Supreme Satyr

Chapter 124

"This city is called Yunhai city. It is one of the largest coastal cities in China. Because of its superior geographical location, its import and export trade is very developed. It is called Yunhai city because of the high mountains directly into the cloud wall and the endless sea. Yunhai city is a special city. It has the largest gangs and the strongest army. It is mixed with dragons and snakes, three religions and nine streams, smuggling, drug trafficking and gambling There is no shortage of prostitutes. The army doesn't take care of these things unless things go too far or directly touch their interests. There is a tacit understanding between the gangs and the army. Generally, there will be no conflict. Because there are too many attractive things here and money is easy to earn, people like this city. This city is called "the city of desire" Also known as the "dark city" Basically speaking, it's a paradise for the rich and a hell for the poor. But for you, I think it's the best place. You should be as relaxed as a dragon swimming in the sea. It's not a troubled time, but it's a chaotic city. That's enough. This is a legal society, but breaking the law here is as simple as eating, so as long as you don't kill People, or kill people with status, will be fine. Of course, the premise is that you have status and strength. Strength is not a person. Those who really have strength don't need to do it themselves. Just one word, the mountains will be razed. I believe in your own strength, sir. But is it so tired for you to run around every day to do anything? " Professor Dai Ming said.

Yunmenglong agreed: "yes, I'm lazy and don't like so many things. Besides, I'm old and don't have the passion and adventurous spirit of young people. How do you think I should improve my strength?"

Dai Ming only said three words "Ling Xueqi". Then they smiled at each other. The smile was unspeakable, but it was very insidious. Ling Xueqi, who was taking a bath, suddenly felt cold and shivering. She didn't know that she was about to be used as a road to success.

Dai Ming said: "Ling aopeng is not a simple character. His father once fought against little Japan and made great achievements in the war. He also has a set of skills. He has the style of a great general, has extraordinary momentum and is the God of the army. It is said that the army has a special attack team of 300 people, which is superior in strength and is Ling aopeng's secret weapon. Generally, they do the tasks of assassination and bodyguard. If you do so If you can hold the special attack team in the palm of your hand, you can run around the world. "

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