Supreme Pupillary Master: Peerless Eldest Miss

Chapter 6723: It is true love indeed!

So, is Ye Qianji also part of their plan?

Luo Qingtong's heart was cold.

The reason why Ye Qianji was reluctant to say it was because he was investigating it, right?

And, there are some things, it is very likely that there is really no way to say it.

Because someone is monitoring!

Luo Qingtong's eyes coldly looked towards the sky above.

There was a strange silence and blankness.

But Luo Qingtong knew that in the dark, there was always a pair of eyes watching.

This world is all under watch!


When Luo Qingtong and Ye Qianjie were talking in the room, the place where Lou Luo was on the other side.

"Hmph, do you really think I can't deal with the two of them!"

Lou Luo's voice hummed coldly, looking at the two people kneeling in front of him: "Are you sure?"

"Tan Ming is indeed right about this..."

When he said this, he twisted his brows slightly, and then realized that he didn't even know who the other party's name was.

However, a person from the lower realm is not worth paying attention to at all.

Moreover, the other party is still that Tan Ming's wife.

Furthermore, I heard that I was separated from Tan Ming on the way, and I found it later.

And that kid is not Tan Ming's?

The other party is so generous to help others support their children?

It's an idiot.

But in this way, the value of this Tan Ming's wife is great.

And when his words got stuck, the two people kneeling below naturally heard the meaning of his words, and then quickly said: "Yes."

"This Tan Ming's wife is indeed his true love."

"I heard that when the other party came to the door, Tan Ming didn't even think about it, so he just admitted it."

"Not only that, when entering the secret realm of Tianque, these two people are also under the care of the elders."

"Before, when he was in Xuantian Divine Palace, he had confronted Tan Long's people several times because of the other party."

"Huh, don't mention that idiot!" Lou Luo's eyes were unusually angry.

It was the idiot who made himself embarrassed in the Jingu arbitration committee.

After he went back this time, he received a lot of coercive questions.

Moreover, people in their line also inquired about him because of this.

The leader was very disappointed in him.

Thinking of this, Lou Luo wanted to get Tan Long over and have another fight in front of him!

It's so irritating!

It's simply not enough success is more than failure!

And when his words were dark, the two people who were kneeling on the ground did not dare to say anything.

Later, Lou Luo said coldly: "You are responsible for keeping an eye on these two people."

"Especially Tan Ming's wife and his wild species."

"Seeing any contact or changes between them and someone, come and report to me immediately."

"In addition, whether she and Tan Ming are in love, keep an eye on her!"

"Once there is any change in Tan Ming's side, it will result in her immediately!"

Lou Luo's eyes were cold.

Tan Ming is temporarily unable to move at this meeting.

But his wife is not an exception.

However, no one knows if this wife of Tan Ming came to show him deliberately.

Therefore, in this situation, he is willing to trust the other party.

And leaving the opponent's chess piece, in the future, in dealing with Tan Ming, there will be a little surprise.

However, if Tan Ming could not survive the following test and died by himself, then he would send the other party's wife to accompany her!

After all, whether the other party is her true love or not, as long as there is a little possibility, Ye Qianrong is very likely to be Luo Qingtong's favorite.

When that happens, he will send them down to accompany her!

And Tan Ming, there is no need to thank him then!


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