Supreme Satyr

Chapter 164

During dinner, dai'er was always uneasy. She showed her eyes and secretly looked at Mrs. Dai for a while and yunmenglong for a while, but she didn't look at her father. In her heart, Lao Tzu is the most supportive and painful person. He poked a hole in the sky. Dai Ming would only say: it's good, but it's not big enough, and then help to expand the hole. Mrs. Dai's dead father's expression combined with the expression that someone owes her hundreds of millions of dollars. It's a wonderful thing, but in Yunmeng longan, it's terrible in dai'er's eyes. She can almost foresee the coming storm. This storm is not yunmenglong and her storm. There is an essential difference between them. Yunmenglong ate like nobody else. He was very devoted, enthusiastic and satisfied. Wearing dai'er's silver teeth angrily, she really wanted to kill her enemy. She thought.

Dai dai'er hoped that the meal would never be finished, but after all, she finished it and drew a pause after yunmenglong belched loudly.

Several people sat in their seats without moving, and everyone began to be silent again. Yun Menglong hated silence most, so he looked at the doorman and looked at his watch (the rascal was not easy. After Dai Daier taught for more than four hours, he finally learned to look at his watch). He pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh, why doesn't Ling Xueqi pick me up? It's almost eight o'clock. It's not good to be late on the first day of office. Dai'er can take me." he said without looking at dai'er, But he threw his eyes at Daming and the light flashed inside. Dai Ming immediately said, "well, it seems that this is the only way. I'll make a report later. I can't send it to Menglong." "no..." Mrs. Dai's words were cut off by the continuous cold light in Yunmeng's longan and his words: "why not? Does Mrs. Dai want to send me?" yunmenglong said with an obscene smile. It was like salivating for Mrs. Dai for a long time, After a cold war, Mrs. Dai remembered that the driver asked for leave to go back to her hometown and stopped talking.

Dai dai'er saw that mommy didn't speak any more. She whispered Viva, got up and said "goodbye daddy and mommy", and then flew out like a lark holding yunmenglong's arm tightly.

On the highway, yunmenglong still has a headache sitting in Ferrari. He is really poor and can't afford happiness.

"Brother, didn't sister Ling come to pick you up? Why didn't she come?" dai'er asked.

Yunmenglong smiled: "mountain people have their own tricks."

"Say it, say it," said the little girl.

Yunmenglong's bones were crisp. He thought that the purer the little girl was, the more powerful she was. He touched something and said: Look!

Dai'er looked: mobile phone.

"Yes, I sent Qiqi a text message so that she didn't have to pick me up. She just wanted to sleep in, so it's done." the science and technology in this era is really developed, which is called the Dongdong of mobile phone. Thanks to Guan Daiming, I asked for one and let me learn to use it for a long time. However, it's worth it! These words were pondered by yunmenglong.

Dai dai'er left her mouth: "cut, send a text message, what's beautiful, but also Qiqi." women are jealous, but it's natural. No matter how generous a woman is, she will be jealous.

Yunmenglong was about to speak when the phone rang. Yunmenglong didn't react for a moment. After listening to the bell for a while, he didn't seem to stop.

Yunmenglong asked, "what is this?"

Dai'er fainted: "your phone, big brother."

Yunmenglong suddenly said, "Oh, I said how can this sound so familiar." then he answered the phone: "Hello!"

"Brother Menglong, when will you arrive? Qiqi misses you so much." Ling Xueqi's sweet voice came through her mobile phone.

This made Dai dai'er angry. It was time to turn the corner. She turned the steering wheel fiercely.

"Ouch!" yunmenglong screamed. Dai Er almost let yunmenglong fly out of the car.

"What's the matter?" an anxious voice came from the mobile phone.

Yunmenglong looked at Dai dai'er with a wry smile and said, "it's okay, it's okay, come right away."

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