Supreme Satyr

Chapter 134

Yunmenglong said, "I told you your charm was too great. Now I'm burned. What do you say?" well, obviously I'm a hooligan. Now it's someone else's fault.

Ling Xueqi said, "as long as you don't... No, I promise you everything. Don't you want money? I can meet you as much as you want?"

Yunmenglong asked casually, "what does your father do? Is your family so rich?"

Ling Xueqi thought of it and said proudly, "my father is a commander with millions of soldiers. Do you say my family has money?"

Yun Menglong had already learned from Professor Dai Ming about the so-called commander. He pretended to think and said, "I don't want money. I want to be an official. How about it?"

Ling Xueqi was shocked: "being an official? How can I do this? I have no right to decide this?"

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "that's OK, I have to go on." he said and caught Ling Xueqi's fat white rabbit again.

Ling Xueqi said "ah" and hurriedly said, "OK, no problem. I will let daddy meet your requirements. I really don't know what's good about being an official?"

Yunmenglong stopped his big hand. Ling Xueqi was a little lost: "do I like to be touched by him? Inexplicably, how can I do this?"

Yunmenglong pulled the quilt over Ling Xueqi, stroked her hair and said softly, "sleep for a while, are you tired?" then he got up and sat down on the sofa. Yunmenglong was very fond of this bed. He lived a thousand years and felt such a beautiful big bed for the first time. How much perseverance it takes to leave.

Ling Xueqi was stunned. Is that ok? Can't you compare your physical charm with that of a position? it ticks me off! She was a rascal in her heart and scolded the ugly egg.

Woman, really, if you want to cheat on her, she won't. If you let her go because of other things, she won't be happy. Or Confucius said that only women and villains are difficult to raise.

In fact, Ling Xueqi doesn't necessarily want to go to bed with yunmenglong, but she always thinks it's rash to go to bed with a girl and a man who hasn't known for four hours. She has been guarding herself for so many years. How can she explain herself like this? He was also worried that yunmenglong would not dump her or belittle her in the future because he thought of her. This is not the result she is willing to see, so although she is willing to do everything in her heart, she will only say that my family is unwilling.

Ling Xueqi tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. The scene of making out with yunmenglong was repeated in her mind again and again. The wonderful feeling of eating bones made her blush. Thinking of these, she could not help blaming yunmenglong for her incomprehensible amorous feelings and hating herself.

Also more unable to sleep is Dai Daier. She has been paying attention to the movement next door. Unfortunately, the sound insulation effect of the wall is so good that she can't hear a sound at all. She couldn't stand it. She wanted to rush into their room to find out. What lingered in her mind was a sentence: "what are brother long and Ling Xueqi doing?" the answer to this sentence was that she would never know. This question was like a cat itching in her heart, which made her miserable. Her heart was in a mess of acid, and her tears poured down like running water, wetting her pillow towel and the darkest moment before dawn.

It's finally dawn.

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