Supreme Satyr

Chapter 114

Professor Dai Ming said, "it's a long story. I'll talk to you later."

Mrs. Dai said fiercely, "you still hide a man behind my back. If you dare to hide a woman behind my back, I'll castrate you."

Professor Dai Ming only sweats in a cold sweat. He was just as gentle as water. Now he is like a tigress. Women are really fickle. He said with a dry smile, "I dare not give me another hundred courage."

Mrs. Dai said, "if you have one hundred and one courage, you dare, don't you?"

Professor Dai Ming said, "OK, wife, there's something urgent now. Don't pick words." then Professor Dai Ming quickly walked out of the door.

Mrs. Dai said, "I'm afraid to come back early." she thought to herself that she had to lock the door next time and let her daughter see such a thing. She didn't know how to explain to her daughter this time.

Professor Dai Ming answered outside the door, and then hurried away with his daughter.

They have been looking for more than an hour, but there is still no trace of yunmenglong. In fact, they don't understand yunmenglong's ability. They just look around. They didn't expect yunmenglong to run so fast. Dai'er shouted at her brother's brother as she walked. Her voice was burning and painful for more than an hour, but she still kept calling her brother, but her voice was hoarse and crying.

Yunmenglong flew for a long time and finally flew in the right direction. Vaguely, he heard someone call his brother. He suddenly thought of the innocent but beautiful little girl. Don't call me, yunmenglong thought. Anyway, go and have a look first. Yunmenglong made up his mind and flew towards the sound source.

Seeing the little girl from a distance, yunmenglong was very happy and thought he had finally found it. If you find a monk, you're afraid you can't find the temple.

Yunmenglong suddenly found that the anxious expression on the little girl's face was very sincere, just like losing her favorite toy. Yunmenglong's heart is warm. She may not be unaccompanied. At least she is the one who really cares about herself. Eh? When did my eyes work so well, at least 70-80 feet away? How come every soft line on her face, every flutter of eyelashes and every fluctuation of nose wing are so clear, just like in front of her eyes. Do you become a clairvoyant, so it's safer to peep, ha ha.

This dirty man really has no choice. It's called hooligans can't change their shamelessness. It's better to let the pig go up the tree than to noble his mind.

The cloud dream dragon was happy and flew away. He shouted at Dai dai'er, "girl, are you looking for me?"

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