Supreme Satyr

Chapter 109

"Hey, put me down," said Ling Xueqi.

"You are such a rude child. I saved you. You call me hello. My name is yunmenglong. It's no big or small." yunmenglong complained.

"Cut, you didn't save me for money and my body. Don't call me a child. I'm 23 years old. Are you big? You can't see much except that your hair is white." Ling Xueqi said.

Yun Menglong thought sadly, "for money? I don't know what money is like now. I like silver very much. Well, this girl seems to be very rich."

"Are you rich?" yunmenglong asked first and then decided how much to extort.

Ling Xueqi said proudly, "that's how much I can give you as long as you don't touch my body."

Yunmenglong said, "I'm stupid not to touch your body." but he said, "that's nature. Although I'm not a gentleman, I'm not a mean person. As long as the girl can meet my money desire, I'll naturally keep the girl intact." who's yunmenglong? It's normal and quite normal. It's not normal for him to say nothing.

Heibei "hummed" twice to express his dissatisfaction and doubt about this remark. Yunmenglong stared at it and thought, I'll sacrifice you to my five zang organs Temple later. I see how much you have to do. Heibei lowered his head and dared not speak again.

Ling Xueqi didn't know whether she was reminded by the dog or realized it. She suddenly felt that this person was definitely uneasy and kind-hearted under his sincere appearance. So she changed the topic and said, "how can you fly? Are you a monster?"

Yunmeng longban said seriously, "yes, I'm a monster, and I'm also a monster who specializes in eating beautiful women. Are you afraid?"

Ling Xueqi looked at yunmenglong's serious appearance and suddenly "puffed" said with a smile: "I don't believe it. You must be able to do magic. It's not true, because the lightness skills in martial arts novels consume a lot of internal power. It's impossible to hold me like you and talk freely. When you talk with lightness skills, your true Qi will leak out."

Yunmenglong was stunned: "yes, why didn't he find it? He fainted with joy when he saw the beautiful woman and the big black dog. He didn't find these problems when he woke up. Now he can really fly like a bird, and silk doesn't take any effort, as if he is the air. Isn't this the" sleep "of Buddhism?"

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