He actually wanted to say, is Elder Tan the undercover agent on his side? !

Played with him on purpose? !

But whose undercover is the boss!

Oh, the other party is still his enemy, and there is absolutely no chance to shake hands.

In this way, Tan Long was definitely kicked in the head by the donkey!

Elder Secretary wanted to grab Elder Tan's shoulder, shook him twice, and yelled at him: "You are sober!"

"You are now talking to my people about going to the shrine for arbitration!"

"Don't you think there is something wrong?!"

"You are a good messenger of the Sect Master!"

"If you don't do your job now, what are you going to do with me?!"

Compared with Luo Qingtong's boldness, Elder Si was even more shocked that Elder Tan had promised so simply!

This is so outrageous!

To play? !

Do you remember what you are here for? !

And when Elder Secretary was shocked and unbelievable, in Elder Tan's heart on the other side, it was as cool and comfortable as drinking twelve bowls of ice water in the summer!

That's the look, happy!

Si Kou, just enjoy all this!

Fight with me!

Elder Tan's heart was refreshed, and the idea of ​​"playing" with Luo Qingtong became clearer.

He must put Luo Qingtong and the others, oh no, Si Kou and the others, play it alive!

Thinking that he was winning, Elder Tan actually didn't want to kill Elder Secretary and the others so quickly.

If it weren't for this bad old man to play with him, he would rather die than surrender, he wouldn't be so irritated and want to kill this guy.

But thinking about it this way, I almost fell into this bad old man's aggressive method!

The other party is really awesome!

Deliberately let him kill him quickly, so I deliberately angered him.

If it hadn't been for Tan Ming's bad game, maybe he would have killed him in this meeting.

Isn’t that a lot less fun?

Elder Tan thought so, and his heart became more comfortable.

He didn't talk to the elders and the others any more, and immediately went to let people ask the shrine for arbitration.

Seeing that Elder Tan and others were so positive, they had to ask people to sue themselves...

Oh, they have already done this!

The complexion of the elder secretary was quite dazed.

I always feel that the plot is wrong, did he get into something indiscriminately.

Qin Long, he drank the wrong medicine, right?

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but immediately spoke to a pro-talker next to him: "You pinch me fiercely!"

Before he could finish his words, the cronie had already pinched himself fiercely, and then yelled, "Elder!"

"It's true, it's not a dream!"

Elder Secretary: "..."

Damn, just such a messenger, you are ahead!

Thinking that his mind is not as fast as the people around him, there is a burst of depression in the heart of the elder.

In this cloud and mist, Luo Qingtong, Elder Si and others, as well as Feng Jun, and Elder Tan, all stood in the main hall of the Shrine's Chamber.

Until they entered inside, Feng Jun and others were still in a trance.

It's impossible not to be in a trance!

How did fog grass become like this? !

Brother Tan, what did he say? !

In Feng Jun's mind, he respectfully called Luo Qingtong "Brother Tan".

It's like calling Luo Qingtong "Tong Sister" before!

That's simply awe-inspiring title!

There is no way not to be in awe!

It's so outrageous!

Feng Jun originally thought about how Luo Qingtong would deal with people in the same line as Elder Tan after he came to Xuantian Temple.

How can we rescue the elders and others with our own efforts!

The most important thing is how to revitalize all of these bureaus!

Where did you think that things would develop to where they are now? !

Fuck, it's a big trouble!

I like the Supreme Pupilist: Miss Peerless, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) Supreme Pupilist: The literature of Miss Peerless is the fastest to update.

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