Supreme Satyr

Chapter 161

Then there are the eight meridians. Finally, different gases of the whole body, either hot and cold or warm or cold, gather together in Dantian, rotate at a high speed, and gradually have a trend of integration. Yunmenglong's whole body is hot and cold, and is teased desperately by ice and fire. I haven't felt pain for a long time. This time, he was very arbitrary and happy. He gritted his teeth and endured it. In fact, what he wanted to shout was afraid to attract the wolf. Finally, those gases crystallized, turned into a five-color crystal stone and sank in the Dantian, but what makes people depressed is that it feels like a stone, heavy and flustered. In fact, this is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that the dragon of yunmenglong has grown up again and knows the beauty and ugliness. It is no longer the black virtue, but the noble gold. Shit, what's going on. Yunmenglong absorbed the energy and found that he was more happy for a while. He looked down and thought after seeing a very arrogant little brother with golden light.

This is the Taiji Heart Sutra. Limitless generates Taiji, Taiji generates Liangyi, Liangyi generates Sixiang, and Sixiang generates Bagua. There is nothing, there is one, there is two, there is three, and there are all things. Different paths lead to the same goal, but also a cycle of endless life.

Yunmenglong was afraid that his little brother would let Dai dai'er see it. He put on his underwear and went to sleep. Although he felt reborn, he was still a little tired.

I don't know how long later, in a trance, I heard someone shouting, "dai'er, dai'er, where are you?" the voice was full of anxiety and anxiety. It was Mrs. Dai.

Yunmenglong pushed Dai dai'er beside him and said vaguely, "your mother called you?"

Dai dai'er forgot that she came to an old man's room in the middle of the night and thought she was still in her boudoir. The key was that she was too tired and stupid last night, so she replied casually: "don't shout Mommy, I'm here, and I won't let people sleep. People......" speaking of this, Dai Dai Dai was stunned, sweating cold, sleepy. When she saw the situation wrong, "whoosh" He ran away and did his work.

"Bang!" the door opened. At the door stood Mrs. Dai, who couldn't believe it. Behind Mrs. Dai was Professor Dai Ming with a helpless face.

Several people stared at each other, but no one spoke. Everyone's mind is different. At this time, Mrs. Dai is almost angry and almost lost her mind. If she hadn't seen yunmenglong's terrorist strength and know his details, she would have been angry this time, but she's afraid that she won't have a chance to be angry again after this rage. This kind of terrorist figure can't be provoked by money and power. She is dissatisfied with yunmenglong, But there are a million points for my daughter. It seems that my daughter delivered it to the door. If I were yunmenglong, I wouldn't let go.

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