"My lord, please tell me!"

"What do you need me to do?"

When he spoke, Lou Luo's face on the other side showed an extremely mysterious look.

"I originally wanted you to look good to Tan Ming in the underworld."

"But now, I have changed my mind."

"You can't deal with her."

In Luo Qingtong's hands, there was already a secret order with the name Hu, and Lou Luo had received the news.

Therefore, it is no longer practical to let Tan Long deal with each other!

Tan Long does not yet have the ability to deal with the power holder of Hu.

But it's okay to let him deal with each other's family!

Especially, Tan Ming is still a person from the lower realms!

Lou Luo's face sneered.

He had already inquired about Tan Ming's identity before.

The opponent came up from the lower realm.

It is from the Qingquan Temple under the shrine.

It is said that in Qingquan Palace, many people have also been offended.

Only because of the shelter of the elder secretary, it was all right.

The other party was in the Qingquan Palace, but it was just a shabby kid.

What's more, it was through the great fortune of the elders that he was able to be equal to those in their holy palace.

It's a pity that after he found out Tan Ming's identity, the other party was already the real power holder of the Holy Palace...

Although the identity on the face is not like this, the other party does have control of the Qingquan Palace.

Not only that, the family that the other party is in power, and Tan Ming's people, can be regarded as wearing a pair of pants and get up together.

With the power of Tan Ming, it is possible to have today's brilliance.

The idea of ​​Qingquan Palace is impossible to fight.

After all, he is a subordinate of the Shrine. At this time, his idea of ​​clearing the Spring Palace will definitely be targeted by Rong Qi and others!

Thinking of this, Lou Luo is the most annoyed.

If it weren't for Rongqie to wait for someone to come to ten and a hundred Tan Ming, he would not take it seriously!

Tolerant and wait for someone to save the person.

Not only that, but without sufficient reason, he simply couldn't attack Luo Qingtong.

Taking a person from the lower realm to exchange all the opportunities in their line, I am afraid that it is eager to allow them.

Even if the strength and scheming of the people in this lower realm are good, that's nothing more than that!

Therefore, Lou Luo would not give Rong Qi a chance to wait for others.

He won't even let the other party notice his actions, so as not to be involved.

Therefore, Tan Long and others have become the best excuse and tool!

Thinking about this, he immediately looked at Tan Long gloomily and said: "You should know that Tan Ming and the others came up from the lower realm!"

"I want you to find out if Tan Ming has left any traces and fetters besides Qingquan Palace in the Lower Realm!"

"He's over there, what else is there to pay attention to!"

"Attention, except for Qingquan Palace!"

"Don't worry about it, under the guise of me, make trouble outside, and then be stabbed into the shrine again."

"I tell you, I can save you once, but it's impossible to save you a second time!"

"The second time you are caught, you just wait to die!"

In the end, he would never try to cover up for the other party again, but would directly kill Tan Long.

After hearing Lou Luo's words, Elder Tan fought tremblingly in his heart: "Yes!"

"My lord, please follow your orders."

In fact, Elder Tan did not dare to deal with Luo Qingtong's people in Qingquan Palace.

Otherwise, the elder secretary and others discovered that he would have no way of survival at all.

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