it matter to you?"

"What's more, no one knows where His Royal Highness is."

"This is a secret only known to the top."

"Moreover, in every life, His Highness the Son of God will be reincarnated."

"Will you not know this?"

Her eyes looked suspiciously at Luo Qingtong and Feng Jun.

"You two, don't you want to inquire about all this for Wang Xiuya?"

"Hmph, she thinks she is a shabby resident, she should also know that this matter has nothing to do with her, right?"

"I still want to ask you two."

"You two concubines, you really are doing poorly!"

Lu Jiaojiao thought it was Wang Xiuya who wanted to know the news about the son of God, so Luo Qingtong and others came to inquire.

Now that I heard this, I was immediately contemptuous.

Luo Qingtong didn't bother to pay attention to her.

God child, will it be Ye Qiansong?

It should be him!

Son of God, will be reincarnated in every life?

Before that, was Ye Qianrong?

He is still the same as before, but his memories of enlightenment are different in each life.

And the so-called body of Tianmai is actually the body of the reincarnation of the son of God?

But if this is the case, why would Dao kill him that day?

"His Royal Highness, inherited the power of Heaven"...

It seems that this matter must start from here.

Luo Qingtong thought secretly in her heart.

And when she was thinking about it in her heart, Wang Xiuya on the other side had already begun to use secret methods.


A three-foot-long flame suddenly ignited in her body, which seemed to be a sign of urging.

Then, with a bang, Wang Xiuya's body suddenly burst into a huge storm.

In an instant, the huge phoenix phantom above her head also rushed forward a few more steps.


The phoenix phantom above Wang Xiuya's head suddenly came to a distance of four feet.

At this moment, Flame Flower was also ready to take action.


I like the Supreme Pupilist: Miss Peerless, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) Supreme Pupilist: The literature of Miss Peerless is the fastest to update.

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