However, no matter how Feng Jun shouted in his heart, things could not develop as he thought in his heart.

Because Fuling and the others did not come at all.

Above the lobby, Luo Qingtong's eyes condensed slightly, and then he said to the elder secretary: "Elder, no matter what happens later, do you believe me?"

Luo Qingtong's words were uttered, and the elder Secretary looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Believe."

In Elder Secretary's heart, he was actually thinking that if Luo Qingtong appeared, it was actually a design by someone with ulterior motives.

For example, Qin Long and others, in this way, he even fell into the pit.

However, after thinking about it, he still believed in Luo Qingtong.

Not only because Min Leng and others did not appear here.

It was Luo Qingtong's appearance and discovery, which was entirely his own whim.

He dare to say that no one would know that he would reuse Tan Ming.

And can still believe him so.

Therefore, he believed that Luo Qingtong did not lie to him.

She was sure that she was on his side.

After hearing the words of Elder Secretary, Luo Qingtong's eyes narrowed slightly, and then with a smile in his eyes, he secretly transmitted the voice to Elder Secretary: "Rumeng, they are fine."

"Now, the entire Tianque Secret Realm is under our control."

"Elder, this time, we will win."

"Elder Tan is in the same line, there is no chance!"

"I said!"

This is what Luo Qingtong said, and then, with unparalleled domineering and coldness in his eyes, he swept over the people around the scene, and said in a deep voice to Elder Secretary: "But here, there are people in the same line as Elder Tan. Collusion!"

This is what Luo Qingtong said, and then he held down the body that the elder Si was about to get up when he heard the words, firmly pressed him on the seat, and said in a deep voice: "Elder."

"Don't act rashly."

She easily put the elder secretary on the chair,

The latter's eyes condensed slightly, and she did not expect that she should have such strength.

And Luo Qingtong's voice was slightly deep, and he continued to send his own voice into the mind of the elder Secretary:

"It is difficult for me to understand the things in the secret realm of Tianque."

"But, elder, you only need to know a little."

"The people of Elder Tan's line have a big conspiracy, and we have now cracked it."

"Whether it is me or Rumeng them, they have all got huge benefits."

"These things, this will not be able to get this."

"But, don't interfere with the next thing!"

"All my gestures are from you."

"do you understand?"

The elder Secretary's complexion was with a faint, quiet smile, but the expression in his eyes was extremely condensed.

He looked at Luo Qingtong, and he understood the meaning of the other party's words.

Luo Qingtong meant that she would act for him in full power later.

And all her next words and actions are to deal with Elder Tan's line and the people behind him.

So, what kind of person and backing made Tan Ming not hesitate to convene a shrine arbitration committee to make a decision?

Moreover, in the Secret Realm of Tianque, since they have won a big victory, Si Rumeng and others, why haven't they come back?

Can’t come back, or can’t come back?

Haven't come back yet?

The elder Secretary thought of this, and then, in his heart, there was a guess.

Obviously, the people Luo Qingtong was referring to are here!

And, it's in this shrine arbitration meeting.

I like the Supreme Pupilist: Miss Peerless, please collect it: ( Supreme Pupilist: The literature of Miss Peerless is the fastest to update.

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