Supreme Satyr

Chapter 128

As a result, the two people's expressions are very unified, both of which are standard Coyote expressions. Dale stamped her feet angrily and upset the vinegar jar in her heart. Mrs. Dai gave a heavy "hum" and whispered, "men don't have a good thing!" while she was angry with her husband, she was also a little jealous of Ling Xueqi. Although she was also a great beauty, she still couldn't compare with Ling Xueqi, a young and beautiful girl. Dai Ming quickly took back his eyes. Although he didn't give up, the tigers were angry. He didn't dare to continue to pay attention. Yunmenglong is not afraid, so he keeps staring, always staring. Ling Xueqi saw yunmenglong's Coyote expression, her face flushed, but her heart was sweet. She quickly covered up and said, "Oh, such a rich meal, I'm so hungry." then she came and sat opposite yunmenglong. Yunmenglong Gulu swallowed his saliva and took back his eyes with difficulty. The beauty after bathing is really beautiful. That kind of temptation can make any man crazy. Moreover, Yun Menglong is a rogue who hasn't touched a woman for more than 900 years.

There are many dishes on the table. There are more than 20 dishes. They are beautiful in color and flavor, which makes yunmenglong and Ling Xueqi move their fingers. Ling Xueqi still tries to maintain the image of a lady and eats in small bites. Although she has been hungry for two days, she can't lose her image in order to eat. For beautiful women, image is very important. Cloud dream dragon is regardless of image. Of course, there is no image to speak of. Dai's family basically eat casually with them. Mrs. Dai looked at yunmenglong's food. Dai Ming smiled and explained: "Menglong has a sweet disposition, ha ha." Dai Er looked at yunmenglong distressingly: "slow down, don't swallow!"

A table of dishes was almost finished by yunmenglong, and the food of others could be ignored. Although Mrs. Dai was amazed, she still smiled happily on her face. She said, "Sir looks really hungry. Wait a minute. I'll ask the cook to make some more for him."

Yunmenglong was full. He ate so much because he was really hungry. Second, he ate more modern food for the first time. He bowed very gentlemanly and said, "thank you for your kind hospitality. Menglong is full."

Mrs. Dai said politely, and then asked Ling Xueqi, "how's Miss Ling? If you're hungry, I'll ask the cook to cook some more."

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