Supreme Satyr

Chapter 104

It was nightmarish, but she was no longer afraid. No matter how old a woman is, she has a certain degree of maternal feelings. Seeing a demon like man sad like a child, dai'er couldn't help but have a flood of maternal feelings in her heart. Now she just wanted to hold yunmenglong in her arms, comfort his sadness, give him warmth and give him hope.

But yunmenglong ran away and disappeared like smoke. Dai dai'er shouted, "brother, where are you going?"

Yunmenglong just wanted to find his relatives and lovers. He knew he couldn't find them, but he kept looking. Like a child looking for his favorite toy. He didn't care about the strangers here. He ran aimlessly everywhere, emitting grief and true Qi in his heart. Energy gathered all over every cell of the body, yunmenglong erupted from time to time, and the tall trees around turned into fly ash. Thanks to Professor Dai Ming, who built the villa on the floating Shadow Mountain, there are few people around, except trees and stones. Otherwise, there are certainly not a few people buried with yunmenglong because of his madness. Isn't that amazing to the whole world?

Su Qingyao, they are all dead. Yunmenglong is the only one living in this strange world. He could imagine how grieved his relatives and lovers would be after he died under the magic snow peak. He didn't know what they were like.

I don't know how long or how far I ran. In fact, he just walked around the mountain and didn't run far. He was finally tired.

If someone else had suffered such bereavement, he would have bought a rope to connect his neck to a tree, and then went to play mahjong with the king of hell. But fortunately, he is yunmenglong, a unique adulterer who doesn't know what sadness is.

Yunmenglong thought, "this unique gaffe is really humiliating. Thanks to no one who knows him. It's not easy to live after dying for nearly a thousand years. How can you commit suicide. Since the reality is so, let's face it. I'm a genius. I can't erase this fact anywhere."

So he learned from a very awesome bald man of a certain era who shouted with his fingers and hands: "the world and the earth are only self-respect!"

Yunmenglong calmed down. The beautiful woman just now was really good. The water is smart. The white rabbit is really cocky. If you can touch it... Hehe, by the way, it seems that you don't know her. When the dirty thoughts in yunmenglong's heart were emerging one after another, he heard the faint gasp of infinite desire and the helpless and desperate cry for help.

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