Supreme Pupillary Master: Peerless Eldest Miss

Chapter 6678: Reverse slander, the tea smell of Hitomi's tea!


When Luo Qingtong's words were uttered, in an instant, a man standing not far from the arbitrator's seat screamed coldly.

Obviously, they are the spokespersons of these arbiters in the Xuantian Temple.

At this moment, the man, looking at Luo Qingtong's gaze, said in disgust: "You people, you are simply turning black and white."

"Elder Tan and others do harm to the shrine."

"How can it be said that the persecution is slandering you?"

"Si Kou and others, in the Secret Realm of Tianque, colluded with the Jiyuan Beast in an attempt to destroy our actions in the Xuantian Divine Palace."

"It's Elder Tan and others, trying to turn the tide!"

"At this time, how can you talk about it!"

Following his words, Luo Qingtong's eyes narrowed slightly.

Send Yuan Beast?

Is the full name of those Yuan Beasts?

And what are these people's actions to destroy the Xuantian Divine Palace?

Luo Qingtong's eyes narrowed slightly.

I quickly figured it out.

Elder Tan and others are going to count them all in the general ledger.

So deliberately slandering them and the elders of the secretary's line is to beat them to death, right?

No wonder he dared to call the shrine for arbitration so arrogantly.

Luo Qingtong probably knew the route of Elder Tan.

The other party really has been planning for a long time, and the way to deal with the crisis is good!

So quickly, they found a way to beat the elders to death.

Moreover, she was brought in.

In this way, even if she proves that Elder Tan is wrong.

However, because they belonged to the "people who colluded with the Yuyuan beast," her testimony in court was not enough to win the trust.

So, Elder Tan wanted to use her so-called evidence to beat herself to death?

In Luo Qingtong's heart, he actually knew that Elder Tan and the others did not show their so-called evidence in their eyes.

In their opinion, she flees to delay the time for the elder Si and the others, trying to save them.

As a result, the other party simply beat them to death, and also beat all of the elder secretary's bloodline in the secret realm of Tianque.

Because the elder Secretary's line in the secret realm of Tianque must die!

Therefore, this dead end was actually directed at her!

The other party wants her to die here together!

As the price for her to help the Secretary-General's line?

I have to say that the people in Elder Tan's line are really vicious enough.

She is such a small person in the lower realm who obeys the orders of the elder, they will not let go!

Luo Qingtong thought so, and suddenly a sad and desolate look appeared in his eyes.

She looked at the place where the arbiters were, and then said in a sad voice: "Yes."

"Since the arbitrators have already convicted us."

"Then let's catch it with all hands."

"For those in the same line, what do you still seek justice for?"

"There is no chance."

"My arbitrators, this time is here to go through the motions, right?"

"Since someone has already pronounced the sentence."

"Then we will just follow the order!"

At this point, Luo Qingtong said to Elder Secretary and others: "Elder, let's get up and wait for the verdict!"

Hearing this, in an instant, the man's complexion opened slightly: "You!"

His face was flustered, and he couldn't stop looking at the figures of the arbiters.

Luo Qingtong's words are too poisonous.

What does it mean that the adults have already pronounced the verdict, and the arbitrators are just coming through the scene?

Doesn't that mean that his official power is greater than that of the arbitrators?

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