Ye Qianrong is tall, even standing next to Luo Qingtong, she is still two heads taller than Luo Qingtong.

However, although "her" is tall, but slender and charming, if you look closely, there is no Adam's apple.

Although his face was expressionless, there was light in the eyes of Luo Qingtong.

Therefore, everyone did not doubt the identity of "her".

Only Ye Qianren hummed lightly when everyone was looking at his Adam's apple, raising his hand and stroking the location of his Adam's apple.

Luo Qingtong had dressed up for him before.

Although Ye Qianrong's predecessor was exquisite and ingenious, it was different from Luo Qingtong's practice of using fakes and real ones. Under the deliberate investigation of others, I am afraid it is not easy to hide it.

And this will be changed for Luo Qingtong to get started. Not only did she help him change his Adam's apple, but the body was also inexplicably modified to be a lot slender. At first glance, there was a feminine posture.

Ye Qianjin didn't know how Luo Qingtong did it.

This woman is indeed a good hand in disguise.

Little Fox!

When he hummed coldly in his heart, Luo Qingtong on the other side also vaguely felt the emotions in his heart, and suddenly felt amused and squeezed the palm of his hand that he held with him, and then walked with Ye Qianqi. Go to the lateral position below the theme.

That is Luo Qingtong's greatest respect to the Secretary.

In this mansion, the elders should have been in the upper position, and they should be in the lower position.

Opposite her is the person sent by Lou Luo.

Seeing Luo Qingtong's arrival, the man immediately saluted Luo Qingtong and said, "Master Tan, Madam."

He bowed to Luo Qingtong.

When Luo Qingtong looked at him like this, he suddenly chuckled, and then said to Ye Qianrong: "Madam, come and entertain you!"

When she said this, she immediately sat down.

Lou Luo's messenger was a little embarrassed.

But at this time, he also knew that Luo Qingtong had resentment towards Lou Luo, otherwise he would not act like this.

Moreover, Luo Qingtong is considered to be the person on Rong Jie's side.

Under such circumstances, it is normal to treat them this way.

He didn't feel annoyed in his heart. He just looked at the place where Ye Qianrong was, nodded slightly, and said, "Madam."

"I heard the name of Madam for a long time, now I look at it, it's really amazing!"

When Luo Qingtong heard his adjective, he couldn't help covering his face with a wine glass, and smirked.

Damn, it's too much.

What is the name of a long-timed name, beautifully beautiful.

If she was Ye Qianrong, she would be **** to death.


Moreover, Ye Qianren's reputation in this Xuantian Divine Palace was completely unremarkable.

This Lou Luo's messenger can really blow.

But Ye Qianji heard her sullen laughter, especially when she felt the vibration from her holding her hand, he immediately gave a cold snort.

This woman is just careful.

Ye Qianrong knew in his heart that Luo Qingtong was retaliating against him for "threatening" her just now!

He snorted coldly, did not speak, but looked at the place where Lou Luo's messenger was.

After the smile on the other party's face became stiff, he said faintly: "Bo Liuzhi, I will worry about you without arbitration."

"However, the arbitration has caused the adults to hear my name for a long time. I don't know what name I hear? What do you want to see me?

Ye Qianri's words were uttered, and in an instant, the messenger of Lou Luo stiffened.

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