Originally there was only one complete body, but unexpectedly, there were so many.

The people of the demon clan will inevitably be ecstatic.

People in their clan will surely get news, and at that time, they will definitely be able to catch them all!


Father Luo spoke out, and then said to Suyu, Helianmu and others: "Just follow Xiaoxi's words!"

"However, it's impossible to use them as bait!"

"This bait is not big yet!"

"Can you release the blood of your clan?"

Father Luo looked at Helianmu and others.

The latter are from the Yaozu.

Although the people of the demon clan were of no great use to the people of the demon clan.

However, what if the blood of Helianmu and others are mixed with the blood of people on their side?

Even if it is an illusion, it can temporarily confuse the people of the demonic clan.

When the time comes, I am not afraid that the other party will not rush over!

They can catch it all in one go!

After hearing Father Luo's words, the eyes of Helianmu, Suyu and others suddenly opened slightly.

They looked at the old man Luo, they already understood what he meant.

What he meant was to artificially create a group of people comparable to the Sea Emperor Dragon Court!

In this way, it meets the requirements of the people who refining monsters, and the latter and others are bound to be ecstatic.

And on their side, with so many forces and families, the other party will certainly not give up.

At that time, people will inevitably be called.

They just waited to catch each other out!

"Just do what the old man said!"

He Lianmu made a final word.

And when their words sounded, Suyu didn't have any opinions.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and said to Old Man Luo and the others: "Then our army, don't leave the surroundings of Luming Domain."

"Otherwise it will make the other party think that there is a fraud on our side."

Suyu and Old Man Luo are both figures who have commanded the soldiers for many years, and they soon knew what to do, and this scene was true.

Soldiers must be encircled.

Moreover, it must be very real!

Therefore, the Luming domain must be sealed off.

On their side, they pretended that they couldn't accept the conditions of Luming Domain, but they had to go there to save people.

In this way, the people of Lumingyu will be very proud of it.

And, they think they have a chance to win.

And when he was waiting for someone to surround them, the latter and others would certainly be able to "accidentally" see the number of half-human, half-demonic bodies on their side.

At that time, they will inevitably be unable to hold back and give themselves and others a carbine-like counterattack.

At that time, oneself and others will be able to sit back and watch the other party slowly fall into the trap of oneself and others!

Suyu thought so, and immediately looked at Old Man Luo, who also nodded without hesitation: "Okay, just do what you said."

"Prepare with both hands."

"Enclose Lumingyu over there."

"But those who come back must let go."

As for what to let go.

Naturally, let go of blocking those who come back.

Those who were recalled from the demons refining clan!


When Mr. Luo was discussing with Su Yu and the others, he was in the residence of the demonic clan on the other side.

In the mansion,

A group of people were sitting on the lobby, boasting to a man who was waiting for him and said: "Commander, when this event is over, we will definitely be able to get a great reward."

"Haha, who would have thought that in this remote place, someone with such a perfect bloodline of the monster race could be found."

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