Supreme Satyr

Chapter 116

Yunmeng dragon was so happy that it was better to hold two beauties than one person and one dog. He threw away the big black dog and said to the big black dog, "don't run. I'll catch you if you run. You'll die worse." then he stretched out his hand and said to Dai Dai dai'er, "come on."

Dai dai'er has long wanted Yun Menglong to hold her. She has had this dream for ten years. The dream came true, and she was restrained. Although Dai Ming was stunned like a fool and coughed twice to see her daughter rush into the arms of the old monster, Dai Dai Er rushed into the arms of yunmenglong. Dai dai'er, who jumped into Yunmeng dragon's arms, was obsessed. This embrace was like the warmest and safest harbor. If only he could keep his brother holding it all the time. Just as no one else was intoxicated, I heard a "shameless!"

Ling Xueqi is not happy to see yunmenglong holding dai'er. Why not? You think, even if she doesn't like yunmenglong, will a woman let the man holding her hold another woman. Ling Xueqi is also a person of noble birth. She usually calls the wind and rain. How can she tolerate this kind of anger? She pinched yunmenglong's neck, but unexpectedly yunmenglong didn't respond at all. She thought: "this man must be a monster with rough skin and thick meat."

Yunmenglong doesn't know that his body protection energy has been spiritual. It will consciously protect yunmenglong from harm. Ling Xueqi can't speak against yunmenglong holding dai'er. She's not his person. Speaking of it, yunmenglong is still her life-saving benefactor. So although she was unhappy, she couldn't just watch Dai dai'er throw into yunmenglong's arms like a happy Skylark. She uttered a shameless remark as soon as she was angry.

Dai dai'er was wronged by this. Her tears were dizzy in her eyes, but she stubbornly didn't let them overflow. No one scolded her for being shameless. She pursed her lips and stared at Ling Xueqi: "who do you say is shameless, old woman?"

Ling Xueqi almost blew up: "old woman, who do you say is old woman? Dead girl, I said you're shameless. You took the initiative to let a man hold you. It's shameless."

Dai dai'er was also very angry, but she didn't admit defeat. She began to fight back: "she is my brother. Isn't it normal for me to let him hold me? It's you. An shameless Fox Spirit who jumped out of nowhere, holding a strange man with untidy clothes, bah!"

Ling Xueqi opened her eyes and said angrily, "you..."

Dai dai'er raised her head: "hum!"

Ling Xueqi suddenly smiled and smiled vaguely: "ask your brother who made my clothes like this."

Yunmenglong was looking at two beauties who were both angry and happy to fight for the wind for him. As a result, Ling Xueqi pulled him in.

Dai dai'er raised her head and asked yunmenglong, "brother, did you take it off?"

Yunmenglong wanted to strangle Ling Xueqi. He smiled and said, "of course not me. Am I such a person?"

Dai dai'er nodded seriously and said, "I believe my brother is not such a person."

Ling Xueqi's tears fell like a broken pearl: "Oh, you heartless smelly man, I gave you my body. Why don't you admit it? I'm not alive." Ling Xueqi is the head of the drama troupe in the University. Her acting skills are at the back of the film. Of course, it's lifelike and extraordinary, but she underestimated Dai Daier's love and worship of yunmenglong, Also underestimated yunmenglong.

Dai dai'er looked at Ling Xueqi's performance. Although she was shaken, she insisted, "I believe my brother is not such a person."

Yunmenglong laughed: "good girl, I'm not going to have sex with you today. I'm sorry for what you said."

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